The Apprentice is a book about becoming a Freemasons. More an explainer of the secrets and symbolism of Freemasonry, The Apprentice – a Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry, is an introduction into the ideas and symbolism of becoming a Freemason.
The Apprentice, The World and the Universe as One
A Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry
ISBN: 978-0986204104, Hardbound, 106 Pages
First in the series of the Symbolic Lodge of Freemasonry.
More an explainer of the secrets, symbols, and mythology of Freemasonry, The Apprentice – a Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry, is an introduction into the ideas at work in the rituals of becoming a Freemason.
This work explores the symbolism of that ritual journey from the perspective of what it means to be initiated. In that telling, it draws parallels with occult secrets of the tarot, traditions of the Kabbalah and the esoteric connections it has with the Hermetic Tradition. The Apprentice is a book about the fundamentals of becoming a Freemason by illustrating and explaining the secrets behind its science and philosophy.
Topics in this work include the Masonic connection to the Kabbalah, the tarot, numeric symbolism, and more esoteric considerations.
You can find the The Apprentice: The World and the Universe as One: A Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble.
You can read a teaser to the book, Ain Soph to Malkuth – The First Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry.

From the book, The Apprentice: the Tree of Life.
Read more on the art.
Aspects of the book include:
- The esoteric connections between the first degree of Freemasonry, the tarot, its links in the Kabbalah and other mystery traditions.
- Explores corollaries with Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma.
- And considerations beyond the masonic aspects of the first degree of Freemasonry.
This book is the first of three major works on the subject in this series. By itself, this work functions as an independent study text for long time masons, new mason and for those interested in the symbolism of the Freemasonry.
Some of the nice things people have said about The first two books in this series:
There is a lot of thought packed into this slim little book — so much so that I intend to let it rest in my mind for a while and then re-read it much more slowly and meditatively to get the full benefit.
Stewart’s key idea, one which was new to me, is to express initiation as “Ein Sof into Malkuth” — or the step from primal chaos into order — and he makes a good case for it. (I won’t go into the details. You can read the book for that.)
QS, Amazon
I got all three books covering the “three degrees” yesterday…. the information in them are seriously awesome.
AR, Amazon
An excellent and introspective read. As one who works with Entered Apprentice Masons on their degree work, and on understanding the philosophies of our fraternity, this was work my time, and has been worth sharing with others.
DP, Amazon
The Apprentice was a well written and informative book on the more esoteric foundations of the Entered Apprentice degree of Freemasonry. Meant for those with some background already in hermetic science
GE, Amazon
Brother Stewart has taken great care to show a deeper layer of Masonry. While it might be debatable that modern Freemasonry is a continuation of Ancient Wisdom Traditions, he does present information that there is something more to it than simply being a system of conferring degrees and titles as we see done today. I like this book.
More an explainer of the secrets, symbols and mythology of Freemasonry, The Apprentice – a Treatise on the First Degree of Freemasonry, is an introduction into the forgotten ideas behind the making of a mason. This work explores the symbolism of that ritual journey from the perspective of what it means to be initiated. In that telling it draws parallels with occult secrets of the tarot, traditions of the Kabbalah and the esoteric connections it has with the Hermetic Tradition. The Apprentice is a book about the fundamentals of becoming a Freemason by illustrating and explaining the secrets behind its science and philosophy.
Read the announcement from 2015 on the books release: The Apprentice – A New Book From Masonic Traveler.
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