Sojourners are a fraternal organization meeting the needs of military Masons and advancing programs that promote love of country.
Membership in National Sojourners is open to citizens of the United States who are Master Masons in good standing in a duly constituted Lodge of Master Masons recognized by and maintaining fraternal relations with a majority of the Regular Grand Lodges in the United States and who are serving or have served honorably as:
- A Commissioned Officer or Warrant Officer of the uniformed services of the United States,
- A Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the uniformed services of the United States, (E5, 6 & 7 prior to 1958 – E7, 8 & 9 as of 1958)
- Have served in time of war as a Commissioned Officer or Warrant Officer or the equivalent in an armed service of a nation allied with the United States
- Or are regularly elected to Honorary Membership.
Although the term “sojourner” is common in Freemasonry, it takes on new meaning under the aegis of National Sojourners, Inc. This Order, founded to meet the needs of the Military Mason in war and peace, has as one of its precepts the words of George Washington, who once said:
When one assumes the soldier, he does not lay aside the citizen.
The Order traces its origin to the time when the North Dakota Regiment departed the Philippines taking with it the Field Lodge Dispensation, which had filled the needs of Masons while they were there. In its place a club of Masonic Sojourners was formed. In 1901 sixteen of these Sojourners, representing 13 Grand jurisdictions, demitted from their home Lodges and were granted a Lodge Charter by the Grand Lodge of California. Of course, by instituting a formal Blue Lodge, they negated their purpose for being and, therefore, ceased to exist. In 1913, Surgeon Capt. Harry Eugene Stafford, 33, Chartering Master of the Manila Lodge, which replaced the Sojourners Club, became the first Grand Master of the new Grand Lodge of the Philippines.
One the web at Sojourners.
I think that excluding E-6 and below is goes against the principles of masonic equality. I was an E-5 in the Navy and I almost died 4 times while serving aboard submarines. To say that my service was less valuable than someone of higher rank is insulting.
I would like to know if they have books on the national sojourners lodge. Thanks
I agree with Jeffrey King. I understand the need to have a cut off somewhere. But I also believe that cut off should be revised to allow military folk who can prove they were in a war zone.
I think no matter where you make the cut off goes against the principles of masonic equality. I served during wartime, but was never in a combat zone. Nobody ever asked me if I would rather serve in Europe or Southeast Asia.. I went where I was sent.
The Rules to join the Sojourners was changed in 2016 to allow a Mason who is serving or has served in the military to join as long as they are in good standing.
I was informed tonight as of December 2017 that if you served and have been discharged honorably or are serving now you are now eligible.
I was in 2 years and was an E3 but I see I am not good enough to join even thro I am a PM, PHP, PTIM, AND A PEC DON’T UNDERSTAND
ALL MMs who are Veterans can now join. Anyone who tells you differently is incorrect. My son, a retired (medical) E4 joined last year. I am a Past President of our Chapter (#27 Milwaukee). Join!
This organization is a wonderful way for Masons to show their appreciation of those Masons serving in the military.
To serve in the military a Mason is offering his life for his country to preserve the freedoms of his fellow man as well as his brother Masons.
Masonry is a grand organization that does good for every nation it dwells in and this is another way for Masonry to show the world the good it stands for.
Forms of Masonry have existed since the beginning of time and may it last till the end of time.
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