second degree, freemasonry, fellowcraft

Masonic Symbolism on the Winding Staircase

A Lecture on the Second Degree of Freemasonry On our way to the Sanctum Sanctorum, the newly made Mason undertakes a passage through what is commonly called the Middle Chamber.  The reference into the middle way is through the temple of Solomon, and the pathway to the Holy of Holies, the adytum in which the […]

Freemason Tim Bryce.

Masonic Entitlement

A common lament in our society today is that our youth have developed a sense of entitlement whereby they believe they are entitled to a cell phone, a computer, an education, a car, or whatever. For some reason, they believe they have a God-given right to such things as opposed to working and earning them.  […]

Freemason Tim Bryce.

Masonic Funerals – Understanding Our Duty

Early last year I lost my father, a 57 year Mason. I had the pleasure of calling him “Brother,” as he raised me to the sublime degree of Master Mason many years ago. He was a loyal Mason and we gave him a Masonic Memorial Service that was well attended by Brothers from Florida’s Districts […]

symbols, symbolism, freemasonry

Symbols and Symbolism

By Carlos Antonio Martinez, Jr., J.D., PH.D., M.A., 33º ANCIENT MYSTERIES AND SYMBOLISM With respect to the term “Mysteries”, no semi-educated mind can doubt that Symbols (especially Masonic symbols) were the Universal Language of Ancient Theology. For the Tutors of the Ancient World – in likeness with Nature – imparted their teachings by way of sight. […]

Non-Masonic Education

A hot topic in the on-line Masonic community is lodge education. Many ideas are presented for educational subjects or how to implement educational programs. Most of this discussion is limited to Masonic topics such as Masonic symbolism or history. There is no shortage of information on these subjects available through the Internet or in hard […]

Masonic Abbreviations

From Albert C. Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences (with later inclusions) Abbreviations of technical terms or of official titles are of very extensive use in Freemasonry. They were, however, but rarely employed in the earlier Masonic publications. For instance, not one is to be found in the first edition of Anderson’s Constitutions. Within […]