I Need Your Help!

I need your help in starting an effort that is intended to help enhance the York Rite in my state and hopefully nationwide. A key part of my endeavor is getting as many Brothers as possible to fill out the following survey. This will give some good indicators about the state of the York Rite of Freemasonry for a presentation that I will be giving at Grand York Rite next month. There will be more information about this program that is currently in its infant stages at a later date. Please forward this to every Brother you know and get them to complete it! The more information I have, the better!

Thanks for your help!

York Rite Survey



Thank you for taking the time to complete this short survey on the York Rite of Freemasonry. Please take this survey without doing any research. Do not ask a friend for the answers or perform a Google search to determine your response, this will negatively impact the results of this survey. Your responses to this survey will be kept confidential and it is necessary for the results of this survey to be as honest as possible. Please answer all of the questions, there are 2 pages to this survey.

Please indicate your answers by making your answers bold or by deleting any choices that you believe are incorrect and only leaving your answer. When you complete this survey, please email it to [email protected].

Please forward this survey to all of your fellow Masons and encourage them to complete it and return it to the above email address. If you desire further information about the York Rite, please indicate so in your email containing your responses. Please return this survey by September 1, 2009!


1. Describe your involvement with the York Rite:

a) I am a member of the York Rite

b) I am not a member of the York Rite, but would like to join

c) I am not a member of the York Rite and do not want to join

d) I do not know what the York Rite is

2. Describe the current condition of your local York Rite organization:

a) The York Rite is thriving in my area

b) The York Rite is a fairly active and healthy organization in my area

c) The York Rite is lacking activity in my area

d) The York Rite is or is nearly extinct in my area

e) I have no idea

3. What portion of your lodge’s members belong to the York Rite?

a) The majority of my lodge’s members also belong to the York Rite

b) A few of my lodge’s members (3-10) also belong to the York Rite

c) Only 1 or 2 of my lodge’s members belong to the York Rite

d) None of my lodge’s members belong to the York Rite

e) I have no idea

4. Do you know a Mason that you can communicate with if you want to petition the York Rite?

a) Yes, and I have already spoken with him about it

b) Yes, but I have not spoken to him about it

c) No, but I would like to know who I need to speak with to join the York Rite

d) No, and I am not interested in speaking with anyone about the York Rite

5. Which of the following bodies compose the York Rite of Freemasonry?

a) Council of Royal and Select Masters

b) Chapter of Royal Arch

c) Chapter of Rose Croix

d) Commandery of Knights Templar

e) I don’t know

6. Do you have to be a Christian to join the York Rite of Freemasonry?

a) No, not all of the bodies require their members to be Christian

b) No, none of the bodies require their members to be Christian

c) Yes, you must join all of the bodies of the York Rite and some of them require their members to be Christian

d) Yes, all of the bodies of the York Rite require their members to be Christian

7. Do you have to join all of the bodies of the York Rite in order to become a full fledged member entitled to all of the membership benefits of that organization?

a) No

c) Yes

Posted in The Euphrates.

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