Allied Masonic Degrees,AMD,logo

Allied Masonic Degrees

The Allied Masonic Degrees, like the Masonic Rosicrucian’s (SRICF), is an organization based on interest and ability in Masonic research and scholarship. Membership is by invitation and is open to Companions who have completed the Chapter degrees. The local bodies are styled “Councils”, and the national supervisory body is the Grand Council. Councils are presided […]

Past Master | Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor

by Malcolm C. Duncan 1866 Preface | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Appendix PAST MASTER, OR FIFTH DEGREE THIS degree in Masonry was instituted to try the qualifications of a Master Mason before becoming Master of a […]

Third Degree Masonic Tracing Board

This work is a modern representation of the Third Degree Tracing Boards of Masonic antiquity. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all master masons. Tracing boards were originally created as visual mnemonics to illustrate the symbols and teachings of Freemasonry as conveyed within their corresponding degree. The allegorical and symbolic aspect is Western, […]

tracing board, apprentice, first degree of Freemasonry

First Degree Masonic Tracing Board

This work is a modern representation of the First Degree Tracing Boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Apprentice Masons. Tracing boards were created as visual mnemonics created to illustrate the meanings and principals of Freemasonry as taught within the degrees. The symbolism is very Western, but the symbolism […]

Illustrated By Symbols

THE SHORT TALK BULLETIN The Masonic Service Association of the United States Year and Volume Unknown author unknown The Most popular definition of Freemasonry states that it is “a System of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.” Many a brother has asked “Why illustrated by symbols? Why not illustrated by plain statements of […]

Masonic History

The history of Freemasonry has an astute and linear start beginning in 1717 England. After that point, nearly every meeting has been documented in one-way shape or another. The question of Freemasonry then turns to where did the fraternity begin?  Where goes beyond the history of Freemasonry before it began? The answers to these mysteries, […]

Freemason Information

Further Light The future of Freemasonry rests in the knowledge passed from one generation to the next. Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.