book, fellow craft book, masonic education

Fellow of the Craft, the book

This was written as a second attempt at approaching how to introduce the new book Fellow of the Craft – a Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry.


fellowcraft, masonic, second degree, masonic

Fellow of the Craft – a Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry

The challenge has been in how to reveal something that is and should be already apparent and known. That is not meant as flippant or assuming. To the contrary, it is to express a sentiment we are each taught from the very earliest of days in our Masonic upbringing, that our progress is measured and celebrated in what we learn and how we grow from those lessons. That is the heart of what it means to be passed as a Fellow of the Craft.

That craft is the intangibility behind the scenes of doing Freemasonry. It’s in the catechism, the lessons of association and the mechanism by which good men become better. The intangibility comes in the day-to-day lessons of knowledge we gain and its byproduct of wisdom. Certainly, it has been written and codified in a myriad of teachings esoteric and exoteric, hidden in plain sight and cloaked in unintelligible symbols the meaning of which we devote lives to the study of.

So then, the becoming of a fellow is the degree of passing, the movement through time and space such that its transit is imperceptible and shapes our moral vantage point.

The importance of it all is in how we go about that transit. This is the heart of BECOMING – the path of time and space along the curve of the compass turn. In a more esoteric sense, it is the replication of the first which makes two – the same unit in its polar opposite, the Janus head or the opposite side of the same coin.

This understanding may seem unimportant, but that is not the case. It is as important as becoming the reflected image in the mirror who stares back in contemplation as one gazes into their soul. It is you, the same but no longer the Apprentice. It is as a fellow amongst many on that journey.

So would have begun the Fellow of the Craft. What was that alternate path? You can find that answer and more in the release of the new book Fellow of the Craft – a Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry.

Fellow of the Craft is out now and available on Amazon in traditional hardbound and Kindle ebook format. Also available, The Apprentice – a Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry.

What Type of Leader Are You

The Beehive has published the annual Allocution of R. Lucille Samuel, Grand Princess Captain, Lone Star Grand Guild, Most Worshipful Prince Hall

Lone Star Grand Guild Emblem

Lone Star Grand Guild Emblem

Grand Lodge of Texas for the last two years. Here is the latest 2016 Allocution delivered by Grand Princess Captain Samuel at her Grand Session this year.

Many leaders would be content to address their organization with platitudes and encouragement overlooking any areas of contention and needed improvement. There are many who care more about retaining power and not rocking the boat so as to make as few enemies as possible. In the process they don’t really lead, they follow the crowd.

Princess Captain Samuel is not one of those weak-kneed Sisters. She lets it all hang out and lets the chips fall where they may. The true leader leads and that’s what Samuel does. She is not afraid to point out the shortcomings of her group nor does she fear any blowback that she will get.

Which is why we continue to offer these annual Allocutions for public purview? If you are a leader or ascending the ladder to leadership you could do yourself a big favor by emulating the example of Princess Captain Samuel.

Be honest, be straightforward, and tell it like it is. Don’t gloss over the shortcomings with a rosy picture that has no relation to reality. BE BOLD – BE A LEADER

What Type of Leader Are You?

R. Lucille Samuel Grand Princess Captain Lone Star Grand Guild

R. Lucille Samuel
Grand Princess Captain
Lone Star Grand Guild

To be alive and amongst the living is definitely something to celebrate!  My Testimony is Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  Philippians 4:6.  Last year was the Sun City and now we have arrived in the Big “D”!

I am delighted to bring you greetings on behalf of the Lone Star Grand Guild, Heroines of the Templars Crusade of Texas, PHA!

It seems we were at this Session on yesterday.  2016 has rolled in with a vengeance.  But we have so much to be Thankful for despite the evils of this world.  There is definitely a VOID in the room today without HPREGC Sir Ivory Johnson aka “Road Dawg’!  He is missed beyond Words.  We have lost many soldiers along the way but thru it all the mighty Lone Star Ship has remained above the seas!

I always ask that you pray for my fellow veterans and each other!  Death has no number nor does it use the Yellow Pages.  When the bell tolls, we must answer ready or not.

Matthew 5:44

But I say unto you Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you. 

 I started my travels in this Great Masonic Organization 29 years ago.  I remember being so excited when it was time for a meeting.  I would study my Ritual and be anxious just to sit on a Star Point and tell the stories of those 5 Heroines.  Never cared about being Worthy Matron because I always thought that was for the older members that knew everything.  I was intimidated by their titles and knowledge of the Order.  Well, one day guess what it was my turn.  Every month I would prepare with a Lecture and provide copies for everyone followed by a Q and A.  I held study Sessions and awarded those that took the time to research.  I loved sharing information it was a feeling like no other.  In Peter 4:10 it tells us As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.  What ever happened to that?

We used to make church visits constantly and the black and white took over most of the churches.  Now we have to beg members to attend church.  They have every excuse in the world.  Well, I have to sing in the choir, I have to attend church with my spouse.  Most of you can’t sign and why can’t your wife come to church with you?  Now when the Grand Master tells us to turn out for Prince Hall Day there is more bling in the church on those collars than in the Jewelry Store.  The church is what we are about and when you took the oath and obligation you vowed to support the organization.  What happened?  You don’t even have to regale all the time just attend church as a Masonic group.   We are too busy fussing and arguing about why she is wearing that Regalia that organization is not more important than mine.  Yes, we hear the remarks you leaders are making.

When we become Leaders now, we have become lazy and selfish.  We don’t share any knowledge IF WE HAVE ANY for fear of loss of power.  Knowledge is power.  Teaching is a tool that makes you that leader that others will respect.  If you have members with better ideas than you be Thankful!  Two or more are always better than one.  A rope is woven of three strands and hard to break.  When some of our leaders understand that the organization will prosper.  Being in a leadership position does not always mean that you are the expert.  Sometimes even the leaders need to know that without your body you are a failure.  You need to respect each other and stop tearing each other down.  Never be afraid to accept assistance or listening to your members.  There was a time when brothers and sisters encouraged each other and wished them well.  Now it seems to be we look for all the flaws in one another and try to exploit them in front of others.  You show up at meetings with a chip on your shoulder and looking for a reason to argue.  We need to respect one another no matter whom or what our titles or offices are.  Putting down another person because his or her organization is prospering and yours is steadily dissipating is unacceptable.  We should be working together for the good of the Order.  Don’t look out for only your interests but take an interest in others as well.  The Grand Lodge of Texas is our Tree and We are all the Masonic Family that makes the different branches of that Tree.  Instead of acting like cactus we need to bear fruit!  Let’s work for a Cause and not applause.  Stop trying to make your presence felt and make your absence felt!

Now I know everyone will say well who is she talking about?  If you have to ask then you have already answered.

Many have fear and afraid to let go.  Defeat is not the worst of failures.  Never trying is the true failure.   Failure is what teaches you what doesn’t work and develops you into a better leader and professional.  Some worry about what other people are saying.  You are only accountable for you the rest does not matter.  Never allow someone’s opinion of you to become your reality.

You have to allow members to develop their full potentials.  Never allowing them to share their ideas or thoughts cripples your organization.  Leaders also fear that their position is in jeopardy if they share information or knowledge with others.  If you see that your membership is declining and you continue to go thru the same motions every year at your Session then, Houston WE have a problem.  When your organization is on Life Support it is time for new oxygen.  Our members attend Conferences to learn and enjoy their bonds with their Sisters and Brothers.  They need to feel needed and not just meeting your quotas and paying your salaries or stipends.

Leaders also fear change.  Well if it is not about me and I didn’t come up with the idea then we are not doing it.  He or She just wants to make her organization look good.  So instead of taking the time to listen and entertain a person’s thoughts you continue with your same old ways and everyone suffers.  There comes a time when we have to realize it is time to move on and allow others to have a chance at leadership.  You have served your time and you have nothing more to offer.  Step aside and stop trying to block others from their potentials.  That organization does not belong to you and you have stifled its growth.  Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.  Being a leader does not require a title.  Having a title does not make everyone a leader.

Respect each other because we all need each other.  Envy and stubbornness will get you nowhere.  How you treat others is a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself.  Support each other and stop bashing each other.  You are not meant to wear my armor because it will not fit you.  None of us are perfect and no organization is any better than the other.  Stop worrying about what others are doing and focus on your journey instead of the destination.  It is not about the destination but how you traveled to get there.  There are 3 things you can never hide from the sun, the moon, and the truth.

If you feel intimidated by someone be woman or man enough to discuss your concerns with that person and not about that person to someone else.

As I stated last year and I continue to say the only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.


 Until we can stand together we will never accomplish anything.  We have to do better or there will be no Prince Hall Family for our children or grandchildren to enjoy.  We are supposed to have each other’s back not stab each other’s back.  When all is said and done what will your obituary say?

R. Lucille Samuel
Grand Princess Captain
Lone Star Grand Guild

Illuminati,Adam Weishaupt,freemasonry,Congress of Vienna,Freemasonry

A Brief History of the Illuminati

Illuminati,Adam Weishaupt,freemasonry,Congress of Vienna,Freemasonry
Freemasonry and the Illuminati
eye, god, all-seeing, triangle eye, money eye

The Illuminati is one of those well-known shadowy organization shrouded in myth and legend. They are credited with behind the scenes manipulations of world events and seen as the secret power that controls everything. The Illuminati has become the modern day catch all poster child of the political evils in the world. All of which is highly ironic, as the group historically was founded on May 1, 1776, with the goals of opposing superstitions, religious influence over public life, and the abuse of power by the state.

The Illuminati, along with other secret societies like the Freemasons, were seen as subversive in the late eighteenth century, due in large part to the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. Since then, the idea of the Illuminati has come to be associated with any secret organization that proclaims to have links with the original society, though in many cases these links are unsubstantiated.

Organized in a way very similar to that of Freemasonry, the Illuminati very likely used the Masons as a pattern for which to their model their own society. Indeed, some present day Illuminati groups claim to have origins far older than the historical 1776 account, using their connection to Freemasonry in their principal argument. Some groups even lay claim to connections that trace back to ancient Egypt and the Ra and Isis cults that thrived in antiquity.

It is difficult to trace the history of the Illuminati much of what it did was in secret. After the original society was outlawed, what was left, allegedly, went underground to continue its work in secret. These claims include involvement in the Napoleonic Wars and were considered, by some, as responsible for the French Revolution in 1789.

Many believe that the subversive goal of the Illuminati was to form a one world government. The Congress of Vienna was, according to these beliefs, brought about by the Illuminati who hoped to achieve their goal by forming a League of Nations. When Russia refused to join, however, their plan was foiled creating, supposedly, a great deal of animosity towards the Russian powers within the Illuminati rank and file.

Congress of Vienna
Congress of Vienna, 1814-15

The Illuminati are said to have devised a plan for there to occur three world wars over the course of the twentieth century that would lead, ultimately, to the formation of a one world government. In line with this theory, they orchestrated the tensions that led to World War 1. With the goal of destroying Imperial Russia and get revenge for the failed Congress of Vienna. World War II was likewise planned by the Illuminati to strengthen communism. There was to be a third war between political Zionists and the leaders of the Muslim world, which was to have weakened everyone to the point where a one world government was the only feasible option left. This makes for an interesting theory given the present state of geopolitical affairs at hand in the world today.

Adam Weinhaupt, Freemasonry, Illuminati

While this is, by far, the most sensational account of the Illuminati available, very little of it can be verified historically. What we do know is that the Illuminati were founded by Adam Weishaupt, who was raised in Bavaria and educated at Jesuit school graduating ultimately from the University of Ingolstadt in 1768 with a doctorate in law. Interestingly, the Jesuits have been accused of broader conspiracies, subversive methods and conspiratorial practices.

Weishaupt joined the Masonic lodge in Munich in 1777, the year after he founded the Illuminati. Once he joined, he reorganized the Illuminati in order to attract more Freemasons to its ranks. While the Masons brought more influential members into Weishaupt’s society, it also led to disagreements between his ideals and those new members. Seeing trouble and seizing an opportunity, the Bavarian government acted on disquiet at the prominence of members in governmental positions, stepped in and disbanded what was left of the Illuminati.

And still, this secret society was not unknown in the world. Letters from George Washington show that he was aware of the Illuminati’s plan to overthrow all current governments. Despite the large number of Masons among American’s founding fathers, Washington was confident that none of his allies were interested in pursuing that agenda. Washington wrote, on October 24, 1798,

…It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am.

The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies, endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation). That Individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument employed to found, the Democratic Societies in the United States, may have had these objects; and actually had a seperation of the People from their Government in view, is too evident to be questioned….

Washington's letter about the illuminati
George Washington’s letter about the illuminati

In a modern context, as a secret society, it is impossible to say if the Illuminati still exist today or not, due to their very nature. How do you disprove something that is said to not exist? There are many organizations that claim to have roots that trace back to the Illuminati though they currently exist under different names. The formation of a one world government does not, however, seem like such a far-fetched notion with increasing globalization and the strong presence of multinational businesses and governmental styled agencies including the IMF and the United Nations. But, how much of this is merely a perpetuation of the idea that a shadow society is calling the shots by orchestrating the maneuvering of progress. Perhaps in some respect, the ethos of the Illuminati is its legacy of its continuation in the modern world.

illuminati symbol on american money

The use of Illuminati symbols in modern day culture helps to perpetuate the belief that the secret society is still operating in the shadows and controlling many of the world’s events. The obvious symbolism of the All-Seeing Eye is linked pervasively with the Illuminati as seen in many places, including the currency United States. The inclusion of on the currency is an obvious chicken before the egg analogy that conspiracy theorists have latched onto as an obvious and overt sign.

The pyramid, once again present on the American $1 bill, is said to represent the hierarchy of the order. It is left unfinished to show that the goals of the society have not yet been accomplished. The Bavarian society did indeed have pyramids displayed at their meetings though once again the same symbol is often attributed to the Masons.

The owl, too, is the symbol of the goddess Minerva who was the goddess of wisdom. The Bavarian Illuminati who had reached Minerval status (in between Novice and Illuminated Minerval) especially considered it a very important symbol and included it on their medallions.

Some contemporary pretenders find a more nefarious image suggesting links to the occult. In these instances, the pentagram is also sometimes said to be a symbol used by the Illuminati in the practice of black magic. But the Bavarian society had no occult practices that we know of in comparison to this modern day context. If a modern day Illuminati group claims the practice of magic, they most likely have no true connection to the original order.

The reality behind the Illuminati is as shadowy as its existence. Their secret nature, combined with the vast number of groups that claim lineage with them makes it impossible to trace their activities through history. Much of what is currently known about the Illuminati is little more than guesswork and greatly influenced by the sensational depiction of them in popular culture.

Top Illuminati Conspiracies

  1. Everyone famous is in the Illuminati, including Jay-Z, the Pope (all of them), Usain Bolt, Glenn Beck, Queen Elizabeth II, George Bush, and Lady Gaga are members. Taylor Swift and Howard Stern are some of its biggest promoters. Stanley Kubrick was an insider who tried to expose it in his film Eyes Wide Shut, and the patron saint of the Masonic silver screen, Nicolas Cage, makes films in promoting its ideals.
  2. That a “global elite” society that is either in control of, or is seeking to take control of, the world.
  3. That Freemasonry and Satanism are the driving forces behind the Illuminati.
  4. That they seek to form a one-world government, a one-world monetary system and a one-world religion.
  5. The entertainment industry is controlled by the Illuminati.
  6. Organizations like the United Nations, European Union, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, G-20 Economic Group, the World Court, NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, World Council of Churches and various multinational corporations are pawns of the New World Order.
  7. Denver is an Illuminati world domination layover site to off the grid blacked out labor camps.
  8. Gay Activism and feminism are an Illuminati Conspiracy.
  9. That the Illuminati is governed by a race of shape-shifting reptilian pedophiles who are ultimately behind an “Orwellian Global Super state”
  10. The moon is the home base of the Illuminati.

10 Notables of the Bavarian Illuminati

You can read more on the top 10 at Terry Melanson’s Conspiracy Archive.

And, to see how deeply these ideas are held, David Icke has some thoughts on the Conspiracy of the Lizard Illuminati from Vice Magazine.

More Masonic History.