Blue State – Red State Freemasonry

The United States of America is like no other nation in the world. There are two diametrically opposed cultures within the US where compromise is not possible. Nothing is more evident to the truth of this statement than to watch the nation during a Presidential election year.  Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives are in […]

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Flyover Country

Ferris Thompson sat on the airplane, passively listening to Brother Dave’s chatter. They belonged to the same Masonic lodge and happened to be on the same connecting flight to Denver. Dave was not a very active member in the lodge. He had been the Senior Steward at one time, but had lost interest in attending […]

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Harmful Interference

Almost every day, I seem to read an article or watch a news cast which discusses the controversy surrounding some religious principle. These stories fascinate me because of the variety of religious views that people hold. It seems hard to believe that humans could all descend from one common ancestor and yet have so many […]

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Don’t Mess With Texas!

“We’re the best in Texas, yes we are.”  “They come to watch us from afar.” (or something like that) Left, left, left, right, left…to the right – MARCH…Halt, one, two…Right face…about face…forward march… to the rear march… Such was a tiny micro example of the precision marching of the Lone Star Guild Drill Teams that […]

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March 6th A Legacy Of Having Been Tried, Sometimes Denied, But Always Ready To Be Tried Again

  Two hundred thirty seven years ago today, on March 6, 1775, Prince Hall, Cryrus Jonbus, Buestop Slinger, Prince Rees, John Carter, Peter Freeman, Benjamin Tiler, Cuff Bufform, Thomas Sanderson, Prince Taylor, Cato Spears, Boston Smith, Peter Best, Forten Howard and Richard Tilly were made Master Masons in a British Army Lodge of Irish register. […]

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Hando Nahkur Plays Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto

The Further Exploits Of Brother Hando Nahkur

Concert pianist, Brother Hando Nahkur recently won First Prize in the “2012 Algur H. Meadows” International Concerto Competition in Dallas. This was quite an honor and gave him an opportunity to perform as a soloist F.Liszt‘s “Totentanz” with the SMU Meadows Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Paul Phillips in two big Symphony Concerts “Stars of Tomorrow.” […]

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