Freemason Tim Bryce.

Why are Nonprofits Failing?

BRYCE ON MANAGEMENT – Because we are not dedicated “for the good of the order.” Shortly after I wrote a recent article regarding the problems my home owners association was experiencing, I received several notes regarding the problems in other nonprofit groups in my area. This includes fraternal, political, religious, club sports and other home […]

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Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The Beehive

What Do You Bring?

Once again we bring the yearly Allocution from Royal Grand Perfect Matron R. Lucille Samuel as she continues to inspire and lead her troops. This Sister spreads love and joy wherever she goes while at the same time holding tightly the reins of leadership. She is a Master at organizing, deputizing and inspiring those whom […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

Uncommon Sense in Business

BRYCE ON BUSINESSCommon sense is no longer common in the work place (and some lessons for Masonic Lodges). Probably the main reason why Scott Adams’ “Dilbert” comic strip enjoys the popularity it does is because it is a clever parody of the corporate world. It now appears in hundreds of newspapers around the world. As […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

Managing a Nonprofit Organization

It’s not exactly “rocket science” but some people still don’t know how to do it. Recently I was adding up the number of Board of Directors I have served on over the years for nonprofit organizations. This includes computer societies, fraternal organizations, homeowner associations, even Little League. The number was over 50 where I have […]

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The Knights of the Masonic Roundtable

They are known as The Knights of The Masonic Roundtable or simply as The Masonic Roundtable. They are five innovative, hard working, and extremely nice Masons who got together in 2014 to spread Masonic light around the world via their weekly show. Phoenixmasonry (and Freemason Information) is delighted to have had the opportunity to meet […]

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Taking Control

One of the problems in Freemasonry is a problem that is indigenous to most large, prestigious organizations, societies and politics. It is that these prominent groups attract leaders who are all about gaining the position of leadership and little about improving or growing the group. We call these people medal or title chasers. They get […]

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Dropping Masonic Titles

Can such a change defuse Masonic politics?BRYCE ON FREEMASONRY Harmony is an essential ingredient to any Masonic Lodge. It is one of the main reasons men gravitate to Lodge; to escape the harsh realities of the world and sit among men who enjoy the company of others and respect the dignity of each other. To […]

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