Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

Theosophy and Freemasonry

I happened onto a reference in a book I just finished reading, Occult America, about Gandhi that mentioned the influence of Theosophy in his life. On a quick excursion to find the deeper connection, I happened upon a statement of Gandhi’s from his Harijan Journal about the philosophy that struck me. In the statement written […]

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non judgement of gay freemason

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

Ezekiel Bey on the Prince Hall Masonic group Blue-Lite introduced the group to an old Theron Dunn article from his site, A Beacon of Masonic Light. Theron passed away three years ago but his work lives on. That article brought back memories of the days Theron and I did battle. We met on Stephen Dafoe’s […]

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Masonic Vedanta, Freemasonry in India

A new video out from the World Exemplification of Freemasonry by Br. Dr. Guy L Beck on Freemasonry in the British Empire and the Colonial expansion of Freemasonry into India. The video WEOFM video explores the expansion of Freemasonry in the Hindu world including the notable Freemason, and Swami, Vivekananda who, while still named Narendranath […]

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A Friday Night To Remember

It was 4:30 PM on a Friday afternoon and I had already left the office to pick up my car in the underground garage.  It was good to get away a little early as Fridays can be so hectic, everybody trying to wrap up all the loose ends so that Monday morning’s challenges contained no […]

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