My Lodge, Pride of Mt. Pisgah #135, MWPHGLTX, is a small, low budget Lodge operating in simple surroundings. But don’t let that fool you. Serious and deep study of Masonry is going on among its members. Not only does Mt. Pisgah spend a great deal of time and effort in instructing its candidates but it also offers much in the way of continuing education for Master Masons, even those who have been Masons for many years.
Pride of Mt. Pisgah has many learned members who contribute to that education and understanding of Masonry. One who dedicates himself to that purpose is Bro. Dr. Audra Robinson, PM. It is he who has been running a Puzzler/Quiz for our members.
Now I bring that Puzzler/Quiz to a greater audience. Please feel free to offer some answers to what is asked in the comments section. Before researching the question ask yourself if you have any hint to what is being asked before looking it up. Bro. Dr. Robinson is not only looking for word definitions but also themes. What is the over all scenario of how certain words are used, what is their context and what does this all have to do with Masonry?
In the first Question:
What does trivium and quadrivium mean?
Some things to think about: what do they mean, where did you first encountered them, how are they symbolized and why are the divided that way. Is there any biblical references to them?
KEY WORD: “trivium and quadrivium”
to: my lodge pride of mt pisgah #135 keep me inform at [email protected] about membership.
“trivium” Applies to the three degrees of Masonry, Ent Apprtc. Fellow Craft, and Sublime Degree iof Master Mason.
“Quadrivium” Applies to the 4 degrees of the York Rite.
“trivium and quadrivium” is attributed to the seven liberal arts, and encountered
in the Fellow Craft Degree.
3+4 = 7. 7 being the liberal arts & sciences. Now, group them together.
Trivium = Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic. Quadrivium = Music, Geometry, Astronomy, arithmetic.
The Trivium and Quadrivium were the curricula of the medieval university system which began in the Italian states in the 12th century and moved north. As has been said, the Trivium consisted of three fields of study, grammar, rhetoric and logic (undergraduate) and the four graduate fields of the Quadrivium, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.