Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

A Modern History of the OTO

Originally published on Jan 10, 2013, in the video author and publisher James Wasserman shares his experience in the development of the modern Thelemic movement, some observations on the contemporary scene, and his continued enthusiasm for the spiritual teachings of Aleister Crowley. Wasserman, you may recall, was a guest on Masonic Central in 2009 discussing his […]

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square and compass, freemasonry, S&C, freemason information

The Masonic Bible

Two interesting “non-Masonic” takes on the Masonic bible. I have to admit its amusing to me the degree that these are extolled as “satanic” or “evil” which I suppose just goes to show how little is known or understood about the fraternity today from these obviously very old Bibles. Enjoy I really like the 2nd […]

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The Scottish Rite Valley of Chicago breaks new ground

From – Leopardo begins work on Scottish Rite headquarters. Leopardo Construction recently began work on a 61,000-square-foot HQ of the Valley of Chicago Scottish Rite Cathedral Association. The new two-story building, located at the corner of Lake Street and Medinah Road in Bloomingdale, will feature a museum and library, traditional lodge hall, kitchen facilities, […]

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