Freemason Tim Bryce.

Why We Resist Change

If anything in life is constant, it is change.– Bryce’s Law Like so many of you, I am often mystified as to why there is so much trouble in the middle East. We could easily blame it on religious fanaticism, be it Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. Perhaps. But I tend to believe it can primarily […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

Individualism and Collectivism Revisited

A Historical Perspective Recent articles on “The Euphrates” by Terence Satchell on how Freemasonry operates, either in a Collectivist or an Individualistic mode are too important and received far too little attention not to revisit these concepts again. For the style chosen has a lot to do with the success or failure of today’s Freemasonry. […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

Are We Reading the Signs?

If there is anything constant in life, it is change.– Bryce’s Law It is no secret that membership in Freemasonry is either stagnating or in decline in most jurisdictions. Some Grand Lodges pay attention to our membership numbers, others do not. But I contend there are other important indicators we should be paying attention to; […]

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