From The West Virginia Masonic Website, “Masonic Crusade”, comes this breaking news that will disperse heartburn if not fear across Mainstream Freemasonry
MWB Frank Haas will be in court on Monday 12/6/10.
The Judge has apparently ruled in a pre-trial hearing the following:
1. The Grand Master did not have the authority to expel a member based on the Laws of Masonry (West Virginia Lawbook).
2. The State of West Virginia has the authority to rule and force a private organization to follow its own rules.
3. The Grand Lodge had filed a motion to NOT allow any discussions regarding race. Their argument was that race was not pertinent to the case. She denied it and my understanding is that she indicated that it IS pertinent to the case.
As the Beehive has pointed out previously, Grand Lodges that have incorporated (and most if not all have), now are no longer purely private organizations but they have entered the civil world and are now subject to civil authority and to the rules of incorporation of their state. They no longer can violate the Civil Rights of their members. They can no longer get away with injustice with impunity. Civil courts will rule upon their practices because they have removed themselves from the exclusive private world into the public sphere. This they did of their own free will and accord and now it is time to pay the piper.
This could have far reaching effects for the high profile cases of Derek Gordon in Arkansas and Mike McCabe in New Jersey and many other Freemasons across the nation who have been treated unjustly by their Grand Lodges.
Stand by. Freemason Information will keep you abreast of this story as it develops further.
I wondered how long it would be before the dirty head of the govt. would come after the Masons?
Fine followup on the West Virginia case however I find a glaring error.
The comment ” . . . Grand Lodges that have incorporated (and most if not all have), now are no longer purely private organizations but they have entered the civil world and are now subject to civil authority and to the rules of incorporation of their state. They no longer can violate the Civil Rights of their members”. This is a false statement. Whether or not a grand lodge is incorporated makes no difference. The state courts have jurisdiction whenever a citizen is wronged within his voluntary association and he is deprived of the rights provided by the documents of the organization. What governs is the organizational documents and the fact the citizen is being deprived of the rights for which he “paid” membership fees. These were the findings in the recent Virginia case and the Pensylvania case of about 8 years ago.
Otherwise this article is worth distributing.
As a Mason for over 35 years I am appalled by the un-masonic actions and inactions related to any mason, and in particular Worshipful Brother Mike McCabe of New Jersey. How do a few ruffians get away with bludgeoning one of our worthy brothers without suffering the penalty of their obligations. This is very disturbing to me as a Mason and eats at the very foundation of Masonry, and in this country our CONSTITUTION. Shame on the CRAFTSMEN who do not rush upon and seize these ruffians and impose the penalties they themselves have uttered and obligated themselves to. It is a true Mason’s obligation to STAND UP for what is RIGHT. If you cannot do this then STEP OUT of the procession. Be ye HOT or be ye COLD, but be ye not LUKE WARM.
Bro. Patrick K. Hurley
Belcher # 180 / Trinity # 79
As a Mason for over 35 years I am appalled by the un-masonic actions and inactions related to any mason, and in particular the tragic treatment of Worshipful Brother Mike McCabe of New Jersey. How do a few ruffians get away with bludgeoning one of our worthy brothers without suffering the penalty of their obligations. This is very disturbing to me as a Mason and eats at the very foundation of Masonry, and in this country our CONSTITUTION. Shame on the CRAFTSMEN who do not rush upon and seize these ruffians and impose the penalties they themselves have uttered and obligated themselves to. It is a true Mason’s obligation to STAND UP for what is RIGHT. If you cannot do this then STEP OUT of the procession. Be ye HOT or be ye COLD, but be ye not LUKE WARM.
Bro. Patrick K. Hurley
Belcher # 180 / Trinity # 79
I was a 32nd degree mason. Worshipful Master Montgomery, of West Virginia, had me removed from masonry because I had previously been in a Prince Hall lodge while I was in the Army. I am Caucasian. Did the Haas ruling have any impact that could effect my case?