Freemasons and the New World Order

To the unassuming public, the Freemasons are a society of likeminded men who come together to donate and raise money for good and charitable causes. But is this really true? Is the government a component of an underground Masonic society whose whole organization is a plot to form a new-world order? Let’s look at the […]

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Illuminati,Adam Weishaupt,freemasonry,Congress of Vienna,Freemasonry

A Brief History of the Illuminati

The Illuminati is one of those well-known shadowy organization shrouded in myth and legend. They are credited with behind the scenes manipulations of world events and seen as the secret power that controls everything. The Illuminati has become the modern day catch all poster child of the political evils in the world. All of which […]

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eye of god, providence, triangle eye

The All Seeing Eye as Omnipresent Deity

William J Morris, in his Pocket Lexicon of Freemasonry, defines the All Seeing Eye as “an emblem found in every well-furnished lodge, and which is unnecessary further to explain.” Yet, further explanation is necessary to detail the Eye of Providence that is so much in the parlance of the Masonic Lodge.  While most American Lodges […]

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The Lost Word Made Whole

Jesuits, Illuminism, and the Royal Arch of Enoch with Robert W. Sullivan IV Robert Sullivan is a newcomer in the world of Masonic scribes with his first work, The Royal Arch of Enoch, hitting the bookshelf late in 2012.  What makes Sullivan’s work interesting is the degree of focus he puts on the Apocryphal figure of Enoch […]

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Palmestry Freemasonry and Apollo

In case you were wondering what those funny hand-signs were, Chris Constantine , editor of the website Let the Truth be Known, has made a video to tell you what they mean. By association, he seems to believe the secret hand and finger signals of Illuminati, Freemasons, Wiccans, Pagans, Druids all relate to Apollyon the […]

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Smashing The Pyramid

I’m constantly amazed at the new discovery by some of the things in plain sight for centuries.  I can’t say for certain about Canada, but American Masonic lodges have been pretty open in recent years, some open across an entire state. Maybe this video troupe is part of the gotcha media, the one that Sarah […]

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Toxic to Democracy

I happened onto this story on my way home from the grocery store tonight.  It was on the NPR program Fresh Air and was an interview with Chip Berlet who is the senior analyst at Political Research Associates, at The story was on a paper just released by PRA and Berlet on the damage […]

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