First-time author, Mason Pratt, brings to life a story of personal growth and mentorship. Read about the world’s best kept hidden and protected secrets. A story written as a fiction novel, with underlying truths. Could it be true that there is a path that would lead a person to an unbelievable richness of growth and self-fulfillment […]
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Wisconson Masons donate life saving deliberators
On the other end of the spectrum, in the news, four local Masonic Lodges and the Wisconsin Masonic Foundation are among those who donated funds to supply local first responders, schools and other community organizations with AED (automated external defibrillator) devices. Out of Waukesha, Wisconsin: Saving the life of a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) victim […]
Continue readingSupport Your Local Sheriff
BRYCE ON LAW ENFORCEMENT – and all other Law Enforcement Officers (LEO). How can we show our appreciation?To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. Law enforcement officers (LEO) have had a rough year. Between their normal duties and responsibilities, which vary greatly and can be dangerous, they have […]
Continue readingBuilding Free Men
A book review by Frederic L. Milliken “ Do men exist who cannot see Past Surfaces? Ritual repeatedly tells us they do. They only Grasp the Superficial Aspects of Life and this includes other males. They cannot See ‘in Depth’, nor do they Seek to See anything other than what is Seen upon the Surfaces […]
Continue readingWhy Oldsters are Mean
BRYCE ON SENIORS– And, No, we’re not like this all the time. There is a general stereotype of senior citizens in this country whereby they are commonly described as either mean, cantankerous, grumpy, crotchety, irritable, impatient, sour, aloof or acerbic. There are reasons for this, most of which are caused by changing physical conditions. Allow […]
Continue readingMasonic Traveler, The Book
Masonic Traveler is a book that will bring many Freemasons into the esoteric part of Freemasonry that a Mason never gets in Lodge. It is a journey, the journey of Greg Stewart who is a Masonic Traveler.
Continue readingDating the Foundation of English Masonry
Here is the second in a series from writer/researcher Hank Kraychir from his website Gnosis Masonry. I think some may have missed the most important point in the first article , namely that today’s Freemasonry did not grow out of ancient stone guild operative Lodges that gradually became speculative but rather from aristocratic speculative Lodges that were […]
Continue readingDissecting The 1723 Constitutions Of Freemasons; Dispelling Revisionist Myths
ARE YOU READY TO THINK? I have come across one of the most thought provoking articles in a long time. It’s not the same old hash but from a fellow Masonic writer Hank Kraychir who is a top rate Masonic researcher. His website, GnosisMasonry, has many wonderful and thoughtful articles on it. But this one […]
Continue readingInterview With Masonic Author Frederic Milliken, His Life And Times and Texas’ New Intervisitation
I recently had the pleasure to interview one of Phoenixmasonry’s own, Bro. Frederic Millken, Executive Director for the Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum and Library. Frederic is a prominent and hard working Masonic author. The reason for the interview, however, was the recent intervisitation between the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texas and the Grand […]
Continue readingIf You Truly Want To Walk On Water, You Have To Get Out Of The Boat
“If you run with wolves, you will learn how to howl. But, if you associate with eagles, you will learn how to soar to great heights.” I was watching a video by Dennis Prager on happiness recently when it suddenly came to me that this had much significance for my Freemasonry and what the Craft […]
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