
The Level is the one symbol that distinguishes Freemasonry very differently from all other organizations and societies in the world and has the potential to make it a world leader in advocating peace. There is no Masonic distinction or division of religion, race, wealth, title or political persuasion. All Masons are equal in stature and […]

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GM Joseph Warren Offered A Masonic Warrant To Prince Hall

A recent story in the Scottish Rite Research bulletin newsletter, “The Plumbline,” titled “A Scottish Lodge in the Grand Jurisdiction of Massachusetts” intrigued me.  Written by old friend Michael Kaulback and Richard Van Doren it chronicles the early growth of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts with a heavy concentration on Saint Andrews Lodge. Saint Andrews […]

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Palmestry Freemasonry and Apollo

In case you were wondering what those funny hand-signs were, Chris Constantine , editor of the website Let the Truth be Known, has made a video to tell you what they mean. By association, he seems to believe the secret hand and finger signals of Illuminati, Freemasons, Wiccans, Pagans, Druids all relate to Apollyon the […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

Smashing The Pyramid

I’m constantly amazed at the new discovery by some of the things in plain sight for centuries.  I can’t say for certain about Canada, but American Masonic lodges have been pretty open in recent years, some open across an entire state. Maybe this video troupe is part of the gotcha media, the one that Sarah […]

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Blue State – Red State Freemasonry

The United States of America is like no other nation in the world. There are two diametrically opposed cultures within the US where compromise is not possible. Nothing is more evident to the truth of this statement than to watch the nation during a Presidential election year.  Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives are in […]

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Don’t Mess With Texas!

“We’re the best in Texas, yes we are.”  “They come to watch us from afar.” (or something like that) Left, left, left, right, left…to the right – MARCH…Halt, one, two…Right face…about face…forward march… to the rear march… Such was a tiny micro example of the precision marching of the Lone Star Guild Drill Teams that […]

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Hando Nahkur Plays Rachmaninoff, Piano Concerto

The Further Exploits Of Brother Hando Nahkur

Concert pianist, Brother Hando Nahkur recently won First Prize in the “2012 Algur H. Meadows” International Concerto Competition in Dallas. This was quite an honor and gave him an opportunity to perform as a soloist F.Liszt‘s “Totentanz” with the SMU Meadows Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Paul Phillips in two big Symphony Concerts “Stars of Tomorrow.” […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

Some Interesting Masonic Trivia

Taken mostly from “The Truth is Stranger than Fiction” By Bro. Alphonse Cerza, Masonic Service Association, 1934. At one time, Golden Lodge #5, Stanstead, Canada occupied a lodge room, which straddled the boundary between Canada and the United States.  There were entrances on both sides of the border. Washington Chapter #3 of Portsmouth, NH announced […]

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