Raised to a Master Mason in 1908, at Harmony Lodge No. 17 in Washington, DC, Carl H. Claudy served as the Master and eventually as Grand Master of Masons in 1943. He served as the executive secretary of the Masonic Service Association in 1929 holding the position until his death in 1957 claiming authorship of nearly 350 Short Talk Bulletins.
The MSANA says of the plays:
[They] are not merely a means by which a lodge may entertain, but attempt to satisfy a desire to understand the inner content of Freemasonry. They accomplish this purpose by drawing aside the veils of ritual, allegory and symbol that the truth behind may shine through.
Books by Carl Claudy:
- Pocket Masonic Dictionary
- Foreign Countries
- Old Tiler Talks
- The Old Past Master
- A Master’s Wages
- These Were Brethren
- Where Your Treasure Is
- The Lion’s Paw
- Masonic Harvest
- Introduction to Freemasonry—Vol. I Entered Apprentice
- Introduction to Freemasonry—Vol. II Fellowcraft
- Introduction to Freemasonry—Vol. III Master Mason (1931)
- The Master’s Book
And a number of Masonic plays:
- The Greatest of These
- He That Believeth
- Greater Love Hath No Man
- Judge Not!
- The Hearts of the Fathers
- …To Entertain Strangers
- A Gift in Secret
- Treasures of Darkness
- He Which is Accused
- If a Man Die…
- And Not Forsake Them
- He Which is Accused
- A Rose Upon the Altar