Freemason Tim Bryce.

Heated Political Debates

If you think political fighting is bad now, you don’t know your history.BRYCE ON POLITICS As members of the 21st century, we tend to believe the political discourse of this country has reached new heights. The sad reality though is we pale in comparison to our predecessors. For example, the parallels between the Obama era […]

Freemason Tim Bryce.

Billy Mitchell – The Original Whistle Blower

What we can learn from a famous whistle blower from yesteryear.BRYCE ON SEEKING THE TRUTH We’ve been hearing a lot about whistle blowers lately, particularly Edward Snowden, the NSA contractor who ignited the U.S. surveillance program scandal. There are also the whistle blowers involved with the Benghazi scandal and the IRS intimidation program. Whistle blowers […]

Dropping Masonic Titles

Can such a change defuse Masonic politics?BRYCE ON FREEMASONRY Harmony is an essential ingredient to any Masonic Lodge. It is one of the main reasons men gravitate to Lodge; to escape the harsh realities of the world and sit among men who enjoy the company of others and respect the dignity of each other. To […]

American History 101

BRYCE ON HISTORY – “We are raising a generation that is historically illiterate” While visiting with some high school teacher friends, I asked how American History was being taught today. I always had a fondness for history, even if the teacher was boring. I particularly enjoyed learning about the American Civil War, and the events […]

The Millennials

BRYCE ON GENERATION Y – Can they really save America? (Click for AUDIO VERSION) To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. As you grow older you begin to notice small changes in your life, such as how advertisers no longer market to your age group, or how the entertainment […]

What Role Should The Masons Have?

BRYCE ON MORALITY – Why we must become the “Merchants of Morality.” It is no secret Masonic membership is in decline. According to the MSA, membership has gone down a whopping 68% since its high in 1959. With each passing year, fewer young men join to replace those who departed due to death. There is […]

Things We Never Throw Away

BRYCE ON LIFE – Not the important stuff, the inconsequential items. (Click for AUDIO VERSION) To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. It’s interesting the types of objects we collect and never seem to throw away. I’m not talking about sentimental things like photographs, just the general brik […]

Freemason Tim Bryce.


BRYCE ON LIFE– That’s it; enough is enough; leave me alone! Recently I came upon the following headline, “Drinking Too Much Coffee Is Now A Mental Disorder” and I was taken aback by the column. I don’t know which was worse; the column itself or that a publication would give it Internet ink. After reading […]

Freemason Tim Bryce.

Wearing Ties

BRYCE ON MANAGEMENT–  What does a tie represent in the workplace? The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article on the decline of men wearing dress ties to work. They quoted a Gallup Poll that said the number of men who wear ties every day to work last year dropped to a record low of 6%. […]

High School Graduation – Where Do I Go From Here?

Time to do some soul searching. BRYCE ON EDUCATION Before graduating from high school you will hopefully have a game plan as to how you are going to lead your life. Maybe you sought advice from your parents, a trusted guidance counselor, a teacher or a close friend. Perhaps you also attended a college recruiting […]