square and compass, freemasonry, S&C, freemason information

Who is the Better Mason?

BRYCE ON FREEMASONRY Who is the Better Mason? The individual or a Lodge officer? I have been wrestling with a conundrum lately regarding Freemasonry: Who is the better Mason, the person who is properly initiated, passed and raised a Master Mason and disappears shortly thereafter, or the Mason who becomes an officer of the Lodge? […]

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Suriya and the Light of Freemasonry

This short piece comes from Sanjay Mandaiker on the heels of recent editorials on the differences and disputes between Freemasonry and Catholicism.  From those differences, he suggests another path of discovery and consideration from a far off tradition for most in Freemasonry. I have noticed that some of our Brethren are not at ease with […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

The Lost Word Made Whole

Jesuits, Illuminism, and the Royal Arch of Enoch with Robert W. Sullivan IV Robert Sullivan is a newcomer in the world of Masonic scribes with his first work, The Royal Arch of Enoch, hitting the bookshelf late in 2012.  What makes Sullivan’s work interesting is the degree of focus he puts on the Apocryphal figure of Enoch […]

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Mozart and The Magic Flute

The topic of Masonic Music came up recently in a sub reddit forum with the posting of the Grand Leveler video from up and coming artist Apathy. The gist of the discussion came down to what was art, and more particularly, what elevated Masonry in its art. In one of the exchanges, Mozart’s Magic Flute […]

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