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The Apprentice – A Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry
Taking the approach from the Scottish (French) Rite degrees, The Apprentice explores the nuance of symbolic initiation lost to the contemporary system at work in main-stream practice today. By using the Scottish Rite First Degree, the meaning and process of the Masonic initiation takes on new dimensions when compared to Albert Pike’s First Degree treatise in Morals and Dogma. It is in that dimension that this work seeks to explore celebrating the art and history behind the initiation process.
At work in the degree, whether intentional or as a byproduct of revision, is an entry point onto the Tree of Life from the mystical tradition of the Kabbalah. That, the first degree, when examined next to the works of other esoteric writers, becomes the foundation degree of initiation as it blossoms into a rich allegorical journey from chaos into order.
The The Apprentice – A Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry is available on Amazon.

Fellow of the Craft – A Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry
Continuing in the path of the Symbolic Lodge, Fellow of the Craft (Fellowcraft) – A Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry is an exploration of the secrets, symbolism and mythology at work in the Fellowcraft degree of modern Freemasonry. Drawing from the rich collection of Masonic lore, this work continues the path of the apprentice through the middle chamber and along the three stages of maturity, the orders of architecture and the seven liberal arts and sciences to bring the new passed fellow into the fundamentals of what it means to be a Freemason. Included in this work are companion readings from past prominent contributors to the Great Work and original illustrative art work to aid in the telling of this ritual journey.
Topics of exploration include the connection to the Kabbalah, the tarot, numeric symbolism, and more esoteric considerations.
Fellow of the Craft – A Treatise on the Second Degree of Freemasonry by Gregory B Stewart is available on Amazon.
Masonic Traveler
Essays and Commentary
Masonic Traveler is a work at a crossroads; the product of a nascent alchemy that is the personal expression of study of the highest form of the Western Mystery traditions known as Freemasonry. This work is more than a history book, or an evaluation of ancient symbols. Rather it is about the personal journey of becoming a Freemason, studying its nuance, finding and mapping its parallels, and assimilating it into daily life. Included in the work is a consideration of the bee hive, the symbolic attribution of the tenants of Faith, Hope, and Charity, and the symbolic meaning behind King Solomon’s Temple, and much more. This work is a journal of a Masonic Traveler.
Available on Amazon.