Lindasy Lohans blood cult freemason stalker

Lindsay Lohan and the Freemason post on Twitter is old news now, and even older as the barely coherent tweet was removed shortly after it was posted.  If you missed the bit of excitement, give the breaking old news from TMZ.

For those who might of missed it, the post went like this:

“This is the freemason stalker that has been threatening to kill me- while he is TRESPASSING!”…“im actually scared now- the blood in the ‘cults’ book was too much.”

Included with it was a photo of the person (which you can see here) she alleged was the Masonic trespasser, beard, shades, work shirt, and all. As you can see in the photo, as posted to the CBS Los Angeles story Lohan: ‘Freemason Stalker’ Trying To Kill Me, there is little that overtly identifies the individual as a Freemason.

So, maybe it was in the book’s that he left at her Venice, Ca, home that bothered her so much, but more on that in a minute.

What I found most interesting was the way that the tabloid news reports on the matter, specifically in how they describe the 300 year old fraternity.  Variably the Ancient Order is is mentioned thusly:

“…a mysteriousand apparently powerfulsecret society…”CBS Los Angeles

“…your grandpa’s favorite social club” – The Vancouver Sun

“…thinks he’s a Freemason because he’s a porker” Holy Moly

“What the hell is a Freemason?” L.A. Weekly

It didn’t help much for the story that the very next day Lohan was back at it getting into fights at a night club, It buried the disappearing Freemason tweet into Twitter obscurity.

But like all armchair quarterbacks, I was left to wonder what might the blood in the cults book be? I’ve had a few tongue in cheek quips sent to me on twitter, Green Eggs and Ham being one of them. I searched a bit to see if I could come up with anything interesting through Google.  Not long after I started I found a few references to “blood cult books”, but the most interesting thing I found was from the blogger who tried his best to expose Lohan as an Illuminati pawn posing with New World Order iconography for here 6126 clothing line. Some of the images of Lohan posing were reminiscent of Baphomet and Gaga-esque as LiLo posed over a Masonic chair (though really she’s on a bureau with a decorative mirror). It’s a stretch, I know, but I’m working with a tweet here.

Maybe the link to the blood cults was Lohan’s dabling with the Kabbalah back in 2006? Any good esotericist knows that there’s a link between Masonry and the Kabbalah, even if just in esoteric or occult circles.  Another blog, cleverly called the Illuminati Scoreboard, linked Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Britney Spears to a Hollywood cult in 2007.

But alas, the investigation will continue, for both the stalker and his connection to the Freemasons with the same speed that LiLo’s mention spanned the globe. Hopefully the problem, and the reference, will disappear as quick as the original tweet did.

Update, the stalker has been identified as David Cocordan who, it is being reported, has attempted to contact Lohan through more than 100 phone call and text messages to express “delusional thoughts and irrational feelings about his belief that we are in a relationship.” A restraining order was made against him as of Thursday, May 19th.   No mention was made in the order on whether he was, or was not, a freemason.

Posted in Masonic Traveler.

A devoted student of the Western Mystery Traditions, Greg is a firm believer in the Masonic connections to the Hermetic traditions of antiquity, its evolution through the ages and into its present configuration as the antecedent to all contemporary esoteric and occult traditions. He is a self-called searcher for that which was lost, a Hermetic Hermit and a believer in “that which is above is so too below.” Read more about Greg Stewart.

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