Once again we bring the yearly Allocution from Royal Grand Perfect Matron R. Lucille

R. Lucille Samuel
The 1st Royal Grand Perfect Matron
Margaret A. McDow Grand Court
Ladies Of The Circle Of Perfection
Samuel as she continues to inspire and lead her troops. This Sister spreads love and joy wherever she goes while at the same time holding tightly the reins of leadership. She is a Master at organizing, deputizing and inspiring those whom she leads.
I truly believe in the 3 Cs to success Confidence, Curiosity and Courage.
Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. Proverbs 16:19
Again it is my honor and privilege to stand before you as we celebrate our 2nd year as the Margaret A. McDow Grand Court. We are blessed beyond measures.
I truly thank the membership for all the time spent in making this great body successful.
We have accomplished so much but we are still on that road to Perfection. I truly believe in the 3 Cs to success Confidence, Curiosity and Courage. We are on a Journey that has no destination. Our compass is set in the direction of continuous labor and service. The road may be rocky at times but the ride will be smooth.
Revelations 2:19 – I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.
Innovation distinguishes between a Leader and a Follower.
Have you ever asked yourself What do I bring to the organization? How does the organization benefit from my presence?
Let’s start with communication. Are you the type that loves to share information or keep it to yourself? Do you feel well if I share then that gives them the upper hand on me. I can’t get to the top if I share my ideas of vision. Sometimes we have to set aside our opinions and selflessness in order for our organizations to thrive and flourish. In order for our mission to be complete support of each other is a must. We are here to serve not to be served. We made a pledge and promised to respect and assist when necessary. Those that came before us paved the way for our benefit. We must maintain the same enthusiasm and honor their memories.
Honesty is another attribute that is not popular in our Order. How can you expect members to respect you if they cannot trust your words? Honesty means being upright of character or action. Would you follow a person that constantly feeds you false information? Honesty is one of the most admired traits of a leader. Being truthful and honest shows respect and integrity. Remember you can pay for school but you can‘t buy class.
What about Flexibility? Are you willing to listen to ideas of others? Do you feel intimidated if someone has a greater idea or suggestion? Are you afraid that your position or title is in jeopardy?
Sometimes leaders become complacent and have a deaf ear to change. You may hear a comment such as you have not been a member long enough to have an opinion. You don’t have enough experience in the Order to have any new ideas. We are never too old to learn. Fresh ideas bring oxygen and motivation. Being able to work with others is a trait that we all must have in order to succeed. A positive attitude will take you further than negativity and animosity. Being the leader does not make you the expert and there is always someone else with more experience. We are an equal opportunist and there is no place in our organization for intimidation and old beliefs of exaggerated prejudice. Many times your attitude of superiority toward members can be the demise of your organization.
Sometimes you need to look in the mirror and ask yourself am I the problem or the solution? Is my work in order? Am I organized? Am I qualified to be in this position? We need to practice what we preach or change our speech. If you can’t lead the song you don’t sing.
You can’t lead anyone if you don’t know how to follow. Using large intelligent words only fool people for so long. Your friends will only cover for you for so long and that smoke screen does not last forever. You can’t use $30 words and have a Dollar Store’s worth of common sense. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. Don’t let these collars around your necks out weigh the efforts you put forth in serving the organization. Innovation distinguishes between a Leader and a Follower.
Royal Grand Perfect Matron Samuel can be reached for comment at: [email protected].