Masonic Central Podcast

Howie Damron on Masonic Central

We’ve all heard the saying “Music calms the savage beast,” but it can also warm the Freemasons heart. This interview goes all the way back to January of 2009 where Dean and I had the pleasure of interviewing Howie Damron. A decade on and his name might not resonate the way it did then, but if you’re a mason I would bet you’ve probably heard one of his tunes. And just like his songs, his stories are engrossing. And even though this story is recording is several years old, Howie’s stories still have the power to hypnotize.

Join Dean and Greg in this Episode from Sunday, January 25, 2009, as we host singer/song writer and musician Howie Damron to talk about his moving musical contribution to the spirit of Freemasonry, his work with the Masonic Pride Team, and the Masonic anthem “Hiram’s Call” and “The Masonic Ring!”

If you haven’t heard this music before, you won’t soon forget it after this program.

From his website (now offline):

“He is of little ambition that chooses to do no good that will last beyond his own life.”

Words that Howie Damron has allowed to guide his entire life and career. Since he received his first guitar at the early age of eight music has not just been part of his life but has been his life. His travels and adventures has reached areas that are unreachable for most and where many others have quit his determination and perseverance has lead him on a life that most only dream of. He’s worked with over 100 major Nashville Artists and has performed on just about every stage there is across the country and ended up with his own show in Las Vegas.

Once named National/ International Ambassador of Scottish Rite and Blue Lodge Freemasonry and his albums “Hiram’s Call” and “The Masonic Touch” being shipped worldwide.

More on Howie Damron:

Morals and Dogma in the 21st Century

Missed the live pod cast?  Listen to it Now!

Join us as we talk to the authors and editors from Stone Guild Publishing about their recent release of the the book Morals & Dogma for the 21st Century which is the only edition that is not abridged, a digest, or an editorial commentary of the original book.

The program starts at 6pm PST on Masonic Central! Be a part of our special in studio audience and participate with the LIVE program on talkshoe!

The new Bible called “the book”

There was an article on NPR’s Marketplace a short while ago that talked about a new high gloss slick designed Holy Bible called Bible Illuminated: The Book coming from, whose publisher Dag Soderberg released it in Sweden to a seemingly starving audience of believers to ashamed to carry and display the good book. Sales of the book were “unprecedented” because people no longer found a connection to reading these historical texts as the traditional text and design “turned people off”.

That idea led to this new version simply called “The Book“. What makes this new edition of this centuries old best seller is that it taps into our modern day material culture of images and celebrities to illustrate the moral parables from the past.

With a slick magazine look like Vogue images of post Katrina New Orleans and men on fire are indicative of Revelations and Andy Warhol in Drag illuminates the book of John. This new approach is geared for slick urban hipster who is more familiar with twitter and more likely to read facebook than carry a bible. The goal of the publisher is to put the “the book” into the hands of the younger set, in a way that they want it.

I’m interested in seeing what the new text looks like and what its impact will be on the religious marketplace. Not that there haven’t been publications like this before, but it seems like a new way of trying to market a very old product to keep it in the hearts and minds of the adherents.

Maybe it would be a snappy way to update the lodge room to place it as the VSL.

I picked up a version at the book store and spent some time with it.  It really does have the look and feel of a high end magazine, which may have saved in the high end emboss of a more traditional publication, but I can see their marketing plan and their product vision.  It definitely has the interest of a new generation in mind.

The publisher Illuminated World

On Amazon Bible Illuminated: The Book

Masonic Central – Back to Basics

Join us this Sunday evening for a Masonic Central episode that is going back to the basics.

We catch up on the mail bag, talk about the hot topics on the web, in the blogs, and in the news, discuss some new books on the shelf and open the forum for caller questions and comments.

It was a fun evening of getting back to the basics of Masonic Central and a ramp up into 2009!

square and compass, freemasonry, S&C, freemason information

Ceremony of the Seven Toasts

For those coming to the show tonight, below is a brief description of the toasts to be proposed.

The format for each of the toasts will be the same. Although there are many other ways to do Toasts in various rituals, please follow the pattern given below for each toast this evening. The wine in your will be recharged once after every toast.

The pattern for toasting is below.

The Host Master will call the toast, this applies to all toasts.

All will acknowledge the toast raising their “Cannon” in front, shoulder high, the arm extended comfortably. The glass is held in this position during the reading of the next on of the Toast and during the response by the brethren.

The proposer will then give the toast, ending with “Brethren…” followed by the response that is to given.

All present will then respond by repeating the last phrase as given by the proposer.

Host Master Only says: “Ready”

On command “Ready,” bring the glass to your lips, ready to drink from it.

Host Master Only says: “DerryDoon”

On the command “DerryDoon,” the brethren drink their wine, then return their glass to arms length, eye level.

The Host Master will then say: “Brethren, The Good Fire, taking your time from me.”

The procedure for “Good Fire” is:

a) The Host Master will recite the following at a smart pace, marking time with his Cannon (Firing Glass), in the air;

b) All present follow the cadence set by the proposer, repeating, with the Host Master, in unison:

Vivat Vivat, Vivat!

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

On first command “Vivat,” move the glass to the left shoulder.

On second command “Vivat,” move the glass across the throat to the right shoulder.

On third command “Vivat,” move the glass back to the starting point, in front, completing a triangle. Repeat this sequence with each set of three “Vivat’s” completing three triangles, ending with the glass in front and at arms length. (“Vivat” is said while the glass is in motion)

On the command “One,” swing your arm to the left. On “Two,” swing your arm back to the right and up.

On the command “Fire,” all, in unison, will strike their Cannons sharply on the Table.

In order to avoid breakage we recommend not getting TOO boisterous, the glass is not a gavel!

The proposer will then say “Together, brethren” for the battery of Three Times Three.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The Host Master will close the toast.

If the Host Master wishes, he may ask some brother to give a response to the toast. The brother does this, speaking spontaneously about the subject of the toast. The response should be brief’. The brother DOES NOT PROPOSE ANOTHER TOAST!

The next toast will then follow in sequence.

It is worth noting that the Good Fire is a triad of seven times three salutes (21 motions in all). The ‘GOOD FIRE,” or “QUICK FIRE” described above is really a 21gun salute, and in ancient times, especially in the French Rite, the Good Fire was given by an elaborate ritual using heavy “Firing” Glasses or “Cannons” with thick glass bases which could be struck upon the table top in time to the proposer’s cadence. We do a version of this.

Speeches may be interspersed between toasts at the discretion of the Host Masters. Furthermore, they may call for brief remarks from any brother as a response to any of the toasts.






1. THE FIRST TOAST – Dean to give


Host Master.: “are all cannons charged in the column of the West?”

Are all the cannons charged in the column of the South?”

Host Master.: “Brethren, it is my honor to propose this first toast to the United States of America and Canada! We offer our wishes for its honor and prosperity in peace, and for its continued Sovereignty, Independence, and the Freedom of its citizens. This is a health so dear to us that I invite you to deliver your fire as handsomely as possible. Upstanding, brethren!

ALL: (Rise and hold Cannons out in front, arm’s length at eye level

W.M.: “Brethren, I give you the United States of America and Canada!


H.M.: ONLY: “Ready” On the command “Ready,” ALL bring the wine to the lips, ready to drink.

H.M.: ONLY: “DerryDoon” On the command “DerryDoon,” drink your wine, then raise your class comfortably at arm’s length and at eye level.

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.”

All present follow the cadence set by the Host Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

2. THE SECOND TOAST – Greg to Give


Host Master.: “are all cannons charged in the column of the West?”are all the cannons charged in the column of the South?”

H.M.: “Brethren, the Toast to the Craft and the Memory of our Founders which will be proposed by our Host MASTER:

“To Him who brought the stone and wood,

To him who all things understood,

To him who hapless, shed his blood in the doing of his duty,

To that bright day, To that blest more

wherein these three great men were born,

Our Ancient Science to Adorn With Wisdom, Strength and Beauty.”

“Host Master and brethren, I give you the Ancient and Gentle Craft and The Memory of Our Founders. This second obligatory health, which I have the honor to propose, is to the ties which unite a great Brotherhood, and to a future made great by reason of a greater understanding of the spirit of Freemasonry. This health is so dear to us that I invite you to deliver your fire as handsomely as possible. Upstanding, brethren!

ALL: (Rise and hold Cannons out in front, arm’s length at eye level

W.M.: “Brethren, I give you the THE MEMORY OF OUR FOUNDERS!


H.M.: ONLY: “Ready” On the command “Ready,” ALL bring the wine to the lips, ready to drink.

H.M.: ONLY: “DerryDoon” On the command “DerryDoon,” drink your wine, then raise your class comfortably at arm’s length and at eye level.

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.”

All present follow the cadence set by the Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

Introductions and Salutations

Round table for all present who wish to speak and make comment to the event and to Masonry in general.

3. THE THIRD TOAST – Dean to give


Host Master.: “are all cannons charged in the column of the West?”

are all the cannons charged in the column of the South?”


H.M.: “Host Master and brethren, I have the honor to propose a toast to the Most Worshipful Grand Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons of North America, the Most Worshipful Grand Masters that preside over them together with all officers and members of their Grand Lodge!”

“To its long and honored past, its steady adherence to our principles, their unfailing answer to the call of distress, and its encouragement to those who seek Further Light in Masonry. To their health, we gladly add our Fraternal wishes for its prosperity that it may direct with Wisdom, decide with Justice, and plan with Vision worthy of the Fraternity it serves, and of the brethren who constitute its Masonic people. Be pleased to join me in delivering this most Masonic and Fraternal Toast and Fire! Upstanding, brethren!

ALL: (Rise and hold Cannons out in front, arm’s length at eye level



H.M.: ONLY: “Ready” On the command “Ready,” ALL bring the wine to the lips, ready to drink.

H.M.: ONLY: “DerryDoon” On the command “DerryDoon,” drink your wine, then raise your class comfortably at arm’s length and at eye level.

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.

All present follow the cadence set by the Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

4. THE FOURTH TOAST – Greg to Give

To Masonic Central, the pod cast for Freemasons by Freemasons

Host Master.: “are all cannons charged in the column of the West?”

are all the cannons charged in the column of the South?”

Host .M.: “Brethren, the toast to our beloved Masonic Central. I beg permission to propose a Toast to our own beloved program Masonic Central. To this precious program, so close to the hearts of its participants, and to the brotherhood that has blossomed throughout the past year. Its brothers display an interest and loyalty unshaken by adversity, and unspoiled by prosperity. So may we all, each one of us, ever it reflect its integrity and its stability in our daily lives. Brethren, I give you the Masonic Central Pod Cast! ”

ALL: ” the Masonic Central Pod Cast! ”

H.M.: ONLY: “Ready” On the command “Ready,” ALL bring the wine to the lips, ready to drink.

H.M.: ONLY: “DerryDoon” On the command “DerryDoon,” drink your wine, then raise your class comfortably at arm’s length and at eye level.

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.

All present follow the cadence set by the Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

9’o’clock toast – to our absent brethren

To our absent brethren

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.

All present follow the cadence set by the Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

5. THE FIFTH TOAST Designate TBD to give

To the Masonic Central Hosts

Host Master.: “are all cannons charged in the column of the West?”

are all the cannons charged in the column of the South?”

Designate: “Brethren, I have the honor of proposing a toast to our Host Masters Brother Dean Kennedy and Brother Greg Stewart

Designate.: “Host Masters and brethren, the health which I have the honor to propose is that of the Host Masters, who directs the labors of this Pod Cast, and of all who are near and dear to them. Be pleased to join me in delivering this Toast and the best possible fire in homage to these Brothers who serves us all. Upstanding, brethren!

ALL: ” Host Masters Brother Dean Kennedy and Brother Greg Stewart ”

H.M.: ONLY: “Ready” On the command “Ready,” ALL bring the wine to the lips, ready to drink.

H.M.: ONLY: “DerryDoon” On the command “DerryDoon,” drink your wine, then raise your class comfortably at arm’s length and at eye level.

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.

All present follow the cadence set by the Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

Education Interlude – Greg

Saint John the Evangelist

6. THE SIXTH TOAST – Dean to give


Host Master.: “are all cannons charged in the column of the West?”

are all the cannons charged in the column of the South?”

H.M.: “Brethren, this sixth Toast is to those visiting Brethren who honor us with their presence this evening. May this occasion persuade them to share our hospitality whenever their circumstances permit. To this Toast, we earnestly add the health of all Lodges affiliated or corresponding with ours. We hereby proclaim: UNION, CONTENTMENT, and WISDOM. Be pleased to join me in delivering the best possible Fire for this Toast. Please raise your cannons for this Toast.

All: (Hold Cannons out in front, arm’s length at ey level

H.M.: “Brethren of Masonic Central, I give you our visiting brethren!”

All: “Our visiting brethren!”

H.M.: ONLY: “Ready” On the command “Ready,” ALL bring the wine to the lips, ready to drink.

H.M.: ONLY: “DerryDoon” On the command “DerryDoon,” drink your wine, then raise your class comfortably at arm’s length and at eye level.

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.

All present follow the cadence set by the Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

7. THE SEVENTH TOAST – Greg to give


Host Master.: “are all cannons charged in the column of the West?”

are all the cannons charged in the column of the South?”

H.M.: ” Brethren, kindly be upstanding for the final Tyler Toast of the evening, Brethren, I propose a toast to all poor and distressed Masons, wheresoever dispersed over the face of the earth or water, a speedy relief to their suffering, and a safe return to their native land if they so desire. Let us with reverence invoke for all the favor of the Great Architect of the Universe that it may please Him to succor the unfortunate, and bring them into safe and good harbors. Brethren, be pleased to unite with me in delivering the most sincere of Toasts and most efficient of Fires to this last health. Upstanding, brethren!”

TYLER: “Worshipful Master and brethren, I give you our poor and distressed brethren!”

All: (Hold Cannons out in front, arm’s length at ey level

H.M.: “Brethren of Masonic Central, I give you our poor and distressed brethren!”

All: ” Our poor and distressed brethren!”

H.M.: ONLY: “Ready” On the command “Ready,” ALL bring the wine to the lips, ready to drink.

H.M.: ONLY: “DerryDoon” On the command “DerryDoon,” drink your wine, then raise your class comfortably at arm’s length and at eye level.

H.M.: “Brethren, the GOOD FIRE, taking your time from the East.

All present follow the cadence set by the Master. He will recite, at a smart pace, marking time with the triangular motions described in the earlier instructions.

Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat! Vivat, Vivat, Vivat!

End of table lodge – end of recording.

Michael T. Anderson, Deputy GM of The PH GL of Texas

On this Pearl Harbor Sunday join us in some in depth understanding of the meaning of Freemasonry as Masonic Central interviews RW Michael T. Anderson, Deputy Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas.

We will discuss the special meaning of Masonry to him and what he believes it should be to others. Also we will explore how Prince Hall and Pride of Mt. Pisgah Lodge teaches their candidates going through the degrees and how important comprehension and understanding is of them. Br Anderson is also known for a keen understanding of the nuances of Freemasonry and will share with us some of his wisdom.

Br. Michael attended Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, Arkansas for 2 years where he became a member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. He is presently employed with AT&T, (formerly SBC), in Dallas, Texas, where he has worked for 28 years. Michael is a member of Mt Pisgah Baptist Church, where he serves in the male chorus and current president of the Board of Directors. He also serves as the 2nd vice president of the Irving/Carrollton Branch of the NAACP. Married for 27 years, to the former Gloria Hicks, of El Dorado, Arkansas, they have 2 daughters, April and Amber and 2 grandkids, Kaliyah and Kiontre.

In 1988 Michael became a Mason in King David Lodge #151 in Dallas, Texas, under the guidance of Lawrence “Pap” Anderson. From that time on he has become a member of Mystic Tie Chapter #3, Holy Royal Arch Mason, Trinity Commandery #3, Knight Templars, Dale Consistory #31, A.A.S.R., ZaKat Temple #164, A.E.A.O.N.M.S.. He is also a member of Margaret O. Sample, OES, and M. L. Ray Court, Heroines of Jericho.

In 1994 Michael formed Mt. Pisgah Lodge, Dallas, obtaining the charter in 1995 and becoming its first Master. The Lodge consolidated with two other Dallas Lodges, Pride of Dallas and Metropolitan Lodges, in 1998 & 1999 and changed its name to Pride of Mt. Pisgah and its number to 135.

Presently Brother Anderson is Deputy Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and will be its next Grand Master when and if elected. He presides in the East some of the time at the Winter and Summer Grand Lodge Sessions. He has traveled outside Texas representing the Grand Lodge and Grand Master, most recently at the Grand Master’s Conference where he represented Texas while the Grand Master was installed as Vice President. He is a sought after speaker, last year delivering a special oration for the 10th anniversary of his OES Chapter and this coming year he will be addressing the Master’s Banquet at Pride of Killeen #620.

Our own Br. Fred Milliken with R.W. Anderson.

Listen live to our program by going to or be a part of our live in “virtual” studio audience by logging in at talkshoe at 6PM PST / 9PM EST! Also, you can download the show from our website

Masonic Central Podcast

Philippa Faulks

The Masonic Magician bu Philipa Faulks

In this episode, recorded on November 30, 2008, Dean and Greg are joined by Philippa Faulks nee Lee. Philippa, or Pip as we came to know her, talked about her research and work on the book on the Masonic Magician Count Cagliostro. Pip along with Robert L. D.  Cooper, is the the authors of “The Masonic Magician: The Life and Death of Count Cagliostro and His Egyptian Rite

This was one of those fun and fascinating conversations that explores Masonic history and pseudo history, high crimes and high magic, at least as far as the count is concerned. Was he a charlatan, criminal or a genius?

This episode was a special one for us as our guest joined us from across the Atlantic to dig into this unique character out of the mists of the masonic past.

Some of areas we touch on in the show include:

  • The Egyptian Rites
  • Alchemy
  • The Hermetic Rites in Freemasonry
  • Crossing the Catholic Church

This episode was a special one for us as our guest joined us from across the Atlantic to dig into this unique character from out of the mists of the masonic past.

Philippa Faulks, nee Lee, has gone on to write:

  • A Handbook for the Freemason’s Wife
  • Henna Magic: Crafting Charms & Rituals with Sacred Body Art
  • Gateways to Health: Secrets of Meditation: Simple Techniques for Achieving Harmony
  • Secrets of Meditation: Simple Techniques for Achieving Harmony.

More on the web at:

Masonic Central Podcast

Chris Hodapp on Masonic Central

Masonic Central podcast

In this episode, originally recorded on November 23, 2008, Greg and Dean are joined by the esteemed Masonic author, Chris Hodapp.

The author of many books on Freemasonry, most notably  Freemasons For Dummies and Solomon’s Builders, Chris Hodapp is one the strongest voices for American Freemasonry today.

Chris joined us on Masonic Central to talk about Freemasonry, his work as an author. In the episode, Chris noted that he didn’t come from a long line of masons, instead coming to the fraternity after attending a masonic funeral. Initiated through a one-day class, Chris swiftly joined the ranks of the fraternity climbing out of necessity into lodge leadership and into a stratospheric career in the craft.

In our conversation we dig into the success (and failures) of one-day classes and what they meant to the fraternity at the time. His story, much like the man himself, is a dynamic one.

Chris Hodapp has been a tireless soldier for the fraternity in print, as well as in his blog Freemasons for Dummies, and in lodge as one of the founders of the one of the early Traditional Observance Lodges, Lodge Vitruvian. Back then, Chris also took up the mantle of the editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Masonic Society the flagship publication of the, then new, Masonic Society. Chris has made great strides in making Freemasonry accessible to an increasingly curious public.

Masonic author Chris Hodapp.
Chris Hodapp

One area we dig into is his work with the Knights of the North and their answers to Dwight Smith’s questions on the future of the fraternity: Laudable Pursuit: A 21st Century Response to Dwight Smith. That work sought to provide answers to many of the challenges facing Freemasonry in 2008 the effects of which we see in the fraternity today.

Some of the points we hit in this conversation include:

  • Advertising Freemasonry
  • Which members are being lost (hint, hint, it’s demits and NPDs)
  • Origin of the Freemasons for Dummies book
  • The Dan Brown conspiracy craze (before Q-Anon, of course)
  • and, the founding of the Masonic Society

Chris was a great guest and this was a fun show to host and go back and listen to. You can find more from Chris on his website: Freemasons for Dummies blog.

Masonic works by Chris Hodapp:

  • Solomon’s Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C.
  • Heritage Endures: Perspectives on 200 Years Of Indiana Freemasonry
  • Deciphering the Lost Symbol: Freemasons, Myths and the Mysteries of Washington, D.C.
  • The Templar Code For Dummies
  • Conspiracy Theories and Secret Societies For Dummies

Masonic Central Podcast

Timothy Hogan: Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual

Masonic Central podcast

Join Greg and Dean in this episode of the Masonic Central podcast, originally recorded on November 16, 2008, as the talk with to Brother Timothy Hogan about his book The Alchemical Keys To Masonic Ritual. It was an enlightening conversation on alchemy, ritual, and the “secrets” of Freemasonry.

In His work, Timothy has found several special connections from antiquity that correspond to more than a few aspects of Freemasonry. Do they connect the modern fraternity to the ancient path? We talk about those answers as Hogan explored them in his book, The Alchemical Keys To Masonic Ritual.

In the episode we dig into:

  • Freemasonry and Alchemy
  • The Mystery Schools of antiquity
  • Hermes Trismegistus
  • The Morgan Affair
  • And, of course, alchemy!

Timothy Hogan is a great listen. He’s passionate about Freemasonry and well versed at conveying complex ideas in an understandable manner.

More on Timothy hogan:

W.Bro. S. Brent Morris – on Masonic Central

Brent Morris

W. Br. S. Brent Morris – Sunday, November 9, 2008

Editor of “The Scottish Rite Journal” and the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Freemasonry.

S. Brent Morris, joined the Masonic Central podcast where he discussed the importance of the Scottish Rite in the 21st Century, the differences/similarities between the Scottish Rite and the York Rite, American Masonry today and shared his thoughts on how to proceed into 21st century Masonry.

In this podcast Morris discusses his personal Masonic journey including his time as the first (and only) American to head the Quatuor Coronati lodge of research and delve into the nuanced history of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America.

We also talk about the development of the Scottish Rite Journal (the largest Masonic publication in the world with more than 250,000 circulation) from its former incarnation as the the New Age Magazine.

In this episode we dig deep into the issues facing Freemasonry (member retention), masonic literacy and the future of the gentle craft. This was a fascinating conversation to get to know Brent and his amazing work in furthering the fraternity.

This podcast was originally recorded on Sunday, November 9, 2008.

More from W. Br. S. Brent Morris: Landmarks And Liabilities.

More on S. Brent Morris.