The third step in the journey of joining the freemasons, The Master Mason is a book exploring the symbolism and allegory at work in the theater and history behind third degree of Freemasonry.
The Master Mason: The Reason of Being
A Treatise on the Third Degree of Freemasonry
ISBN: 978-0986204128. Hardbound, 194 pages.
Third in the series of the Symbolic Lodge of Freemasonry.
The Master Mason is a formal exploration of the symbolism and allegory at work in the third degree of Freemasonry. Through that lens, this work seeks to find the hidden esoteric connections and their connections with the centuries-old ritual that crowns the process of becoming a Freemason. As with its predecessors, The Apprentice and Fellow of the Craft, this work seeks to find parallel with its esoteric siblings, the Golden Dawn, Thelema, numerology, tarot, the Kabbalah and other arcane and occult traditions.
This book explains the hidden symbolism in the process of becoming a Freemason.
As many traditions hold the keys to achieve perfection, within the Masonic tradition we are shown this path through the becoming of a Master. Truly, this degree opens as a mystery, and concludes on another, illuminating a path towards perfection and purpose.
You can Buy The Master Mason: The Reason of Being – A Treatise on the Third Degree of Freemasonry on Amazon.
Read the introduction to the Master Mason: Transcending Yesod-The Third Degree of Freemasonry.
The text of this book is the original work of the author including original never before published text, meditative poetry written specifically for this publication and original illustrations created by the author.

Read more on the work.
Aspects of the book include:
- Esoteric connections between Freemasonry, Tarot the Kabbalah and other traditions.
- Corollaries with Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma.
- Connections and parallels with other esoteric traditions.
- And considerations beyond the masonic aspects of the third degree of Freemasonry.
This book is the third of three major works on the subject in this series. By itself, this work functions as an independent study text for long time masons, new mason and for those interested in the symbolism of the Freemasonry.
Some of the nice things people have said about The first two books in this series:
Valuable resource for Freemasons and anyone interested in the concept of initiation.
Queen of Swords, March 11, 2015 (Amazon)
For those who seek philosophy, not just fraternity. An excellent and introspective read
David P., November 2, 2015 (Amazon)
Concise information with a fresh reminder of the ancient roots of the craft!
Kirk B. – April 2, 2015 (Amazon)
There is a true sense of knowledge that comes from these books, but you also need to use this knowledge
Nicholas V. – April 26, 2016
The wisdom and knowledge provided is priceless
Min. Vet W. P. – October 1, 2016 (Amazon)
Also see:
This book is the third of three major works on the subject in this series. By itself, The Master Mason functions as an independent study text for long time masons, new mason and for those interested in the symbolism of the Freemasonry.