BRYCE ON MUSIC – It is interesting what we remember. Ever drive along in a car and suddenly an old tune comes to your lips, perhaps something from your childhood? Recently, I found myself blurting out, “Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu!” Frankly, I couldn’t remember the name of the song, which I found rather […]

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Meaning in your Handshake

BRYCE ON LIFE– It is not a frivolous gesture, but represents something significant; your word. If you haven’t noticed, the handshake has been slowly going the way of the Dodo bird. If you watch sporting events, particularly at the youth level, you are more likely to see fist “bumps” or the slapping of hands as […]

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From the Edge,Tim Bryce,Freemasonry,essay

Counting Our Blessings

BRYCE ON LIFE – Do not despair, try writing a list of the positive things in life instead. I was having a cigar with a good friend recently where we were lamenting about the state of affairs in our government, business, and the country in general. It’s easy to be negative when events do not […]

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BRYCE ON LIFE – Do we ever truly retire? (Click for AUDIO VERSION)To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. I have written about retirement in the past and I still regard it as a mystery. I have had more friends “check out” recently for a variety of reasons. […]

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BRYCE ON LIFE – Why are the trucks breaking down? (Click for AUDIO VERSION) To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. Down here in Florida we have a lot of problems with trucks breaking down, particularly those used for delivery or maintenance. It seems every time you make […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

Evil Within Our Midst

BRYCE ON MORALITY– Have we really evolved as a species? Of our 44 presidents, the most prolific writer was John Quincy Adams who maintained a detailed journal of his life, from boyhood until near the end of his life. Adams’ presidency was unsuccessful, but he served Congress afterwards as a dedicated public servant. He also […]

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The Elements of Leadership

BRYCE ON MANAGEMENT – Is it as easy as one, two, three? I have always contended leadership is an essential trait to become an effective manager. Whenever I mention this, many people disagree and claim it has nothing to with management whatsoever, which is perceived as nothing more than overseeing the activities of others. In […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

American Inventions

BRYCE ON HISTORY– How technology changed the country and the world. (Click for AUDIO VERSION)To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. If you were to ask young people what they consider the most influential inventions that affected America, they would likely respond with the PC, Apple’s iPhone and […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

When a Trust is Broken

BRYCE ON SOCIETY– What should you do? Forgive or reciprocate? There is perhaps nothing more demoralizing to the human spirit than discovering a broken trust. What makes this particularly painful is when a person believes another has his/her best interests in mind and will defend them. This can be between two friends, business associates, school, […]

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