emblem of industry

My Lodge Has Fellowship, Family & Fun Also

Pride of Mt Pisgah #135 takes its Masonry seriously.  We spend considerable time on Masonic education. We provide excellent mentoring and first class intensive instruction of candidates.  We give back to the community personally, we don’t just send a check. And we have some good times with family, some fun and fellowship.  Take a look!

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Prince Hall Americanism Day

The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Arkansas explains what this day is all about: “As the Christian has a revival, the Moslem has a pilgrimage to Mecca, so do Prince Hall Masons have revivals, and they are called Prince Hall Americanism Day, celebrated on or as close to September 12th each year.  It […]

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Tribute to a Masonic Icon

The Prince Hall Memorial will not bear its namesake’s image when it is erected on Cambridge Common this November. No pictures of the indentured servant-turned-abolitionist can be found, nor much description on which to base an artist’s depiction. And while Prince Hall’s contributions to American history and the antislavery movement are familiar to historians and […]

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Building bridges in North Carolina

Br. Chris Hodapp posted this story up today, which is a great one to see in the press. Take the time to watch the video from the News Carolina 14 broadcast (coming out of [tags]Charlotte, North Carolina[/tags]), to see first hand the example of fraternal brotherhood between the Grand Lodge of North Carolina A.F.& A.M. […]

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Prince Hall Memorial

Cambridge, Massachusetts abutting Boston is the place where a monument or memorial will be erected to the memory of Prince Hall.  The memorial will be placed on the historic Cambridge “Common” or Green near the memorial there to George Washington. The Cambridge Common is the place where George Washington first formed the Continental Army. Groundbreaking […]

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