Howie Damron’s Holiday Message

This time of year, Christmas for Christians, Chanukah for Jews and Ramadan & Eid-El-Fitr for Muslims, is a joyous time of year where peace and harmony and good will to men and women hold court. It reminds me of the every day life of a Mason. This soul filling feeling of great peace and the universality of the human race in harmony is the message that Freemasons live every day of the week.

But joy is not everywhere.  There is also an increase in loneliness, despair and depression at this time of year. Many lives are not going well and some souls seem to be losing the struggle.  But all is not lost.  Where there is faith there is hope and where there is hope there can be rejuvenation. Such is the message that Howie Damron, singer and song writer, would like to leave with us this season.

It is with great humility that I address each of you about this matter. I spend most all my time in Motivation through my music about Freemasonry. Teaching our youth about how understanding our Brotherhood can help them from choosing the wrong path in life. The Wisdom within Freemasonry is Motivational and the accountability is priceless.  My Passion has turned into a Mission for many reasons but one is in constant mind at all times.

My oldest son “Little Howie” is and has been an Addict for many years. It has been a life that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. His story is one that would chill you to the bone. Drugs has cost him everything and almost his life more than once. It destroyed our family but somehow God raised us back up many times.

Over the many years we tried everything. It is an awful feeling watching your child slowly dying and you feel hopeless to stop it. My wife and I have felt every emotion there is to feel and honestly we had given up. He was involved in a horrible accident in my new truck that no one understands how he lived through it. There’s almost nothing that anyone is going through that Kim and I didn’t go through all these years. He was In numerous rehab centers and then after a very short time he relapsed. It appeared that nothing would work for the 27 year old.

Now we have our son back. It’s been almost four months and he loves it so much that he’s dedicated to Graduate which takes a full year. That’s not all. He informed me that he was going to open his own center up next year. He found the answer and by the Grace of God himself so did we. We have received the greatest Christmas Present that any parent could ever ask for.  It’s a program unlike anything he or us ever witnessed. It teaches self discipline that is beyond all understanding.

There is hope my friends. Howie JR is Living proof of it.

If you’ve never been affected by addiction or someone in your family hasn’t been then first off you need to bow your heads and give thanks. If you are in need of help then contact me. I will start dedicating my time now to the Ohio Grand Lodge program that’s dedicated to reaching out for help. It is the Masonic Model program and it’s needed now more than ever.

Addiction is an illness that’s not understood easily but I do give you my word there is an answer.

Many times I and many other Masons have indicated that Masonry is a way of life and that Masonry makes good men better.  What does that mean?  It seems so nebulous and often repeated it becomes a trite phrase.  How do we make good men better?  How can we say Masonry is a way of life, virtues to be lived?

In reality it is not what we do in the Lodge room that affects a Mason’s life so.  It is the teachings we carry outside the tyled Lodge into our every day world, a world that is often fractured and broken.  Here we must live, here we must survive. And the choices we make, the path we take is often for a Mason, ones that he or she makes with a much broader understanding of the consequences these decisions will have.

In what manner is Masonry a way of life?  Howie Damron will tell you:

As a Nashville entertainer over the many years I’ve witnessed drugs being abused often. As a matter of fact I’ve witnessed its use going from seldom to constant. It seems that 3 out of 5 families are seeing the epidemic and it’s still growing. Before I went on the road back in 1990 as a traveling entertainer, my Dad introduced me to something that did save my life and that’s Freemasonry. He had been a Mason for some time. He became my road manager and we visited Lodges all across America in every town I was performing in for a very special reason. Accountability. Although I saw and was surrounded by horrible drugs I never touched even one. Many of my band members over the years overdosed and died. I spend my time introducing Freemasonry because of these facts. Many times I’ve almost made major mistakes that could have taken my life but it would always come back to my mind how I knelt at an alter and kissed the Holy Bible.

I will start dedicating my time now to the Ohio Grand Lodge program that’s dedicated to reaching out for help. It is the Masonic Model program and its needed now more than ever.

May you take this message in the holiday season of your faith and transform your life, making good choices and at crossroads selecting the right path.  And may the blessing of heaven rest upon us and all Masons and non Masons everywhere, may brotherly love prevail and every moral and social virtue cement us.


From the Editor – This is a very important program, the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program, which  is a gift from the Freemasons of Ohio to the schools in their communities.

Why is it so important?  Because every day:

  • 110 teenagers attempt suicide
  • 20 teenagers kill themselves
  • 202 children are arrested for drug offenses
  • 340 children are arrested for drinking or drunken driving
  • 1,115 teenagers have abortions
  • 1,225 teenagers drop out of school
  • 1,234 children run away from home
  • 2,860 children see their parents divorce
  • 5,700 teenagers are victims of violent crime
  • 7,945 children are abused or neglected

The program consists of a three-day intensive training seminar that enables core teams of faculty and staff members to effectively identify and refer at-risk youth.The professional trainers, manuals, overnight accommodations, and meals are all provided at no cost to participants.

The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Ohio offers an average of 3 training sessions per school year.

The key to academic success – Spirituality!

This story is something that a lot of groups should pay attention to as the relationships of religious/spiritual interests and academia have grown cold in many places.

Of particular note is that as this piece comes out of UCLA, one of the first 12 structures of the community of Westwood, where the school resides, was a Masonic clubhouse built to serve UCLA students and alumni (which it did for 40 years), and is now called the Geffen Playhouse.

Los Angeles – Researchers from UCLA’s Spirituality in Higher Education project have found that spiritual growth in college students enhances academic outcomes such as scholastic performance, psychological well-being, leadership development and satisfaction with college. Cultivating the Spirit: How College Can Enhance Students’ Inner Lives, written by Alexander W. Astin, Helen S. Astin and Jennifer A. Lindholm, is the first national longitudinal study of students’ spiritual growth. The book’s research represents a national study of college students’ search for meaning and purpose.

For example, compared to students whose equanimity declines during college, those whose equanimity increases have a 50% better chance of earning at least a B+ average. Similarly, students whose Equanimity increases during college, compared to those whose Equanimity declines, are nearly three times more likely to end up being “very satisfied” with their college experience.

“We believe that the findings provide a powerful argument that higher education should attend more to students’ spiritual development,” stated co-author Alexander Astin. “Spiritual development is not only an important part of the college experience in its own right, but also promotes other positive outcomes of college.”

The seven-year research study examined how students’ religious and spiritual views change during the college years and the role that college plays in facilitating the development of their spiritual and religious qualities. The study surveyed 112,000 freshmen as they enrolled in 236 colleges and universities and then followed up with 14,527 of these students as they completed their junior year at 136 colleges.

Other findings include:

  • Religious engagement among students declines somewhat during college, but their spirituality shows substantial growth. Students become more caring, more tolerant and more connected with others as well as more actively engaged in a spiritual quest.
  • College activities contribute to students’ spiritual growth. Some of these–study abroad, interdisciplinary studies, interracial interaction, and service learning–appear to be effective because they expose students to new and diverse people, cultures and ideas.
  • Spiritual development is enhanced if students engage in “inner work” through activities such as meditation or self-reflection, or if their professors actively encourage them to explore questions of meaning and purpose. Spiritual development is impeded when students engage in activities that distract them from campus life opportunities–activities such as watching television and playing video games.
  • Spiritual qualities showing increases during college include: spiritual quest, equanimity, ethic of caring and ecumenical worldview.
  • Faculty effects on students’ spiritual development include: direct encouragement, reflective writing and journaling, collaborative group projects and contemplative practices in class.
  • Majors that positively affect spiritual development include: fine arts, health professions, biological sciences and social sciences. Majors that negatively affect spiritual development include: engineering, mathematics, physical science and other technical fields.
  • Other positive influences on spiritual growth include: meditation/contemplation, service learning, charitable giving, interdisciplinary courses, study abroad programs, interracial interaction, leadership training and student organizations.
  • Negative influences on spiritual growth include: watching TV, playing video games and frequent drinking/partying.

The seven-year study detailed in Cultivating the Spirit was funded through two generous grants from the John Templeton Foundation. The surveys were conducted as part of the Higher Education Research Institute’s Cooperative Institutional Research Program, the nation’s oldest and largest study of higher education.

You can find the Book, Cultivating the Spirit: How College Can Enhance Students’ Inner Lives, on Amazon.

For more information visit Spirituality in Higher Education, and the Cultivating the Spirit website.

The Akatsuki mission to Lucifer, the light bringer

Japan is sending a probe to Lucifer.

Well, not the Biblical Lucifer, but the Roman one, the celestial body that heralds the rising and falling Sun in the sky, and they plan to get there aboard the Venus Climate Orbiter – AKATSUKI.

In more esoteric terms, especially to any Scottish Rite Mason of the 19th or higher degree, the idea of Lucifer is a much much more.

Pike saying in Morals and Dogma:

The Apocalypse is, to those who receive the nineteenth Degree, the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer. LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not! for traditions are full of Divine Revelations and Inspirations: and Inspiration is not of one Age nor of one Creed. Plato and Philo, also, were inspired.
Grand Pontiff – 19th Degree, Scottish Rite Freemasonry

For all those NOT stuck on the quote from Pike above, I wanted to share a story that taps that part of us from our path in the second degree – which is the study of astrology, better reffered to as astronomy.

In a few days (December 7th) the Japanese Venus Climate Orbiter “AKATSUKI” will begin to enter the Venus orbit to begin study on Earth’s sister planet.

Venus Climate Orbiter Mission Graphic

From the mission website:

This project’s main purpose is to elucidate the mysteries of the Venusian atmosphere.

You can see a terrific video on the project below, or if your feeling creative, you can make a paper-craft of the Akatsuki orbiter.

If your an early riser, and happen to have a clear sky, take a look up into the sky for a glimpse of the “evil light bringer”, the son of the morning Venus, before the orbiter gets there and starts beaming back images.

For the best times and how to find Venus without blinding yourself in the sun, check out’s December Stargazing Info for December.

For those who are still scratching your heads over the Lucifer/Satan/Light Bringer question and want to dig deeper into the history of it, all we need do is look at how the two became so intimately associated, even in such that Pike carried the mistranslation.

Lucifer is a Latin word meaning “light-bearer” (from lux, lucis, “light”, and ferre, “to bear, bring”), a Roman astrological term for the “Morning Star”, the planet Venus. The word Lucifer was the direct translation of the Septuagint Greek heosphoros, (“dawn-bearer”); (cf. Greek phosphoros, “light-bearer”) and the Hebrew Helel, (“Bright one”) used by Jerome in the Vulgate, having mythologically the same meaning as Prometheus who brought fire to humanity.

It wasn’t until later that Christian writers and translators made him into the bad guy and put horns and lakes of fire around him. It was Saint Jerome in a 4th century Vulgate(translation) that associated the two in a translation of a passage from Isaiah in which he substituted Lucifer for Satan. The passage, in the King James Version reads:

Isaiah 14:12-16
12How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

In later translations, the use of Lucifer is dropped all together, which you can see here at the Bible Gateway.

 Saint Jerome in his Study
Albrecht Dürer – Saint Jerome in his Study

The reason Jerome used the term Lucifer stems from his translation of the original Hebrew text הילל בן־שׁחר which is Heylel ben Shachar, which in turn he translated into “lucifer qui mane oriebaris” or more aptly in English “morning star that used to rise early”. The word Lucifer, in Roman times as Jerome was firmly entrenched, was the name they gave to the early morning and evening star we commonly call Venus today. (an interesting read on the translation lives on the website Riding the Beast , but the Wikipedia entry for Lucifer is a good one too).

Hell, pardon the pun, even Pike picked up on Christian view of Lucifer in saying that

“Masons of the nineteenth Degree see the apocalypse (insert revelations) as “the Apotheosis of that Sublime Faith which aspires to God alone, and despises all the pomps and works of Lucifer.”

Two poems that look at this starry idea of Lucifer seem also to retain the mistranslation from antiquity, the first from the nefarious Aleister Crowley himself in his Hymn to Lucifer

Ware, nor of good nor ill, what aim hath act?
Without its climax, death, what savour hath
Life? an impeccable machine, exact
He paces an inane and pointless path
To glut brute appetites, his sole content
How tedious were he fit to comprehend
Himself! More, this our noble element
Of fire in nature, love in spirit, unkenned
Life hath no spring, no axle, and no end.

His body a bloody-ruby radiant
With noble passion, sun-souled Lucifer
Swept through the dawn colossal, swift aslant
On Eden’s imbecile perimeter.
He blessed nonentity with every curse
And spiced with sorrow the dull soul of sense,
Breathed life into the sterile universe,
With Love and Knowledge drove out innocence
The Key of Joy is disobedience.

And from the Victorian Era novelest and poet George Meredith in his poem Lucifer in Starlight.

On a starred night Prince Lucifer uprose.
Tired of his dark dominion swung the fiend
Above the rolling ball in cloud part screened,
Where sinners hugged their spectre of repose.
Poor prey to his hot fit of pride were those.
And now upon his western wing he leaned,
Now his huge bulk o’er Afric’s sands careened,
Now the black planet shadowed Arctic snows.
Soaring through wider zones that pricked his scars
With memory of the old revolt from Awe,
He reached a middle height, and at the stars,
Which are the brain of heaven, he looked, and sank.
Around the ancient track marched, rank on rank,
The army of unalterable law.

Some other more data specific facts about Venus:

  • Average distance from the Sun: 108.2 million kilometers.
  • Size (equatorial radius): 6,052 kilometers
  • Mass (compared to that of the Earth): 0.815 times
  • Average density: 5.24 g/cm³
  • Revolution period: 224.7 days
  • Rotation period: 243.02 days

Some interesting tid bits on Venus:

The astronomical symbol for Venus is the same as that used in biology for the female sex: a circle with a small cross beneath. The Venus symbol also represents femininity, and in ancient alchemy stood for the metal copper. Alchemists constructed the symbol from a circle (representing matter) above a cross (representing spirit).

The website the Hallow Planet has some interesting ideas on the atmosphere of Venus worth reading too.

And some ancient history about Venus from Wikipedia:

One of the brightest objects in the sky, Venus has been known since prehistoric times and has had a significant impact on human culture from the earliest days. It is described in Babylonian cuneiformic texts such as the Venus tablet of Ammisaduqa, which relates observations that possibly date from 1600 BC. The Babylonians named the planet Ishtar (Sumerian Inanna), the personification of womanhood, and goddess of love. The Ancient Egyptians believed Venus to be two separate bodies and knew the morning star as Tioumoutiri and the evening star as Ouaiti. Likewise believing Venus to be two bodies, the Ancient Greeks called the morning star Φωσφόρος, Phosphoros (Latinized Phosphorus), the “Bringer of Light” or Εωσφόρος, Eosphoros (Latinized Eosphorus), the “Bringer of Dawn”. The evening star they called Hesperos (Latinized Hesperus) (Ἓσπερος, the star of the evening), but by Hellenistic times, they realized the two were the same planet. Hesperos would be translated into Latin as Vesper and Phosphoros as Lucifer (“Light Bearer”), a poetic term later used to refer to the fallen angel cast out of heaven. The Romans would later name the planet in honor of their goddess of love, Venus, whereas the Greeks used the name of her Greek counterpart, Aphrodite (Phoenician Astarte).

To the Hebrews it was known as Noga (“shining”), Helel (“bright”), Ayeleth-ha-Shakhar (“deer of the dawn”) and Kochav-ha-‘Erev (“star of the evening”). Venus was important to the Maya civilization, who developed a religious calendar based in part upon its motions, and held the motions of Venus to determine the propitious time for events such as war. The Maasai people named the planet Kileken, and have an oral tradition about it called The Orphan Boy. In western astrology, derived from its historical connotation with goddesses of femininity and love, Venus is held to influence those aspects of human life. In Indian Vedic astrology, Venus is known as Shukra, meaning “clear, pure” or “brightness, clearness” in Sanskrit. One of the nine Navagraha, it is held to affect wealth, pleasure and reproduction; it was the son of Bhrgu and Ushana, preceptor of the Daityas, and guru of the Asuras. Early Chinese astronomers called the planet Tai-pe, or the “beautiful white one”. Modern Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese cultures refer to the planet literally as the metal star, based on the Five elements. Lakotan spirituality refers to Venus as the daybreak star, and associates it with the last stage of life and wisdom.

So look for some new photos of the mysteriously veiled planet and perhaps we can learn some insight on the light bringer which for so long has held as the sinister Lucifer in the sky.

Lewis Carroll, masonic symbolism

Masonry Through the (Rear-view) Looking Glass

Lewis Carroll, masonic symbolism

by: Lewis Carroll

‘WAS brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

“Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!”
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought–
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
“And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Calloh! Callay!”
He chortled in his joy.
‘Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Monday December 6, 2010 marks the opening of the civil trial of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia versus Frank Haas.  It is only fitting, as this trial begins, to hear how the Jabberwock was slain in Hass’ own words.  Two years ago Expelled Past Grand Master Haas explained what he had done that was deemed so bad and what those who came to slay the Jabberwock did to him.

Masonry Through the (Rearview) Looking Glass
By Frank J. Haas, MPS

Thank you very much for your brave invitation. I know that there is some controversy about my being here. Some of you have examined your consciences about whether you should listen to me, break bread with me, shake hands with me, appear in the banquet room with me, stay in the same hotel as me, and where to draw the line. I respect that fidelity. I am hopeful that this will be only a temporary strain on our fraternal relations. I am honored to accept an invitation that I did not seek. I have the highest respect for The Philalethes Society, and I would not do anything intentionally to harm it.

I very much wish that the circumstances that brought us together might have been dispensed with, but I have gained a great deal of unsought notoriety of late. This Society exists to research problems confronting Freemasonry. I have a problem. Some say that I am a problem. I have been a Philalethes member for quite a few years. I can relate to you my perception and my recollection of what has happened recently to Freemasonry in West Virginia and to me, and I can offer my opinions on these events. I will tell you what happened — beginning at the end.

Listen to the Red Queen from Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
“No, no!” said the Queen. “Sentence first — verdict afterwards.”

“Stuff and nonsense!” said Alice loudly. “The idea of having the sentence first!”

“Hold your tongue!” said the Queen, turning purple.

“I won’t!” said Alice.

“Off with her head!” the Queen shouted at the top of her voice. Nobody moved.

In a similar fashion, the capital punishment of Masonry was meted out to me. Sentence first, verdict irrelevant, trial — well, details, details. I was expelled summarily by the Grand Master of West Virginia without a trial, without written charges, and without notice that my neck was in the noose. “Sentence first — verdict afterwards.” To earn it, I did not even get the pleasure of stealing any money, messing around with any women, or sounding off with a temper tantrum. While I was watching a football game on a Sunday evening, I remember Grand Master Charlie L. Montgomery calling me to ask whether I would be in lodge the following evening. I said it was on my calendar. He said he “might drop in” to talk about the Oyster Night at the previous meeting of Wellsburg Lodge #2, where we hosted fifty Ohio brothers, including a surprise visit by the Grand Master of Ohio, the stalwart Ronald L. Winnett. When I walked into the lodge building on Monday, November 19, 2007, I thought it likely that the lodge would be complimented for its hospitality to two sitting grand masters. Little did I know that the lodge would soon be on probation and that expulsion edicts in advance had been researched, prepared, drafted, typed, and were soon to be read, expelling Richard K. Bosely and me, all, heartlessly, in the presence of my father.

I have been hurt by all of this, because I love this fraternity. I must guard against having my remarks today sound like nothing but sour grapes. Some unpleasant events happened. People ask me what happened. I tell them. They do not believe it and say it is impossible.

The Red Queen and Alice discussed such a circumstance in Carroll’s Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.

“I can’t believe that!” said Alice.

“Can’t you?” the Queen said in a pitying tone. “Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.”

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”

“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Believe it. The reason for the expulsion: free speech. I have a sincere philosophical disagreement with Montgomery and his supporters. I believe that the grand lodge belongs to the Craft and that the brothers should decide grand lodge laws and policy with their open debates and votes, preserving always our eight Ancient Landmarks. We are not bound to look forever through a looking glass as a rear-view mirror and never look at the present or toward the future. Montgomery wants no change ever, and anyone who wants any change should “go away.”

Here is how I engendered such anger. Votes matter. In West Virginia, past masters have one quarter of a vote. According to the legend, I was elected to the progressive line of grand lodge officers by a quarter of a vote. You know that you must be cautious about secret ballots: those who know should not say, and those who say may not know. I am only passing on what I was told. I had served ten years on the Committee on Work with the custody of the ritual as Deputy Grand Lecturer. I became Junior Grand Warden, but some did not want me there.

As grand master, it became my frequent practice to address the brethren at lodge meetings, and I began to conclude my speaking on the level with a time of questions of answers. There were some recurring themes in the brother’s questions, and these I decided to bring to the floor of grand lodge for consideration. Before grand lodge, I acted on three matters of business that needed no change but were compelling interpretations of existing language.

Youth. We had one active DeMolay chapter in the whole state, at the time. We had only around a hundred Rainbow Girls. I talked to the youth and their leaders, and I learned that part of their problem was our grand lodge law. Our policies were actually harming kids. Our Masonic law requires us not to allow youth organizations to meet in the lodge rooms, no matter what the lodges want. Lodges cannot give any support to the kids. Lodges cannot donate a penny. Lodges cannot even permit the parking lot to be used to raise funds by a car wash, for example. When I learned that the application of these many prohibitions, which had slowly accumulated over the years, was hurting the kids, I concluded that it was never the intention of Masonic law to be harmful to them. I thought the brothers would want fast action, so I acted with a directive to help the kids, and I set the subject for discussion at grand lodge.

Summary reprimands. We had three brothers involved in two separate incidents. News reporters initiated calls to ask for facts about Masonic buildings, which they proposed to feature in their newspaper articles. The brothers answered questions about facts and figures, numbers and dates, and these resulted in large, beautiful articles with color photographs in the newspapers of the fourth and the fifth largest cities in the state. One headline on the front page of the Sunday newspaper was worth thousands of dollars in a public relations budget: “I knew they were just and upright men.” However, the three brothers had not referred the reporters to the grand master, so he summarily issued written edicts of reprimand to be read audibly in all 140 lodges at two separate meetings. There were no trials. Sentence first. I entered an edict expunging the record because there was no constructive purpose to be achieved in having them continue.

As I prepared for the grand lodge session, I prepared a written agenda and had the various subjects of legislation distributed so that it went to the Craft with the proposals in their hands, in advance, in writing, to allow discussion to take place freely before the grand lodge session. This had not been done by a grand master for many decades, if at all.

The storm clouds began to swirl. I invited Brother Howie Damron to perform at the Grand Master’s Banquet before grand lodge opened, and he sang, “The Masonic Ring” and other favorites. Some of my predecessors objected and were turning colors in anger, and I was then implored to attend a meeting of past grand masters. The place of the meeting changed without notice to me, and I finally found them at about midnight and was told that my predecessors and all of the remaining progressive line were of the opinion that my actions and proposals were illegal and had to be withdrawn, or I would face their wrath. They said I had violated the landmarks, the Ancient Charges, the ritual, the usages and customs, and my obligation — so I was told, and this could not go forward. I said that the brothers would indeed debate and vote, and I later learned that the statements about unanimity in the room were exaggerated.

The following day, grand lodge opened, and I reported my actions and opinions to the Craft. Prominent among them was an outreach I had made to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of West Virginia through the Prince Hall Grand Master. Perhaps I went further than he would have liked, as I wrote him and telephoned him months earlier, and then visited the hotel of their grand lodge session, suggesting a meeting. For our grand lodge, I proposed language declaring it to be unMasonic conduct to refuse to seat a visitor to lodge if race was a reason, and it passed. On other subjects, the brothers voted to allow themselves the option to say the Pledge of Allegiance at lodge meetings. The brothers voted to allow handicapped candidates to petition.

We are the only grand lodge not to recognize or support the DeMolay, Rainbow Girls, or Job’s Daughters. We are the only grand lodge not to be members of the Masonic Service Association. We are the only grand lodge not to belong to a regional conference of grand masters. We are the only grand lodge to order the Scottish Rite not to perform one of their degrees, the Washington/Arnold 20th degree. The result? I am proud to say that the brothers voted not to persist in remaining a minority of one. The brothers voted to change these things.

By their votes, the brothers repealed an assortment of legislative state-wide restrictions, piled on over the decades, for specific, temporary reasons, by Masonic legislators. Dean Roscoe Pound in Masonic Jurisprudence observed, “Having no bills of rights in Masonry and hence nothing beyond a handful of vaguely defined landmarks to restrain him, what then are our barriers against the ravages of the zealous, energetic, ambitious Masonic law-maker? Legal barriers, there are none. But some of the most sacred interests of life have only moral security and on the whole do not lose thereby.”

The brothers in West Virginia voted to assert their moral security and to repeal bans of books, bans on films, and bans on slideshows, some implemented nearly fifty years ago for important reasons, apparent then, to deal with a moment in time. Royal Arch Chapter charters had been ordered to be removed from the walls of lodge rooms, but the brothers voted to allow them. Other art in a lodge room that included Masonic symbols or emblems other than the Blue Lodge had been prohibited, such as Scottish Rite or York Rite emblems or a tapestry hung on a concrete block wall, but the brothers voted to allow it — including portraits of local Past Grand High Priests and Past Grand Commanders, of whom they are justly proud.

The West Virginia brothers were forward-looking and voted to do what they thought was right. There was jubilation at the passing of the Wheeling Reforms at grand lodge in 2006. That lasted for a matter of days. Then we returned to the rear-view looking glass, the rear-view mirror, as the ballot was declared illegal by my successor. The vote was scorned. In my opinion, the best word to describe what is now happening as a result is: repression.

Since the Wheeling Reforms were struck down, we have heard it said that, although race is not a legitimate factor to use to exclude a qualified visitor, wink-wink, the Worshipful Master has the duty to preserve the “peace and harmony” of the lodge. So, promote peace and harmony, but, wink-wink, do not consider the race of the visitor, wink-wink.

Did you lose a thumb while fighting for your country? Which one? The left? — sign here on this membership petition. The right? We have ancient usages and customs, and we cannot put up with your kind.

Do you want a Masonic funeral? Your grandsons are prohibited from being pall bearers unless they are all Master Masons. You must explain these Masonic laws to your widow so that we do not have to leave her sobbing in the funeral home. There is no problem if you want your remains to be cremated. However, if you want your ashes to be scattered, it is “undignified” and we must walk away from your mourners, because if anyone knows that the lodge is present as a group, we will be reprimanded, again.

If youth organizations are having problems, their problems are not our problems, so be extremely careful if you try to help the kids. If our deceased brother’s obituary mentions his request that, in lieu of flowers, memorial donations should be made to a hometown hospice, which comforted and cared for him on his deathbed, then the proper action of the lodge is… send the flowers, because such charity is forbidden. We will not join the Masonic Service Association, as every other grand lodge in North America does, because it is soft on Prince Hall and they will send their publications and Short Talk Bulletins to our members without our control. We will not join the Northeast Conference of Grand Masters or any other such conference because they have ideas that conflict with our laws and mostly because those other grand lodges recognize Prince Hall Masonry.

Friends, I am proud of the Wheeling Reforms. They were distributed so that the Craft had them in their hands, in advance, in writing, most of them for the first time in their lives. We debated until the brothers voted to end debate. We voted on the merits. The Wheeling Reforms passed. They lasted — until the stroke of a pen. Dick Bosely politely but persistently sought and was denied answers about this, and because he took a little bit too much time to sit down and shut up, he was instantly stripped of his title as Deputy Grand Lecturer and two weeks later was summarily expelled, and his alleged offense was committed in the presence of the Grand Master of Ohio. I engaged in free speech saying, as quoted by Grand Master Montgomery, “the dream lives on and will not die.” Now I am left without free speech and without Freemasonry, but I still have the dream.

For my dreams, I have sustained the maximum Masonic punishment — expulsion. It hurts. It hurts a great deal. I hope that it is temporary. In another feat of Orwellian double think, my detractors have extended their hatred further by deleting my name from the website list of Past Grand Masters of West Virginia and throwing it down the memory hole. The Craft in West Virginia is a resilient bunch — Montani Semper Liberi, Mountaineers are always free. They are unsure of what to do and how. They want to do the right thing — and do that thing right, but those who would continue the repression have the upper hand for now. I do not have a call to mobilization to outline for you. I am on the outside now. Your brethren in West Virginia have voted to do what they think is right. By their votes, they made a positive statement about race relations in the fraternity. By their votes, they tried to help the kids. By their votes, they welcomed the handicapped into the Craft. By their votes, they were in favor of patriotic expression in the lodge. All for naught. We are one large fraternity divided into grand lodges. What happens to us reflects upon you. What happens to one group of your brothers affects the whole. We lecture about Masonry Universal. Search yourself, my brethren. You may find yourself with an opportunity to help, aid, and assist — not me — but your worthy brothers in West Virginia in ways, large or small. Will you go on foot and out of your way for them? You may be able to speak the truth to power. As Lincoln counseled, be on the side of the angels. Will you encourage, nourish, and cherish your brethren in the state with the second highest per capita Masonic membership with your concern and your prayers? If for nothing else but your concern and your prayers, the brethren of West Virginia will thank you, Masonry Universal will thank you, and I thank you for sticking your necks out for Freemasonry.

Please give this some soul searching serious thought before you rush to judgement.

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The Song of Saint John

From Masonic Odes and Poems
by Rob Morris LL. D.

How blest is the home
Where the Brotherhood come!
How charming the time and occasion!
The love that was born,
In the heart of Saint John,
Now warms up the heart of each Mason.

It is you, Sir, and you,
Friendly Brothers and true,
No matter what may be your station-
On the level our way,
We are equal to-day,
For I, Sirs, with you, am a Mason!

This love that was born
In the heart of St. John,
Is the bond of a charming connexion;
Through good, and through ill.
It abides with us still,
And makes us thank God we’re a Mason.

When in the Lodge met,
And the officers set,
‘Tis of duty and pleasure the season,
Ah! gladly is given
To the Father in Heaven,
The praises devout of each Mason.

When labor is done,
And the Brotherhood gone,
Do you think that our secrets we blazon ?
No ! no, ’tis the joy
Of our mystic employ,
That we tell them to none but a Mason.

For ’tis this we do learn.
From our patron St. John,
The pride of this charming occasion,
That the tongue that conceals.
And never reveals.

Then Lady and Sir,
While we stoutly aver.
In our Secrets we’ll never work treason.
The rules we profess,
Are the same that did grace
Our patron St. John, the Freemason.

And while to his name,
We may boldly lay claim.
To his graces we’ll cling till death’s season,
And then to the bourne.
Where his spirit has gone,
We’ll hie us like every good Mason.

Happy Hanukkah

We are a few days into the holiday this year, but I wanted to take a moment to wish all those of the faith a happy holiday.

And, for those not of the faith, to give a brief look at what the holiday is about and why its symbolically relevant to Freemasonry as it represents the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem (Second Temple) after its desecration by the forces of the King of Syria Antiochus IV Epiphanes and commemorates the “miracle of the container of oil”.

The video is a bit on the juvenile side, but I think it tells the story well.  For a more “Historical” point of view, you can watch this video from the History Channel.


square and compass, freemasonry, S&C, freemason information

Masonic Weekly Digest: 12/03/2010


West Virginia Court Rules That It Has The Power To Force Freemasonry To Follow Its Own Rules
Blog – WV, USA – Nov 25th

Giving thanks by giving food: Masons, friends help ‘Rosey’s Dream’ live on
Sauk Prairie Eagle – WI, USA – 11/27/2010

Through Dr. Hall, Masons lodge supports Operation Sunshine
Utica Observer Dispatch – NY, USA – Nov 27th

Fate of Fairbanks’ historic Masonic Temple in limbo
Fairbanks Daily News-Miner – AK, USA – Nov 28th

Unveiling the Secrets of the Masonic Order and the Link to the … News – Chicago, IL, USA – Nov 29th

Hard Ball Masonic Politics Imparts Grief
(blog) – WV, USA – Nov 30th

Ohio couple sues for elevator malfunction at Masonic Temple
West Virginia Record – WV, USA – Nov 30th

Masons honor Dr. Fisher with Community Builder award
Brookneal Union Star – VA, USA – Nov 30th

‘Brad Meltzer’s Decoded,’ scrambled
Media Life Magazine – USA – Dec 1st

Opening of the new Masonic Temple – Spain – Dec 1st

“Brothers Of Stone”: Masonic Order Help Build The Pyramids In A New Book
Eva-News (press release) – USA – Dec 1st

Cemetery restortation – NJ, USA – Dec 2nd


And you can access my latest column (non-Masonic related) at:

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

All the Best,
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
“A Foot Soldier for Freemasonry”

P.S. – Author of, “The Freethinking Freemason”

Freemasonry In Civil Court: From The Mailbag

Brother AB:

What do you think we can do about this other than to return to teaching Masonry the way it is supposed to be taught,  The more involved we become in public affairs, the more public we become. There are far too many folks that for one reason or another blame Masons for all ills and chills in the world. One of the reasons for that is that through the years we have become more public. We want the public to recognize what we do; many believe it is a way to solicit members without soliciting them directly.  We do not need more members, we need better ones, Men who really understand what Masonry is, Men who see not the color of skin, but look deep inside the man to find his true colors, Men who truly seek the betterment of mankind, Men who do not look for power or self-gain.

Yes, Men like Derek Gordon have been falsely crucified unjustly, however, it was because the rank and file (today mostly made of men who joined simply for social reasons)  have been allow to climb to the top while those of us who knew trouble was brewing failed to do what was necessary to stop the rot from within. In my view, the less broadcasted about it the better.  Now is the time to start tightening up the west gate, now is the time for those who are real Mason should step forth and begin teaching the tenets of Masonry from the beginning.

Tis only when we can rid ourselves of tyrants and power-hungry mongels that we will began to climb out of the hole we have dug for ourselves.

The Beehive:

When one’s ox is not being gored one tends to think of somebody else’s complaint as trivial and the fuss made to be detrimental to an over all good institution with a good reputation.

Now one can put their hands over their ears, hide their eyes or bury their face in the sand but that won’t change what is happening.

If these injustices were isolated incidents than airing them publicly and going to civil court would be the wrong and detrimental course of action.  But they are not.  Masonic abuse is running rampant across America.  The stories are too numerous and too nasty to ignore anymore.  A couple of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church was not worth making waves over.

But rampant pedophilia had to be brought out into the open and dealt with.  And civil courts had to get involved with private religion.

I’ll bet you remember the baseball Black Sox scandal of 1919.  At that time all the owners were in complete control of their ball teams with no oversight – no meddling. But after the scandal all the owners got together and agreed that something had to be done so this did not happen in the future.  That’s when the first Baseball Commissioner was born.

Freemasonry must learn how to police itself and quite frankly if it does not sooner or later the government will step in and put and end to civil rights violations.  If one wants to see the government leave Freemasonry alone, then the best thing one could do is work to an amiable solution to solving injustices in house. That might require doing something new and thinking outside the box but things have gone too far.

I have proposed a number of suggestions but I do not have the answer. A Masonic Supreme Court of the U.S.A., compulsory arbitration and a national Masonic Bill of Rights were ideas I came up with.

Those who bemoan the good name of Freemasonry being besmirched across the land most come up with some generally agreed upon solution.  For doing nothing, the status quo, is the road to disaster.  And we who are pushing and shoving Masons to do something, instead of criticizing we who are exposing these injustices, could better make a good use of their time by helping to come to a solution rather than trying to hush up the problem a la the Catholic church thereby enabling the purveyors of injustice to continue in their unjust ways.

Brother AB:

I do agree that something needs to be done, but the rot is too deep because of inaction of good men.

Good men can still make a difference. But if Freemasonry is to survive, it must be done by masons.

For many years churches, Christians and other faiths  had religious freedom in the United States, then one day, and you remember Madeline Murry Ohare, said that it offended her child that we prayed in school and the ACLU was born. Now, nativity scenes, Crosses and open prayer is against the law.

But I foresee the Masonry being banned here as it has been in other countries.  Do you really think the bringing these cases to court will change anything at all?

The bigots will only be more careful of their actions..  I believe that your idea of a national Masonic tribunal is a good and should be pursued.

And I am doing something to change the future by instruction new candidates in the old way of morality and charity, teaching brotherly love and truth. It is imperative that we return to being an educational institution if we are to survive. We cannot undo what has been done nor repair the damage, but we can change the future with education and guarding the west gate for future masons.

I believe Frank Hass was wronged and so was Derek Gordon and others.  But you need to read other opinion on the reverse side too.  There are two sides and sometimes more to every story.

What if it does go to court and the bad guys hire really smart attorneys and win the cases. We also have to think of that possibility.

There is much to be learned about public whims and fancies and little of it good.

Think further then the next move on the chess board.   I want masonry to survive, and free of government intervention.

The Beehive:

I laud your dedication and insistence to Masonic education. A knowledgeable Mason is a committed Mason.  But in this zeal to instruct there must be an equal zeal to protect the rights of each individual Mason.  We cannot let our beloved fraternity be taken over by a bunch of thugs.  We cannot have Al Capone in the Grand East and expect to disseminate the virtues of Freemasonry.

I laud your commitment to excellence.  It is much needed in Freemasonry. But I worry that all the good will be co-opted by a bunch of hacks and Chicago Mafia in the Grand Lodges.

I have in the past advocated that any Masons elected to the office of Grand Master must pass a written test of Masonic knowledge in order to assume the office. People think I’m nuts for that.

In the end to keep the government out of Freemasonry and to keep the anti Masons from nipping at our heels, we must learn how to police ourselves.

I additional suggestion I have made is to use The Masonic Service Association of North America as an arbiter in cases of serious Masonic complaint.  The Grand Lodge and the accused would send written response to MSANA and would be available for questioning via telephone.  MSANA would act as a arbitration service that would be binding on all American Grand Lodges.  It’s not a perfect idea but it’s thinking about doing something, more than most are doing.

Lastly – come on – expelling a Junior Past Grand Master for his actions in office.  You have got to be kidding me.  Allowing that to happen is a major PR failure.  We expect young men to join our organization after actions like that?

Going to court will help.  It will make the indifferent stand up and take notice and do something.  Do you really think that the courts should not have become involved in the Catholic church’s pedophile priest problem?

Don’t fight it.  Join in making Freemasonry better by insisting that Freemasonry is no place for petty tyrants and little Hitlers.  And keep up the good work.  We need more men like you!

Brother AB:

I like your suggestion about MSA and what they can do…but remember the rot goes deep. Those we pick to be arbiters must pass a stringent test of true moral character if they are to sit in judgment of the craft.

I still fear going to civil court will kill open meetings in the USA, Masonry will have to go underground to survive.

I have watched for years as our court systems have become a mockery of justice. Maybe one of a 1000 receive an form of true justice.  And unless Frank or Derek have wealthy benefactors, their chance of winning in court is almost nil.  As most of those in power are fairly well off individuals who will stop at nothing to remain in power,  Money will be no object.  Unless our Plaintiffs have an attorney that is very good that works for free.

I am truly sad to say that our justice system plays only to the tune of those who can afford to win regardless of the cost.  True, Some Grand Lodges may fall along the way but that too will hurt the rank and file.

I do agree the time for cleansing is now..but we must do it from the inside,  There are those of us who are willing to stand but not alone.  The numbers must be great to overwhelm the rotten apples, and for sure we would know the standing of real masons verse those who exist in card files only.

Brother CD:


One may well appreciate the frustrations and sense of Masonic betrayal that have caused M.W. Bro. Haas to drag the Grand Lodge of West Virginia into the courts in an attempt to resolve the issues involved.

This is especially so when it appears that fundamental values on which the United States was founded and continues to support are claimed, not without credibility, to have been ignored entirely within Masonry as administered by the current leadership of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia.

Initially, the first thought was that the aggrieved person should simply walk away and, in company with others so aggrieved, establish their own, new, more acceptable Masonic lodge or Grand Lodge. However, walking away is not the answer because, as has been pointed out, there are not enough Masons who want to walk away. Any one or any very few opting for “secession” would find themselves alone and without the numbers or resources to actually establish alternate lodges or Grand Lodges with any viability or firm foundation in either numbers or finances. Thus, walking away is not an option.

However, resort to the courts and legal system may not be the best route to solution or resolution of the very real and very serious concerns associated with this matter. Given time and sufficient outrage it is not unreasonable to expect that the majority of all the West Virginia brethren may eventually replace their current leadership and otherwise take steps themselves to remedy the situation from its currently reported most unsatisfactory state.

There seems to be a sense of urgency and of impatience at work. Not all problems can be solved before the half hour is up and it’s time for the commercial, to propose an analogy. Given the possible implications of rushing into the courts, outlined below, might it not be the better part of wisdom to give all the brethren of West Virginia, as opposed to the smaller number of current Masonic leaders there, some time to address these issues from within?

The legal basis for intervention of the courts into the internal affairs and proceedings of Masonry in West Virginia is reasonably clear: as an incorporated body, the Grand Lodge of West Virginia is therefore obligated to conform to the same laws as the rest of society, being now in law a public, corporate individual. Essentially, it is required to conform to the larger laws of the state and the nation on the same basis as a bank, a restaurant or a manufacturing business, to take three examples. The court has already seized itself of jurisdiction to require the Grand Lodge of West Virginia to obey and follow its own rules, whatever they may be.

There is an old saying applicable to this situation:  “Be careful what you ask for, as you might get it.” There is also a principle of experience that needs to be noted, sometimes referred to as “ The Law of Unintended Consequences,” the essential sense of which is that in seeking one goal or object a whole host of results not desired or anticipated nonetheless arise.

The concern is that, despite the real and very serious issues and the clear and understandable frustrations, in going to the courts and the public legal system M.W. Bro. Haas and those who support him in this action may be opening Freemasonry to legal orders and larger interference than they, themselves, either desired or expected.

The court has already apparently ruled that race is a relevant issue for the court’s attention and possible Orders, despite the denial of this by the Grand Lodge of West Virginia. Whatever the truth of this, and it may well be true, yet there remain any number of other very valid legal concerns of which this court, or any other state or federal court, might well be seized of jurisdiction, using as a recent and valid precedent the legal proceedings launched by M.W. Bro, Haas, as above.

For example, religious tests for membership. It is not impossible that a court might well forbid any religious test or specific belief statement for membership. In almost every Grand Jurisdiction, in some form or other, a candidate is asked to profess a personal belief in a Supreme Being. If once the courts are empowered or invited to investigate Masonry’s rules and proceedings, we might find a Grand Lodge under court Order forbidding any such a religious test for membership in a public, incorporated organization. Yet, always claiming Masonry is not a religion, or a substitute for a religion, the Craft would not be able to avail itself of religious exemptions, such as those granted to established Churches or denominations.

Although the proposed Equal Rights Amendment to the Federal Constitution failed to gain ratification of sufficient states before the time permitted expired, in 1982, yet there remains considerable legal ground for courts to intervene in cases of public, incorporated organizations that forbid membership or participation only on grounds of gender

Masonry is a poster child for a sexist organization. When you deny membership to any person without regard to that person’s character, finance, morality, adult status, good reputation or beliefs simply on the ground that person is female, then you are clearly sexist with respect to your membership rules. To plead in mitigation that there are branches of Masonry for women, and that Masonry strongly supports families, marriage and the dignity and humanity of women will not solve the problem: you refuse to admit on the grounds of gender alone. This is what will be the focus of a court in any legal challenge. Again, we will hear the refrain: you must obey the same laws and the same rules as everyone else, as you are no longer strictly a private club.

Our Masonic rules, although often in different particular language, require Masonic punishment, even expulsion from Masonry, depending on specific things members may say. For example, traditionally a public declaration of atheism is often grounds for expulsion. How will this, and other restrictions on what Masons can or cannot say, stand up in the United States in the face of the First Amendment to the Federal Constitution if appeals may be made to state and federal courts that this public, incorporated organization, a Grand Lodge of this or that state, is violating the First Amendment rights of its member or members? Indeed, would the promises and vows of our Obligations be seen by a court to be “unconstitutional,” based on the argument that, as a public, incorporated organization, it must obey the same laws and the same rules as everyone else?  And, remember, there would be no basis to claim exemption as a religion, since Masonry has always denied it is any such thing.

These are examples of the earlier reference to “ the Law of Unintended Consequences” and the old saying, “ Be careful what you ask for, as you might get it.” In seeking to invoke the power of the state or national courts, and the wider laws of the nation, in order to enter into Freemasonry to address a particular concern, however frustrating and however serious, very significant precedents are set in motion, possibly constituting a veritable Pandora’s box of unforeseen consequences in the near future.

In addition to those considerations, there is another concern. We all know that Freemasonry is beset by vicious, relentless, active real enemies, persons and interests that desire our entire destruction and complete overthrow or dissolution. In bringing our internal concerns, real and serious as they are, into the full glare of public court proceedings, do we not give to these enemies of Freemasonry powerful and effective ammunition to attack us?

Will they not claim, for example, “ Court finds Masonry racist!” Or, “ Court rules Masons dishonest and unfair to their own members! “  All of a sudden, these statements are given the cloak of respectability not previously available to religious fanatics, whacko conspiracy nuts, or persons whose motives are rooted in profit for themselves or a mere desire for personal notoriety. Slightly re-worded pronouncements from the Bench would provide a highly effective anti-Masonic propaganda vehicle for our real, external enemies, a result that M.W. Bro. Haas certainly would not want and would certainly find deplorable. And, yet, it is a very possible consequence of appealing to the secular, external legal system.

This is all the more discouraging as the Craft has recently benefited enormously from positive publicity, publicity that is nation wide and that could not possibly be purchased, in such mass audience movies as “National Treasure,” and the Dan Brown books. As a result of this court case, and the example and precedents it may set for future court cases, we might lose all of that benefit, not only in West Virginia, but also across the nation.

The process by which Committees of Inquiry or Investigation, calling on an Applicant at his home most usually, reach a determination of suitable or not suitable for membership in Freemasonry might well come under legal scrutiny on the basis of the court taking jurisdiction over all or part of the proceedings of the Grand Lodge of West Virginia.

Rejected applicants, or their sponsors, might well come before the courts demanding transparency in the reasons for rejection, especially by the Committee of Inquiry or Investigation. Without that transparency, they could well argue, the real motive might be religious (We don’t like Muslims in our Lodge) or racist (We don’t like Asians in our Lodge) or homophobic ( He looks gay) or even regional ( We don’t want Yankees from New England in our Mississippi lodge). If members of Committees of Inquiry had to reveal their specific reasons or motives, under oath under penalty of perjury in a public court with the media and the press present, it would seriously constrain any Committee, any time, reporting unfavorable, even when the reasons would be far more respectable than those given above. For example, the real reason might be the applicant was lacking in financial resources to the point where if he did pay dues it would impact his ability to support his wife and children properly. In itself, this is a perfectly respectable reason for reporting “unfavorable” to the lodge, but imagine the consequences if it had to be made public in a court in the presence of the rejected applicant, his sponsors, his family, his employer, and the media.

As we all know, civil proceedings in the courts are expensive. It is said in defending itself the Grand Lodge of West Virginia has already spent a considerable sum of money, although the reported amounts vary widely. One has to assume the financial resources of any Grand Lodge are not bottomless pits of money, and that significant sums spent by members and Grand Lodges in enriching lawyers might well have been devoted to more worthy and more socially valuable objectives in terms of the ideals and objects of Freemasonry.

In the interests of transparency, this author desires to state he is a Freemason, and a Past Master of his lodge; that he is not a citizen of the United States; that he is not a member of any United States lodge or Grand Lodge, and that he is a member of his own lodge and Grand Lodge in good standing. He does not desire his name or that of his Grand Lodge to be published in order to avoid a tidal wave of e-mails, phone calls or unsolicited materials either to himself or to his Grand Lodge.

The Beehive:

What this is about is basic Constitutional guarantees, guarantees which all citizens, corporations, banks and Wall Street must adhere to and when they don’t they are prosecuted.

It’s not OK for anybody, any organization or any entities mentioned here to practice racism, to discriminate because of color of skin.  It’s not OK for all of the above to restrict free speech over and above Constitutional and legal restrictions. It is not OK for all of the above to slander, libel and otherwise abuse individuals. It is not OK for for all of the above to fail to render due process.

AND IT IS NOT OK FOR FREEMASONRY TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THOSE VIOLATIONS EITHER.  There is no attempt to write new regulations or takeover Freemasonry here. There is no indication that the courts, the government, want to rule Freemasonry. What they want to do here is make Freemasonry abide by the same set of rules everybody else has to observe.

And Freemasonry, now that it is a public corporation, must abide by the by-laws which it publishes.  That is usually a condition of incorporation.

You may be right, that Pandora’s box has been opened.  But Freemasonry has no one to blame but itself.  It brought itself out of being a totally private organization into the public sphere.  But the problem is it continued to act as if it was still a totally private organization when it wasn’t.  It did what it pleased, in violation of Civil Rights legislation and in violation of its own rules.  The Frank Haas case was a good example where expulsion was carried out without a Masonic trial on charges that were false.  And The Grand Master even lured Frank Haas into his home Lodge on false pretenses so he could surprise expel him on the spot in front of his father and friends.  What arrogance!

And in the face of that here is what you have to say:

“I am concerned that this litigacious brother, in seeking justice for real or supposed poor treatment, may create a situation ultimately very harmful to Freemasonry itself. I think he would have been far wiser to simply resign- walk away – and organize his own new Lodge or movement. I still think voting with your feet is preferable to seeking relief from government, which may “invade Freemasonry” rather like a public bull in a private china shop”.

This is the old traditional view within Freemasonry that you keep everything in house, that you don’t sully the name of Freemasonry with your own personal problems. I must say a similar view is held by many Police Departments.  Even if they know a fellow officer is “dirty” they will never tell on him to protect the virtue of the entire organization.  This is also the position that the Catholic Church took in regards to Pedophile Priests.  Hush, hush, sweep it under the rug for to allow such horror to become public would destroy the good name of the Church and lose it membership. And in so doing the Institution is allowed to survive and go on, but the lives of the harmed individuals are devastated and demoralized and never made right.

Well the Catholic Church has changed in this regard and so can Freemasonry. Freemasonry is a monopoly.  By and large, unless you are willing to do what I have done, if you don’t like what it is doing your only recourse is to quietly leave. Because Mainstream Grand Lodges are the only true verified, recognized game in town.  If a civil organization, a business, a corporation had a monopoly and was caught performing questionable practices you would be all over them, screaming for their throat.  But because it is Freemasonry you want to let it get away with it.  You want to give them a free pass.

The reason Masons are taking Grand Lodges to court is that they have no other recourse. Freemasonry refuses to police itself. Freemasonry regards itself exempt from any oversight- and please don’t tell me that Grand Lodge is made up of individual Masons with votes who can stop and change anything they want.  That is theory but not reality and those that espouse that line are divorced from reality.  The citizens of Cuba could have thrown Castro out a long time ago and those of Iran could get rid of their rulers if they really want to and those of North Korea could have a more beign government if they really wanted it. And if you buy that I have a bridge to nowhere for you to invest in.

The plain fact is that if your are dealt with unjustly by Grand Lodge there is no other way OUT but to take the abusers to civil court.  There is no way to overcome injustice when the deck is stacked against you.  You only have to look in depth at the stories I have written on Derek Gordon and Mike McCabe.  If Freemasonry would submit to compulsory arbitration, if it had a Supreme Court to appeal executive decisions to, if it had a Bill of Rights that protected the rights of the individual Mason – then you could say that it was making some attempt to govern justly.


Brother EF:
I think people just don’t want to deal with it and would rather see him leave the party than try to make the situation right, which makes for an interesting argument itself for what is truth.

In my own head, once I get past the justice and fairness aspect  – at the end of the day, its a business, a business that “they” want to run the way they want to – to provide a particular user experience and a particular theme, despite who or what it offends.  And, like any good patron, guests don’t want to rock the boat because the user experience appeals to those experiencing it, the ideas, the teachings, the practice.  Those who are the regular attendees are the ones who shape the policy and craft the experience. So, that must mean that those in attendance like the way it operates. With that in mind, I think Fred, to often we aggrandize Masonry to be like government, that it is as noble and purposeful, but the reality is that it just isn’t that grand or purposeful.  At the end of the day, its just a charitable dues collecting business that facilitates a retirement home with the dues of its members, give some to other sponsored charity, but doing little in the broader community.  It does little in the way of charitable community work (feeding the poor, fixing injustice, founding museums, opening universities, etc).  Some lodges do some individual work, give scholarships, do food or blood drives, but at the end of the day you seldom hear about massive in social development form Freemasonry.  In fact, I think you could argue that the most social development comes out of the Shrine through the hospitals, but sadly is a few steps removed from the blue lodge.  My point to this now long paragraph is that Masonry is not government, it is merely a membership organization that sees itself in a more esteemed light.  Personally, I don’t think we can demand of it what we demand of our government because it is a mainly volunteer body that operates without an organized mandate.  So, as a user, why rock the boat, why ask for it to do more than what I myself am willing to put into it?

On the spectrum of what offends and what doesn’t offend, the plight of Frank does not rank higher than the injustices against him, meaning that his issue is just causality to keeping the status quo as no one has the energy to change the system.

So, is it an organization of principals or just an organization of ideals?  The former we do every day, the latter we merely strive for without really caring if we attain them.  Its really a hard light to look upon it in, is it really a moral philosophy that is a social champion or just a place we pay dues to annually to go and pay lip service to higher ideals.  If the latter, then do we even deserve to be called “just and upright men”?  What social justice is there if we can’t even be fair in our own house?

And your comment is?  Yes you who have just read this.