Freemason Tim Bryce.

Are We Becoming More Tolerant, or Less?

Ask yourself the question, who was more tolerant, your parents or yourself? – Bryce on Morality I have been working on a project aimed at teaching morality in a uniform manner. This has caused me to examine the properties of morality and consider the causes for its decline in this country. One key variable is […]

Our Intolerant Society

Freemasonry is one of the most misunderstood institutions on the planet. It is not a religion, charity, political action committee or cult. It is simply the original fraternity whereby members congregate to enjoy friendship, morality and brotherly love. Despite this, people are suspicious about their motives and have accused the Masons of everything from starting […]

The Good Neighbor

BRYCE ON OUR CHANGING WORLD – The joy and benefits of a little cooperation. Every now and then I take an elderly friend home from my Masonic lodge (I’ll pick them up as well). If they need help getting into the house, I do so. If I am just dropping them off, I make sure […]

Producing Newsletters: Beware of the Birdcage

– Writing newsletters that will be read as opposed to discarded. As I have been involved with a variety of nonprofit organizations over the years, I am often saddled with the task of producing the group’s newsletter. Maybe it’s because I know how to string a few words together and have worked with computers for […]

Masonic Censorship

GRAND MASTER’S EDICT ANNOUNCED AT THE GRAND COMMUNICATION – 13th JUNE, 2012 Edict From Masonic Grand Lodge of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory On 12 May 2010 the Board of Management passed a resolution stating the principles governing esoteric research. These principles are central to the practice of Regular Freemasonry. In order that there […]

Eulogy for a Friend

– Writing it is one thing, delivering it is something else. Writing a eulogy commemorating a family member or close friend can be a daunting task. I have written my fair share of them over the years and they are never easy. You have to look into your heart and try to put into words […]

“Mad” Management

Some management lessons from 1961. NOTE:  This is from my consulting practice, but also has bearing on the management of a Lodge. One of the reasons AMC’s “Mad Men” television show is so popular is that it tries to authentically depict American attitudes and moods of the early 1960′s, including how business was conducted. Viewers find it […]

Freemason Tim Bryce.

The Importance of Recognition

For the last several years our Masonic lodge has been hosting an annual dinner to honor the county’s “Deputy of the Year.” Senior officers at the sheriff’s office select a person they believe deserves the honor and informs the Lodge as to why the individual merits the award. The Lodge then prepares a respectable plaque, […]

Rewarding Incompetence

It’s not about “taking turns”; it’s about getting the job done properly. Throughout the corporate world we have seen examples of the Peter Principle in practice, whereby people rise above their level of competency; people who make a mockery of their job and discredit their company and themselves in the process. Perhaps they were promoted […]

When Is It Necessary To Change?

Among the nonprofit organizations I belong to, there is one where I serve as secretary of the local branch. Like any nonprofit, there are records to be maintained, dues notices to be issued, reports to be filed with headquarters, minutes to be taken, and different mailings made to the membership. It’s not exactly rocket science. […]