Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

The Grand Lodge of California

The Grand Lodge of Grand Lodge of California is the next stop on the tour of American Grand Lodges. Grand Lodge of California Masonic membership: 68,714  – 2006 66,127  – 2007 gain/loss  –  -2,587 Data from MSANA State population: 36,756,666 as of 2008 (estimated) About the Grand LodgeDuring the Gold Rush of 1849, thousands of […]

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square and compass, freemasonry, S&C, freemason information

The Non-Christian Mason

Ferris Thompson was sitting on a bench outside of the lodge building, enjoying a pipe full of Marlin Flake. One of the younger, more progressive members of the lodge, Sean, came out of the building and sat by him. “I hear that Brian dimitted from the lodge,” he said, “he gave some reasons including the […]

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How are the Gnostics and Freemasonry connected?

Gnostic Reflections in Freemasonry

By Timothy W. HoganPM, KT, 32* KCCH, S.I.I., District Lecturer for the GL of Colorado Freemasonry is a system of initiation that draws its Masonic symbolism from a variety of sources and traditions. Masonic historians are quick point out some of the connections between Freemasonry and the cathedral builders, the Knights Templar, the Royal Society, […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

What will Freemasonry Offer My Son?

Fatherhood can change your perspective in a hurry. I realize that’s probably the biggest understatement in history, but our six-year-old son has got me thinking about a lot of things. Mainly, I wonder what Freemasonry will look like as he grows up, and if it will offer anything to him and his truly 21st century […]

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square and compass, freemasonry, S&C, freemason information

Racism Issue Not Resolved

As Brother Chris Hodapp has made public, the Grand Lodge of Georgia has reportedly dissolved the charges against a Master of a lodge for raising a black man. This knowledge can put us all at ease and we can sweep this issue under the rug and go on with business as usual, right? Wrong. This […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

Change in the face of the Moral Law.

This week I’ve started and stopped writing 3 different pieces on the “Georgia Affair” because of a range of conflicting thoughts. It seems that now, as the story has reached a wider National audience in the New York Times, the reporting is indicating that the charges brought against Gate City have been dropped, but that […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

What Drives the Anti-Masons?

Everybody is worried about Masons taking over the world. Heck, we can’t even organize a picnic.– A Mason from Washington state. To find an Anti-Mason, you need look no further than the Internet for there is an abundance of discourse on the Net berating and misrepresenting the fraternity. As Freemasons, we are blamed for everything […]

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An Allegorical Dream

The other evening I had a strange dream. Now, most dreams are rather odd, but every once in a while a dream gives us a bit of truth about life. The following is an account of my dream. I found myself driving along a highway, following a gray pick up truck. I could see that […]

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