Freemasons and the New World Order

To the unassuming public, the Freemasons are a society of likeminded men who come together to donate and raise money for good and charitable causes. But is this really true? Is the government a component of an underground Masonic society whose whole organization is a plot to form a new-world order? Let’s look at the […]

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Illuminati,Adam Weishaupt,freemasonry,Congress of Vienna,Freemasonry

A Brief History of the Illuminati

The Illuminati is one of those well-known shadowy organization shrouded in myth and legend. They are credited with behind the scenes manipulations of world events and seen as the secret power that controls everything. The Illuminati has become the modern day catch all poster child of the political evils in the world. All of which […]

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The Book Of Fate

I just completed a week’s vacation where I did what I love to do most. And that is lay back and put my feet up with a good “escape” book. No heavy reading allowed on vacation.  My favorite “get away from it all,” fiction fantasy escape is a good murder mystery. I am addicted to […]

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The Masonic New World Order Has Secret Headquarters At The Denver Airport

The masons are really going to take over the world!  Oh there is no doubt for you see there are Masonic symbols everywhere, many in the strange artwork that adorns the airport walls.  And underneath the airport there is a maze of underground corridors containing secret bunkers.  Here in this remote airport shielded from nuclear […]

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freemasonry, masonic, master mason, mason mark, Ouroboros, all-seeing eye

Secret meetings…

Imagine if the richest people in the world got together to decide how you and your charitable dollars (given in person or through your hard spent marketed dollars) were parted.  Well, on the heels of our conspiracy show this last Sunday, Tom Accousti of the Tao of Masonry pointed us to a Fox story about […]

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time, weeping, virgin, broken pillar

The Death of Freemasonry

Freemasonry will never be extinguished by outside forces. Tyrants, religious zealots, conspiracy theorists, and the jealous have attempted to stamp out the oldest fraternity and have repeatedly failed. At times the Society of Freemasons has gone into ultra-secret mode when faced with attack and this simple defensive mechanism enabled it to survive until the storm […]

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