In the secrecy of the lodges – report

Picked up from Blog Maçonnique, originally from a photo essay from Stéphane Lehr, In the secrecy of the lodges – report.

From Br, Jiri of Blog Maconnique:

The photojournalist Stephan Lehr (who appears as a humanist photographer) did a story he has called in the secret lodges . Ce sont des photos qui peuvent illustrer une “enquête” sur la Franc-Maçonnerie (ou donner des couleurs à un marronnier); des photos ont ainsi été publiées dans des dossiers de L’Express ou du Monde des Religions. These are photos that illustrate an “investigation” of Freemasonry (or give a chestnut color)[by translation]…

I have to say, the images of the lodge rooms are quite stunning.

Image - Stéphane Lehr

Posted in Masonic Traveler.

A devoted student of the Western Mystery Traditions, Greg is a firm believer in the Masonic connections to the Hermetic traditions of antiquity, its evolution through the ages and into its present configuration as the antecedent to all contemporary esoteric and occult traditions. He is a self-called searcher for that which was lost, a Hermetic Hermit and a believer in “that which is above is so too below.” Read more about Greg Stewart.


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