The Lone Ranger writes about the continued abuse of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. He and his deputies must remain anonymous for fear of reprisal.
It’s a sad day when a number of Masons within a Grand Lodge must go underground to protect themselves.
What gives Super Authority to the Grand Master of New Jersey is a much disputed Landmark which is New Jersey’s Landmark #3 as written in its Constitution. You can see a printout of this below. See also New Jersey Landmark #7. These Landmarks give the Grand Master absolute dictatorial power to do whatever he wants as long as it doesn’t violate another Landmark. It gives him the power to ignore or overrule any of the by-laws, rules and regulations of the Grand Lodge. What this translates out to is tyranny and abuse of power, whereby Masons live in the threat of being expelled and Lodges live in the fear of being closed if the Grand Master’s orders are not being followed.
The following is a newsletter that The Lone Ranger has recently sent out titled IN GOD IS OUR TRUST:
The Star Spangled Banner (4th stanza)
My Brother:
We now have over 3,600 Deputy Rangers. Thank you for your continuing interest and unflagging loyalty. Recently, many of you have written to ask why we are crusading against the Elected Line for the removal of the illegitimate Landmarks 3 and 7 and the restoration of Warren Lodge #13’s Warrant and the restoration of the illegally suspended and/or expelled masons from around the State.

You might have seen the edicts issued by our new Grand Master. He has re-arrested the warrant of Warren Lodge, in an effort to deprive its members of their building, continuing the unmasonic, and expensive lawsuit against the Masonic Temple Association of Belivdere (Warren Lodge) and has continued the illegal suspensions and expulsion of brothers who have not been given their U.S. Constitutional right and Grand Lodge Constitutional right to a trial. It appears that he is now joined the “Gang of Four”, now to be known as the “Gang of Five”.
We have been fighting this fight since 2014 and realized that most of you were not “Deputized” when we began, so we are going to review how this travesty has come to be.
The crux of the problem goes back to 1903. The Grand Master had put together the “Wallis Committee”. It was made up of Past Grand Masters who INVENTED Landmarks 3 and 7. You need to know that these so-called landmarks appear nowhere else in any list of Landmarks, recognized or not, anywhere else in the world. To be real Landmarks they have to be of ancient origin, universally recognized and absolutely irrevocable.
They were inserted in the Committee’s report in an attempt to seize absolute power for the future Grand Masters. They would give him the power to do whatever he wanted to do, to disregard the Constitution and By-Laws at will, and to never be held responsible for any of his actions.
In 1903 M.W. Brother Ewan moved that the report of this Committee be received and spread in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge, just as any other report. There never was a vote to accept them and that was for one obvious reason.
I ask you, if you were a Past Master, Master or Warden, would you have voted to give the future Grand Masters the powers of an ABSOLUTE DICTATOR? Of course you would never do it. Obviously, that Grand Master realized it would never go anywhere and he wisely did not call for a ratification vote.
For the next 111 years Landmarks 3 & 7, hereafter referred to as “unlandmarks”, were not abused and caused no problems, with one exception that will be reviewed in a future newsletter. In 2012, less than Grand Master Glenn R. Trautmann started the persecution of the brethren of Warren Lodge because one of his cronies did not like the results of that lodge’s election. He vacated the legal election of the lodge and suspended and/or expelled some of the membership without the trial that is guaranteed by our Constitution. In 2013, less than Grand Master Dorworth, hereafter referred to as “Dorworthless,” arrested the warrant of Warren Lodge and filed a lawsuit that is aimed at the confiscation of the Masonic Temple Association of Belvidere’s property and funds. ((a recognized, legal New Jersey Corporation) This lawsuit was continued by less than grand masters Sharpe, Montuori, and yes, our new less than grand master Kaulfers (shame on you).
Let’s look at the history of Masonic Landmarks:
In 1858, Albert G. Mackey, the foremost Masonic writer of his day, was the first to distinctly enumerate the landmarks of Freemasonry. His “An Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences”, published in 1874, lists the 25 Landmarks of Freemasonry. This and other Mackey books became and have continued to be, the recognized authority.
Our current Elected Line and it’s smarmy, subservient legal counsel, better known as the “Evil Legal Beagles”, falsely claim that the powers given to the Grand Master in New Jersey Landmarks 3 and 7 are legitimate because they have existed since 1903. How lame can they get? They can’t even provide any proof of any kind or type showing that these Landmarks were ever voted on, either singly or in their entirety, during the 1903 Grand Lodge Annual Communication. They claim the were voted on in less than past grand Master’s Sharpe’s Annual Communication, but if you were there, you know that was a joke, as he had his “henchmen” walking around the Grand Lodge taking names of anyone who opposed his arrogant rant on the Lone Ranger and his Deputies, and then proceeded to ask that those who agreed with him please stand.You know that there was no discussion and that was NOT a vote. Oh, yes, didn’t the report that less than past grand Master Sharpe had his Grand Historian, Grand Instructor and “Evil Legal Beagle” contrive state that Landmarks could not be voted on, because anything that can be voted in, can be repealed?
They are five spoiled little boys who claim that their fairy godfather gave them special dispensation to do whatever they want to do with or without their parent’s permission. It is nothing less than a naked power grab. In the past they would have gotten away with this abuse because there was no way for us to find out what they were up to. More importantly, there was no way for those of us who had learned what was going on to exposed their abusive disregard of our Constitution. It is the INTERNET that has made all of this possible. The Internet is their second worst nightmare; we are their first.
They have used this lie to usurp sweeping powers to disregard any and all parts of our Constitution. In recent years many brethren have been suspended and expelled without the due process as put forth in our Constitution. Warren Lodge is still under attack by our Grand Lodge. Will you be next? Will your lodge be next?
Just because this mistake has existed for the past 111 years there is no reason, real or imagined, to perpetuate this disgusting abuse of illegitimate powers.
Nowhere in Mackey’s or any other publication on landmarks is the Grand Master given the powers that are enumerated in New Jersey’s so-called Landmarks 3 and 7 as stated in 1903 Wallis Committee’s Landmark Report. It just is not true. As you will read below, the Grand Master’s powers are clearly limited to the recognized landmarks 5,6,7 & 8.
The 1903 Annual Communication would never have adopted these landmarks because they are in direct violation of Landmark 25 (reproduced in its entirety for you to see the truth):
The last and crowning landmark of all is, that these landmarks can never be changed. Nothing can be subtracted from them – nothing can be added to them – not the slightest modification can be made in them. As they were received from our predecessors, we are bound by the most solemn obligations of duty to transmit them to our successors. Not one jot or one tittle of these unwritten laws can be repealed; for, in the respect to them, we are not only willing but compelled to adopt the language of the sturdy old barons of England, “Nolumus leges mutari.” (English translation: “We do not want the laws to be changed.”)
The time has come to demand our Grand Lodge to correct this grievous situation. If the Grand Master and the Elected Line still wants these so-called unLandmark Powers, then they must prove how they can be considered as they are not listed anywhere else or recognized by any Grand Lodge anywhere in the world.

The other 24 Landmarks are enumerated herein. They are reproduced in their entirety as they were originally published in 1858 (1924 edition) in the attached file:
- The modes of recognition are, of all the landmarks, the most legitimate and unquestioned…
- The division of symbolic Masonry into three degrees is a landmark that has been better preserved than almost any other…
- The legend of the third degree is an important landmark, the integrity of which has been well preserved…
- The government of the Fraternity by a presiding officer called a Grand Master…
- The prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft…
- The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations of conferring degrees at irregular times….
- The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations give dispensations for opening and holding Lodges…
- The prerogative of the Grand Master to make Masons at sight…
- The necessity of Masons to congregate in Lodges…
- The government of the Craft, when so congregated in a Lodge, by a Master and two Wardens…
- The necessity of every Lodge, when congregated, should be duly tiled…
- The right of every Mason to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft…
- The right of every Mason to appeal from the decision of his brethren, in the Lodge convened, to the Grand Lodge or General Assembly of Masons…
- The right of every Mason to visit and sit in every regular Lodge…
- It is a landmark of the Order, that no visitor unknown to the brethren present, or to some one of them as a Mason, can enter a Lodge without first passing an examination according to ancient usage…
- No Lodge can interfere in the business of another Lodge or give degrees to brethren who are members of other Lodges.
- It is a landmark that every Freemason is amenable to the laws and regulations of the Masonic jurisdiction in which he resides and this although he may not be a member of any Lodge.
- Certain qualifications of candidates for initiation are derived from a landmark of the Order…
- A belief in the existence of God as the Grand Master of the Universe….
- Subsidiary to this belief in God, as a landmark of the Order, is the belief in a resurrection to a future life…
- It is a landmark that a “Book of the Law” shall constitute an indispensable part of the furniture of every Lodge.
- The equality of all Masons is another landmark of the Order.
- The secrecy of the Institution is another and most important landmark…
- The foundation of a speculative science upon an operative art…
Now that you know the truth. There are two more topics that will be reviewed for you in future newsletters. The first is the truth about the continuing persecution of Warren Lodge #13. In the meantime, think about these questions:
- Have you wondered just how much of our money has been spent on this lawsuit?
- Was the money for the lawsuit or the suit itself authorized by the members of Grand Lodge at any emergent or annual communication?
- Grand Lodge has to have spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $100,000, yet there is no accounting for it in any budget Grand Lodge has faked in the past 4 years. Maybe it is time for a real audit?

The second and latest in Elected line abuse of powers is the secret creation of the now infamous Grand Lodge of NJ Ashlar Fund, Inc. Again, we ask:
- Did you vote for its creation?
- How much was Acacia Lumberton Manor actually sold for?
- Where is the money invested?
- How much interest has it earned?
- Have you seen an audit?
- Do you really believe it cost $75,000.00 to set up that corporation?
Thanks to the Internet and a small group of dedicated Deputy Rangers, the Elected Line and their sniveling underlings are no longer to do whatever they want to do without us learning of their dirty deeds. We will keep you informed.
Grand Master, we are watching every move you make; you cannot hide
Sincerely and fraternally,
Philo Publius
Seems to me that this being New Jersey the MW GM is suffering from the Tony Soprano syndrome. Masonry is not the Mafia controlled the Don, you are here of your “own free will and accord” and as such can leave or join together and refuse to pay dues or support Masonic charities. You GM will soon leave office and hopefully the DGM is a little more intelligent and you won’t have to kiss his ??? or ring.
NJ brotherhood was sacrificed for elitism long ago.
Complete discussion of the actions of this GL in NJ. Disgusting! GMs from 2011 on should be thrown out of the fraternity for all of the damage they have caused. Membership is dropping very quickly, as few members are willing to subject themselves to this abuse.
see: thegrandlodgeofnewjersey.com
How do you report unMasonic conduct and illegal functions in a jurisdiction?
I once believed to hold interest in pursuing membership at the GL of NJ… thank you so very much for bringing this travesty to light, allowing me to reconsider Lodge Membership.. perhaps to mt. Zion of Metuchen … Fair well and travel safely. Wishing you the most success for the sake of the Brotherhood’s future in NJ.