Freemasonry the Reality, a review.

Tobias Churton is a prolific Masonic author and one I’ve come to hold in high esteem.  For many, he may not be a regular household name as his work (and residence) come from abroad in the U.K. and in an dense American marketplace of books, his work is less well known here.  Nevertheless, its importance […]

emblem of industry

Landmarks And Liabilities

Mackey’s notorious list and its impact on Maryland Masonry. Originally published in The Philalethes Magazine, vol. 44, no. 3, June 1991 authored by S. Brent Morris A mushroom may grow ever so tall, on a boundary line or at a corner, but it will never be mistaken for a landmarkAlbert Pike on Mackey’s “Landmarks”[1] Freemasonry in […]

emblem of industry

More Lessons The Church Can Teach Masonry

Here reprinted with permission is a piece by PGM Terry Tilton of Minnesota.  It is an article with which I am not totally in agreement.  Some of it I heartily endorse while other parts I do not. But that is precisely what gives Freemasonry its strength, Brothers of different backgrounds, different experiences, different lifestyles and […]

The Lost Symbol – The Symbol of the Symbolism

The reason to approach the review in 2 parts is that in the aftermath of National Treasure, Freemasons were well versed to talk about the founding fathers and the Knights Templar.  With the lost symbol, lodges and individual Masons need to be just as prepared to talk about Hermetica, Gnosticism, and symbolism, especially as the […]

The Lost Symbol – A Review

This review in two parts, one from a lay reader perspective, and one from a Masonic perspective. The Masonic perspective can be found here. Dan Brown’s new book, The Lost Symbol,  reminded me of a parable.  A parable is a story embellished with perhaps some grains of reality to convey a broader idea of truth.  […]

How are the Gnostics and Freemasonry connected?

Gnostic Reflections in Freemasonry

By Timothy W. HoganPM, KT, 32* KCCH, S.I.I., District Lecturer for the GL of Colorado Freemasonry is a system of initiation that draws its Masonic symbolism from a variety of sources and traditions. Masonic historians are quick point out some of the connections between Freemasonry and the cathedral builders, the Knights Templar, the Royal Society, […]

Teachings of Diogenes-Lesson 2 Honesty

On one bright, clear day, Diogenes was walking up and down the market place, holding a lighted lantern high in front of him and peering around as if searching for something. When people gaped and asked him what he was doing, he replied, “I am looking for an honest man.” In our Masonic Lodges we […]

Britney Spears a Freemason?

What if Britney Spears became a Freemason? I know it’s a bit of an outlandish idea, and that few would readily take it seriously, or even believe a headline like the above, but in the magical world of “what if”, imagine for a moment that just such a story were hit the media outlets to […]

emblem, bronze, Scottish Rite, Los Angeles

Learning a Lecture

Memorizing Masonic ritual has long been an important part of carrying on the work of Freemasonry. Those that masterfully perform Masonic lectures have long been revered as prestigious members of the fraternity and have been pointed out as men worthy of emulation. However, while many Masons have relished the opportunity to memorize one of the […]

The Anteroom or Chamber of Reflection

AN OMITTED INDISPENSABLE PART OF OUR RITUAL By Carlos Antonio Martinez, Jr., J.D., PH.D., M.A., 33º The Chamber of Reflection… After being told a few words of warning calling for the reconsideration on the steps he is about to take, mysterious words bearing a contrasting and intimidating message of discouragement, the young candidate, compelled by […]