War of the Worldviews

If you are reading this you are going to think that this is a little far removed from Freemasonry. You may even think that it violates the principle of discussing religion inside Freemasonry. But you would be wrong. The prohibition in most jurisdictions is against allowing sectarian religion and partisan politics into the Lodge room. […]

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A Mason Has A Mission

I sat in Mass last Sunday and listened to my Deacon give an excellent homily. His theme was- knowing your personal mission. One of the scriptures he drew upon was part of the first reading – Jeremiah 1: 4-5. The word of the LORD came to me, saying:Before I formed you in the womb I […]

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Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The Beehive

The Ultimate Masonic Lesson

Recently I had the joy of instructing a class of our newly raised Master Masons. Going over “what’s in the book” is vitally important and we did that. But equally important is to teach what is not in the book, what is not part of the curriculum per se. For me that means teaching the […]

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Harmful Interference

Almost every day, I seem to read an article or watch a news cast which discusses the controversy surrounding some religious principle. These stories fascinate me because of the variety of religious views that people hold. It seems hard to believe that humans could all descend from one common ancestor and yet have so many […]

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Hidden Face of God, Gerald Schroeder, book, link between science and god

The Hidden Face Of God

The Ancients did not see the split between Science & Religion that has pervaded society since the Enlightenment. Pythagoras was a mathematician and a scientist. But he was equally if not better known as a philosopher, spiritualist and owner of multiple “mystery schools.” The mechanism of Newton’s physics with its laws of nature able to […]

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Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The Beehive

The Masonic Funeral Service Done Well

Question, what is the most important function of a Masonic Lodge?  Is it initiating new members, taking care of widows and orphans, community charity, providing scholarships, marching in parades, esoteric study, brotherly bonding? The answer is none of the above.  The most important function of a Masonic Lodge is to bury its dead. The Masonic […]

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eye of god, providence, triangle eye

The Vast Indifference of Heaven

“We contemplate eternity beneath the vast indifference of heaven.” -Warren Zevon My favorite songwriter of all time is the late Warren Zevon. Warren was incredibly adept at vocalizing the reality of his emotions through the medium of music. One of his works that has become a favorite of mine is his song “Indifference of Heaven.” […]

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