The Hour Glass

The Hour Glass has always been one of my favorite Masonic symbols.  So much so that in my times as Master of a Lodge I often included the litany of the Hour Glass in the funeral or memorial service.

Holding the Hour glass out before me, watching the sand slowly filter down from top to bottom, these words seemed to have an eerie prognostication of life and what a fleeting moment our lives really are.

“Thus wastes man! Today, he puts forth the tender leaves of hope; tomorrow, blossoms and bears his blushing honors thick upon him; the next day comes a frost, which nips the shoot, and when he thinks his greatness is still aspiring, he falls, like autumn leaves, to enrich our mother earth.”

Brother Ezekiel M. Bey has added his poetic thoughts to the meaning of the Hour Glass in verses that should be taken to heart.

The Hour Glass, African American Freemasonry In The State Of New York

Ezekiel M. Bey

The Hour Glass
By Ezekiel M. Bey, FPS

I saw an hour glass with crystal sand
The grains fell through a slim sleek band
Wide at the top, wide at the bottom
Each single grain dropped through its model

Its mark was equal to minute’s lesson
To fill the bottom took sixty seconds
Equivalent to an hour I sat to look
As thoughts revealed a shape it took

Those crystal grains disciplined by law
The law of gravity defined it all
We start from top, end up below
We start from spirit, to give-up ghost

hourglassBut life is beauty and creativity
Depends on what we chose to be
Life has many choices and one is failure
Success defines a Godly Tailor

However, not all success is God divine
Not all who fails is crucified
It’s just the lessons we’re to define
It’s all what you are deep inside

So life itself is but a moment
So treasure it, solstice to solstice
There comes a time to understand
The last grained dropped in the hour glass

Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The Beehive

A Case For Decentralizing American Mainstream Tribal Freemasonry


Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The BeehiveFreemasonry in the United States is at a crossroads and now is the time to do some soul searching and make some tough decisions.  The question that needs to be asked is, are Freemasons going to continue to allow the erosion of the power of the local Lodge?  Are they going to halt the spread of invasive, centralized Grand Lodge rule over every aspect of Freemason’s lives?

The plain fact is, ALL FREEMASONRY IS LOCAL. That was not a contested notion in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The power of decision making rested in the local Lodge and Grand Lodge was more of a facilitator and adviser. It was once the job of Grand Lodge to organize its territory and attend to the ceremonial functions of grandeur and pomp leaving the “running of the business” to each individual chartered Lodge. Oh, there were broad guidelines including in some jurisdictions Landmarks to go by. But in reality the Grand Master used to function much as the present day King or Queen of England does.

That has all gone by the board. We have a new era of Grand Lodge dominance with strict top down rule. Right about now the reader will butt in with the thought that Freemasonry is not a democracy. Well, yes and no. The Worshipful Master of the local Lodge has and has always had unlimited power to rule and govern his Lodge.  He can rule it as a democracy or he can rule it by Master’s edict. He has by-laws, rules and regulations of Grand Lodge and the Landmarks to abide by. In generations past Grand Lodge requirements were of a general nature leaving broad room for local interpretation and application.  Not so today. Grand Lodge rule is very specific and detail orientated.  While the Lodge Master has always been granted absolute power within the guidelines enumerated, the Grand Master has never traditionally been granted such power.

It is only since the 20th century that Grand Lodges and Grand Masters have usurped power and decision making from local Lodges. There are two plausible reasons that we might surmise for the Grand Lodge power grab.

  1. The failure of local Lodges to address the problem of declining membership
  2. The over commitment to buildings, charities and other Grand Lodge promises that could no longer be affordably sustained in the light of a drastic decrease in money coming in.

Where there is a vacuum, someone, something will rush in to fill it. But we need to ask ourselves as Masons is this the best course of action? Is this the best way of governing ourselves or are we actually stifling creativity and strangling development?

Glenn Beck offers some observations in his new book Broke that are applicable. While they are made in the atmosphere of the civil, political world, they can offer Freemasonry some insight.

“The world of innovation and the world that is our federal government are on two separate bullet trains headed in opposite directions. Technology is getting smaller, faster, and is doing more with less; the federal government is getting bigger, slower, and doing less with more.  The new trend in business is decentralization; the trend in government is exactly the opposite.”

“Over the last century the government has taken control of virtually everything it could get its hands on, from education to energy, from finance to health care.  It’s hard to understate the enormity of what has happened, but consider this: The number of federal regulators has more than tripled over the last fifty years to keep up with the government’s growth.”

“And yet, for all the talk about innovation and technology, most of government’s policy prescriptions remain surprisingly clunky and outmoded.  When they want to ‘fix’ the auto industry, they appoint a czar.  When they want to tackle environmental issues, they appoint a czar. Health care?  Green jobs?  Bank bailouts?  Czar, czar, czar.”

“It’s ironic, but to cut through the bureaucracy and get things done, politicians like to create another level of bureaucracy.”

“That, of course, is the opposite of how successful companies operate.  The tendency in business is toward shifting away from centralized technology and a top down management style and replacing it with a looser, flattened, decentralized management.  Out with the old mainframe computer, in with the iPad; out with middle managers in corporate headquarters, in with franchise owners or branch managers who have real authority.”

“The reason this trend is happening is simple: It works.  Just look around at the companies that are doing well.  I can guarantee you that very few of them have a centralized bureaucracy with workers paid to punch the clock instead of innovate, create and make informed decisions.”

“Technology is decentralizing power and giving individuals more choices and freedom at lower costs and higher quality.  The internet itself is about as decentralized a system as could ever be created (although some are even trying to centralize control of that). You can pick the applications you want on your cell phone, do your banking online, buy virtually any product on the planet, and get news from a whole host of sources, some as small as an individual, some as large as a Fortune 500 corporation.  And that’s exactly the point: Decentralization helps create more freedom.”

“We are in the midst of a revolution in decision making and control and the reason is simple: Decentralization improves performance, generates new innovations, and empowers individuals by encouraging them to take on greater responsibility in return for greater potential rewards.”

So which model should American Mainstream Freemasonry emulate? There is today a large Masonic presence on the Internet.  Is there a need for a Masonic Internet Czar with centralized control to rule and govern Internet Freemasonry?

Where we are today is one step below a feudal Masonic system.  In Middle Age England (and elsewhere) Earls and Barons ruled all powerful little fiefdoms much like Grand Lodges in Mainstream Masonry have in every state. The only difference is that in the feudal system money and homage and support had to be passed onto the King.  We have no National Grand Master in the United States. That makes our American Masonic System tribal, a bunch of smaller kingdoms, inside the larger territory we know as the United States, answerable to no one.

If you look at Afghanistan today you see a tribal system of government. The President is a mere figurehead, all power being rested in warring tribes. Some African nations have the same model. Before the white man came to America Native American tribes ruled the land. Tribal governance is perhaps the worst way to organize and rule a territory. The levels of dissimilarity grow in a tribal territory and often there are clashes and jealousies. Mexico is on its way to becoming a tribal territory as warring drug cartels assume power the government used to posses.

Tribes develop their own particular styles and ways of doing things that are often quite different from other tribes in their area. This tends to blur any concept of nationality, leaving residents not citizens of a country but rather members of just a tribe.

The antidote to tribalism is not outlawing tribes and replacing them with an all powerful, centralized government, but rather diffusing any institution of total control, restoring localism with a federated national consensus.

That describes where we are at today in American Freemasonry. A host of tyrannical Masonic fiefdoms have been empowered, allowing each jurisdiction to make up whatever rules it desires, often times rules and regulations that destroy the real meaning of Freemasonry. Not only is there no American Masonic identity, neither does the tradition of ALL FREEMASONRY IS LOCAL exist anymore. Local Lodges have been stripped of all of their power.

All the recent cases of tyrannical Masonic abuse by Grand Lodges are directly proportional to the amount of centralized power they have grabbed. There is nothing in the history and traditions of American Freemasonry that permits lifting of a Lodge’s charter without reason or recourse, expulsion without a Masonic trial, all Masonic trials held at Grand Lodge, refusal to allow private Masonic websites in the jurisdiction, automatic expulsion for legal Masonic discourse via E-Mail, not allowing sponsorship of DeMolay & Rainbow or for them to meet in a Masonic Lodge and the list could go on and on.

Beck tells us this:

“Professor Lino Graglia of the University of Texas Law School once explained that keeping power decentralized and at a local level ‘controls tyranny’ and produces greater diversity and respect for individual preferences. ‘It can be shown arithmetically,’ Graglia wrote, ‘that as an issue is decided by larger units, involving more people, the likelihood increases that fewer people will obtain their preference and more will be disappointed.’”

The choices before us are really narrowed to three.

  1. The status quo – which most will choose
  2. A National Grand Lodge
  3. Decentralization

Choices one and two will only prolong the agony and are or would be the major cause of disillusionment within the Craft.

The Four Crowned Ones

Quatuor Coronati LodgeFrom the World Exemplification of Freemasonry

The Four Crowned Ones

This grand overview is presented by Dr. John S. Wade, PM and W.M. of Quatuor Coronati Lodge, No. 2076, which meets under the United Grand Lodge of England. It covers the past, present, and future of the the Lodge of the Four Crowned Ones, and its links to Masonic scholarship and academia today.

Quatuor Coronati was founded in 1884 by nine Brethren to take an evidence-based approach to the study of Masonic history and research which was to replace the imaginative scholarship of earlier authors about the history of Freemasonry. This style of research would come to be called the ‘authentic school’ of Masonic research.

The Four Crowned Ones from WEOFM on Vimeo.

Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The Beehive

Masonic Wiki

Perhaps you remember Derek Gordon who resigned from the Grand Lodge of Arkansas after they gave him so much unwarranted grief. Here is a great mind with assets that would be of great benefit to any Lodge. His latest venture with the assistance of the masterful genius of Brother Dave Daugherty, is the development of a Masonic Wiki,

Now if you are like me and the only Wiki you have heard about is Wiki Leaks and you have little idea of what a Wiki is all about, don’t be intimidated by past perception or prejudice. The concept is one of sharing.  Not only do you get to enjoy all the information on the website but you also have the opportunity to add material. That’s what a Wiki is all about – shared input.

This Wiki project is based on the exact same software of that popular, worldwide information site, Wikipedia. It is easy to use, friendly to search through and has unlimited potential in Masonic research and scholarship. To post something you simply search and create a page detailing whatever it is you seek to discuss.

There are a few other English speaking Masonic Wikis but they are not well maintained.  They are full of spam because they are not a secure site. You won’t find that at  First of all you have to be a Mason to post and then only after you have registered with the site. Gordon & Daugherty have five moderators working the site and they block all spam and malicious content. You won’t find the flaming screaming that you can experience on many Masonic Forums.  Gordon particularly emphasizes this point.

“Users can read, edit and add content so long as they are registered. Modified content will show with revisions and is reviewed by one of five moderators to ensure it isn’t scathing. Our contact page offers a method to E-Mail us when something needs review. Our platform is monitored to protect the sanctity of Masonry and to avoid attacks between bitter foes.”

This is important because Masonic Wiki is open to all Obedience and Jurisdictions across the board. This site is not an arm of Mainstream Masonry’s Conference of Grand Masters nor will it get involved in issues of who is a legitimate Mason and who is not.  It is beholden to no one but open to everyone who will enter its portals in peace and harmony and respect for divergent views.

The Site offers a breakdown by Continent and then by country.  It also offers headings of Masonic Poetry, Articles, Websites, Blogs and Supplies.  In addition you get a list of topics.  Here are only a few examples:

Masonic Libraries & Museums

Research Lodges

Prince Hall Freemasonry

Feminine Obediences

Allied Masonic Degrees

Grand College of Rites

National Sojourners

Daughters of the Nile

And many, many more, or create a topic of your choice.

Gordon has smartly also scooped up domains for, and  If you are looking for Masonic Wiki they all take you to the same place.  The site also has the ability to upload images and audio and Gordon will put in video too if there is a demand for it.  It has an international flavor as you can also choose Spanish and French languages in addition to English.  Gordon told the Beehive that he is trying to put together an agreement with a German Masonic Wiki, some sort of merger or co-operative effort.

It is obvious that Masonic Wiki is here to build bridges of understanding. Once again Gordon tells us the purpose of Masonic Wiki,

“…is to bring all sorts of information about Masonry together in one location, to share information among Masons of all backgrounds and in all places so that we can gain further light and understanding about one another.”

Most Freemasons will tell you that Freemasonry is universal. Masonic Wiki lives and practices that concept proving it to be true. Won’t you join them?

Mike McCabe Bringing Brothers Together

You might remember a previous story from The Beehive on Mike McCabe and how he was unceremoniously bounced out of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey. Granted McCabe is an intense fellow but he was and still is passionate about his Freemasonry.  And he did much in his tenure within the Grand Lodge of New Jersey and was recognized by his Grand Lodge for superior achievement. Yet his insistence to do things correctly and “by the book” landed him in trouble with a Grand Lodge whose officers liked to violate its Constitution and do whatever they felt like.

justiceloplate1-297x300McCabe deserves a lot more credit than he is being given which is so often the plight of an expelled Brother.  It needs to be pointed out that McCabe was present on the deck of the Battleship USS New Jersey on September 22, 2002 where formal recognition between PHA & Mainstream Masonry in New Jersey was ratified.

And it was he who a scant three weeks later on October 16, 2002 as Master of Mainstream  Justice Lodge No. 285, Linwood New Jersey welcomed the visitation of Prince Hall Lodges No. 16, Hiram Abiff and No. 27, Prince Hall along with the Grand Masters justiceloplate2-294x300of both Grand Lodges and other Past Grand Masters and dignitaries.

McCabe and his officers worked hard to put together one of the first joint meetings of PHA & Mainstream Masonry in the state of New Jersey.  As a long time champion of Prince Hall Masonry, McCabe endeavored to make the occasion memorial and remembered by casting a plate with front and back inscriptions which you see here pictured.

But The Beehive cannot help but wonder at perhaps how much trouble championing Prince Hall might get you in.  PGM Frank Haas of West Virginia met with Prince Hall Officers in the hopes of starting recognition.  Derek Gordon of Arkansas championed Prince Hall recognition and boldly denounced the Grand Lodge ruling that the generic license plate created by Prince Hall Arkansas was clandestine.  Counting McCabe all three, of course, have been expelled.

Random Musings On The Direction Of Freemasonry As We Start A New Decade

It’s a new year. 2011 is upon us. And Freemasonry is still with us. But is it really thriving as it could be?  That is the question to be answered as we forge ahead into another decade.  What can we do to make it better?

Now every time I pose questions like this I get the reply – YOU WANT TO CHANGE MASONRY?

Not really.  I have no desire to touch the rituals that we use at all.  But there is a lot that goes into Freemasonry besides ritual.

Today we need to recognize the fact that we are in the Information Age and take advantage of it.  We also need to perhaps curtail some of the Grand Power and stop Freemasonry from becoming a centralized bureaucracy.  This is not changing what Freemasonry is and stands for but rather streamlining how it operates.

Thinking along these lines has led me to random musings.  Many are subjects I have proposed and written about previously. Many are also in common practice these days, but a lot depends on your jurisdiction. All of what is to follow are thoughts that are incomplete.  Nothing written here is meant to neither comprise a complete list nor take advantage of all the possibilities that exist.  Many good ideas are not here, not thought of and not expressed.

This is where you the reader come into play. You may want to eliminate some suggestions here and add some excellent ideas not mentioned.  Please do not hesitate to do so in the COMMENTS section. If we put many heads together on one task the result can often times be truly amazing. So be my guest, have at it.

Please do not expect these suggestions to be in logical sequence or follow some sort of organizational chart.  They are truly random musings. The theme here is the business/operational aspect of Freemasonry not the ritualistic/programming side. The latter could be another article in the future.


  1. Each Lodge ought to own its own building and property. They ought not to belong to the Grand Lodge.
  2. Each Lodge should employ a financial advisor to manage its investments.
  3. Each Lodge should apply for non profit tax exempt status.
  4. Lodges in urban and heavy suburban areas should all meet in the same building. One large building with greater amenities will have one heating/AC bill, one cost of insurance and one building and grounds to maintain. America’s insistence on a separate Lodge Building for each Lodge does not make economic sense nor is it copied by European counterparts.
  5. Lodges should increase their dues to cover the complete costs of their operations and eliminate all fund raisers. Time spent on fund raisers is time taken away from Freemasonry.
  6. Lodges should open a Pay Pal account making it easier for members to budget and pay their dues and make other special contributions.


Grand Lodge should:

  1. Offer a group discount insurance plan for all the Lodges in its jurisdiction.
  2. Allow the consumption of alcoholic beverages in appropriate places within the Masonic building.
  3. Allow Lodges to rent space to any upright, righteous and ethical organization. That would include, but not be limited to, Co-Masonry, Female Masonry, GOUSA, and Knights of Columbus. Renting space is an economic decision not one which sponsors or endorses organizations.
  4. Allow Lodges to decide the floor work they will use and the dress code they will enforce.
  5. Provide Grand Lodge Library lending by mail. Set up a Grand Lodge E-reader program and offer it to any dues carrying member of the jurisdiction.
  6. Provide local Lodges with Masonic training, instructional and educational movies and power point presentations.
  7. Conduct seminars at Grand Lodge for Masonic training, development and education.
  8. Provide a statewide Speaker’s Bureau available for use by any Lodge.
  9. Allow and encourage District wide degrees and special degree teams with an option of using special costumes.
  10. Permit public installation of officers.
  11. Allow Lodges to meet as frequently or as infrequently as they desire.
  12. The Local Lodge is the only entity to set proficiency requirements and would be the sole judge of the proficiency attainment of a candidate.
  13. Require all Grand Lodge Officers, including the Grand Master, to pass a written test on Masonic knowledge.
  14. Operate a Grand Lodge library that will copy all its public domain literature to computer, that will offer computers and DVD players on the premises and that will also purchase the latest in Masonic literature by today’s Masonic authors.
  15. Permit all chartered Lodges to file all Grand Lodge documents and reports electronically.


  1. Should maximize their finances by renting out their building whenever possible. This includes the use of the Lodge building for public special events such as wedding receptions, baby showers, anniversary parties, etc. as well as permanent tenets.
  2. Employ the use of Lodge computers for the Lodge and computerize Lodge minutes and all Lodge documentation and correspondence.
  3. Provide a media room or a media section to its Lodge room.
  4. Endeavor to provide suitable kitchen and dining accommodations and serve Lodge suppers as a regular part of most Masonic Communications.
  5. Appoint a standing Investigating committee and train them in the art of Masonic investigation.
  6. Reform the balloting procedure to an unpublished and unrevealed vote by the Investigating Committee. Any Brother who had any knowledge of why an applicant should not be admitted would communicate that information to an Investigating Committee member. Only good reasons would be accepted by the Investigating Committee as cause to deny an applicant.
  7. Employ the use of movies and power point presentations as part of its ritual, instruction and education of candidates and members.

The Misguided Expectations of Freemasonry

A recent communication with an old friend got me thinking.  My dear old friend told me that he was out of Freemasonry and into the Community doing the things that need to be done and that Masons only sit around and talk about. Now what follows will in no way be a chastisement for my friend’s decision.  Who am I to criticize another’s choices in this journey we call life. I embrace every path chosen by every friend and Brother for only he knows what’s best for him and only he can make the vision that God has sent before him a reality.

Yet at the same time I have to wonder whether the expectations of Freemasonry are distorted and misplaced by many, many Brethren. I had an opportunity in 2005 to visit and speak in Alberta, Canada.  There in one of the two papers I delivered I offered my Canadian Brethren the thought that we are not human doings, we are human beings. And it is OK just to BE. In fact it is most important to have your heart and soul in the right place before you go about doing. This thought might be likened to the ongoing Christian argument – are we saved by Grace or good works. My personal belief is that we should have both but in their proper order. Good works don’t get us grace but grace gets us good works. It was Jesus who said that it is what is in your heart which is of most importance. The public display of piousness exhibited by the Pharisees and Sadducees did not make them holy according to Jesus.  Better to go home, enter the closet, close the door and give thanks and praise to your heavenly Father. So if you wished harm to come to another, fomented violence against another in your heart, well you might as well have beat him over the head with a baseball bat because your thoughts were equally guilty as your actions.

Now realizing that not everyone subscribes to these views and not wishing to impose my personal beliefs on others let’s see how this correlates with Freemasonry.  The Craft is not an action committee gauging its worth on how much it can do for society – nor should it feel guilty in what it does or doesn’t do for the community. It is not the actions of Freemasonry as a community that mean as much as the change in the heart of each and every Brother who studies and subscribes to is virtues. Once imbued with the philosophy of Masonry each individual Brother then goes into society with a changed heart and gives back to the community, coming from the new person that his fraternity has made him. And this is much better than Freemasonry acting as a whole because it comes from the heart and it is that which is given without ulterior motives, expecting nothing in return nor has it the presence of Pharisee and Sadducee like puffed up ostentatious grand standing. But you can see here there is a logical order of accomplishment, first things first.

Thus the first priority of Freemasonry is to instruct, teach and educate its members in a philosophical thought that many have claimed has been handed down through the ages. Some say that from the ancient Egyptian mysteries, to the Essenes, to the schools of  Pythagoras and other Greek mystery orders to Mithraism and other Roman mysteries, the special orders of Christendom, the Knights Templar and beyond, there has been a certain frame of thought, some call higher knowledge, that has lived on down through the ages, regardless of the political or civil structure of society, which espouses a God given right to liberty and freedom, to brotherhood and peace, to knowledge and virtue. And Freemasonry is the latest expression of these long held mystery beliefs, some say, which might explain why you will find an inordinate number of Gnostics within the Craft.

The ancient mystery schools were not chastised for their lack of involvement within the community or gauged by the amount of charity that they doled out. Rather what was of utmost importance was the development of each individual member and the knowledge once imparted that could change his life.

So let us think of modern Freemasonry in these terms.  First and foremost, then, we are a philosophy, a body of knowledge to be communicated to every Brother that signs on. And yes we sit around and talk about it.  It is OK to just be a human being. And by so doing in meetings we reinforce the values to which we subscribe. We have a need to internalize the external newness that is being taught us. I go to church every week to worship God and give him thanks and praise.  I do not need to go to church to hear the same thing over and over again. I could do my worshiping at home or in a special holy place only I frequent in holy solitude. But by participating in a group I become further motivated and inspired. It is the special attributes that Scott Peck describes as “community.”  It is one of the reasons group therapy is so effective.

Neale_Donald_WalschSo, secondly, let us think of Freemasonry as a gathering place for some special bonding. In the process we are going through in our education as Freemasons we find a commonality not only in purpose but in just being. In my address in Alberta, Canada I also quoted from that rebellious spiritual thinker Neale Donald Walsch who repeatedly made the observation that we are all ONE! We are not divided or separated but we are all just one. The same point has been made by Scott Peck in his discussion of “community.”  Others might say that we are all children of God.  But it is precisely the Masonic act of leaving your sectarian beliefs and rigid viewpoints at the door of the Lodge room and entering as all one, as Brothers united, that creates a special bond that cannot be duplicated alone by oneself. In so doing Masons have discovered the special feeling present in Brotherhood.

Then let us declare that we are first and foremost both a philosophy and a Brotherhood. We change hearts, we bond and only then can we realize the fruits of our labor and benefit others.

My friend could remain a Freemason realizing that all he is now Doing is a result of his Being and that Being came from being a Freemason.  But he has his path and I have mine. And yours?

art, illustration, bible, square, compass

What Are The Holy Scriptures ~ How Do They Relate To Freemasonry

The Hour Glass, African American Freemasonry In The State Of New York

Ezekiel M. Bey

Ezekiel M. Bey,
FPS Administrator and Founder
Blue-Lite Research Discussion Group Inc.

First we must understand and define what the meaning of “Holy” means, and then what the word “Scripture” means.  According to Anthony Browder, who authored, “From The Browder File” the word “Holy” comes from the Greek word, “Helios” which means “Sun”.  In Latin it translates to Sanctus.  The word “scripture” comes from Latin, “I Write”.  The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines “scripture” that, “…most religious scriptures began as recited texts, being preserved in orally transmitted forms: the Vedas of the Hindus were written down only because the world moved into the degenerate Kali; oral law (Torah she be’al peh) was as much revealed on Sinai as was written Torah; the Quran was not written down until after the death of Muhammad; and the Pāli canon was not committed to writing until (theoretically) the First Council though in fact much later. When scriptures were eventually written down, it often remained a primary religious act to recite (rather than read) scripture.” So, scriptures are the texts which various religious traditions consider to be sacred, or of central importance to their religious tradition. They are words that are divinely inspired by ones Creator and documented in written words or recited by memory.  In fact, the bottom line as it relates to the definition of the word “Bible”, means “THE BOOK”.  However, do not lose sight that in the many Books that contain scriptures, are not but one book, but a compilation of data and documented information within the total text in a religious compiled composition or book housing.

bibleNow that we have established what those two important words mean, how do they fit in Freemasonry?  Masonry is a system that allows us to live our lives in the search for truth and awakening.  When we sincerely love what we call a craft, our very actions in this walk in light begins to play a role in what is Masonic knowledge, and the truth behind the veil of understanding.  Freemasonry in its early years as it pertained to Lodges were nominally Trinitarian Christian, but there is no indication that such was more than formal or that any religious belief was prerequisite to admittance.  Changes affected by the Grand Lodge of England between 1717 & 1723 abandoned nominal adherence to Christianity and obligated the Mason to obey the moral law, to be good men and true men of honor and honesty.  Dr. James Anderson in 1723 of Charge 1 wrote in his Constitution:

Concerning GOD and Religion

“A Mason is oblig’d by his Tenure, to obey the moral Law; and if he rightly understands the Art, he will never be a stupid Atheist, nor an irreligious Libertine.  But though in ancient Times Masons were charged in every Country to be of the Religion of that Country or Nation, whatever it was, yet ’tis now thought more expedient to oblige them to that Religion which all Men agree, leaving their particular Opinions to themselves: that is, to be good Men and true, or Men of Honor and Honesty, by whatever Denominations or Persuasions they may be distinguish’d; whereby Masonry becomes the Center of Union, and the Means of conciliating true Friendship among Persons that must have remain’d at a perpetual Distance.”

Now, in the middle portion of the above quote, he clearly removes the engagement in religious discussion, and openly states that each should keep their opinions to themselves.  In the New York ritual it reads, “…encouraging each to be steadfast in the faith of his acceptance.”

So, we have established the meaning “Holy Scriptures”, what was the common practice as it pertain to religious tolerance, and the evolution pre 1717 to 1723 and the accepted ancient constitution.  But the question is, “What Are The Holy Scripture”?  History records that in the sixth century A.D.; the Emperor Justinian issued an edict abolishing the last vestiges of the African religious systems and closed the last African Temple of Philae in Upper Egypt.  This is according to Anthony Browder, “From The Browder Files”.  However, in ancient Egypt, there is proof in several temples of inscriptions on the wall and the attempt to remove what the Madonna and Child looked like.  This was done by those who conquered different areas of ancient lands.  Over one hundred versions of the “Holy Scriptures” have been produced.  This is why scriptures are considered or referred to as “verses”, which comes from the Latin word, “vertere”, a word which mean to “turn” or “to change”.   The Holy Scriptures can help us to either turn from negative ways or change the way we live.  How does this relate to Freemasonry?

holy bible square and compassAfter the Constitution written by James Anderson under “GOD and Religion”, this actually put a renewed understanding of the purpose of Freemasonry.  Some are not aware that there was no Holy Scriptures (Holy Book) on the altar at one time.  The Holy Bible first being referred to as part of the furniture of the Lodge was in 1730.  In 1760 the Bible, Square and Compasses being referred to as the three Great Lights was not in existence until the “Ancients Grand Lodge of England” placed it on the altar and the “Moderns” began this practice in 1762.  Many of these Brothers, although used the Kings James version and some that were similar, understood the meaning of the word “Bible”, which derived from the Egyptian definition, “Papyrus”, which meant “Paper”.  Prior to any Holy Book placed on the altar, it was the (Book of Constitution) that Mason’s were obligated on.  In present day we now take our obligation on the book of our faith to bind us to our oath.  This is why our obligations are taken on the Holy Scriptures.  When we swear not to be at the int*****, pa*****, or rai**** of a clandestine Mason for example, we are swearing before GOD and man, that we will never fall victim in betraying our solemn appeal to the Creator of such a sacred promise.

Now, scripture do NOT teach doctrine, however, doctrines can develop through “scriptures”.  Let us take the word “DOCTRINE” for a moment.  The word “Doctrine” means “Something taught teaching, instruction or principles of religion.  “Theology” means “the study of God”, of religious doctrines and of matters pertaining to Divinity”.  The word Theology comes from the root word “THEO”, meaning “God” and the word “LOGOS” meaning “Word, or Discourse”.  In other words, theology is a systematic and logical arrangement of the belief in a doctrine.  Awareness is the key factor to all things.

The 6 Divisions of Theology as quoted from the book “The foundation of Christian Doctrine” “Written by Kevin J. Conner”

  1. Exegetical Theology – “Exegesis” means “to lead out, to guide out, to draw out”.  In theology it refers to analysis    and interpretation of scripture.”
  2. Historical Theology – Historical theology traces Biblical history, church history, and the history of the doctrine.
  3. Dogmatic Theology – “This branch deals with dogma as set forth and formulated in church creeds.  The difference between dogma and doctrine should be recognized.”
  4. Biblical Theology – “Biblical theology traces the progress of truth through Books of the Bible, seeing the various manners in which each of the writers presented important doctrines.”
  5. Systematic Theology – “Systematic theology concerns itself with the orderly arrangement into topics of the doctrines concerning God, Man, Angels, Sin and Salvation.  It is a systematization of the major fundamental doctrines of Biblical theology.”
  6. Pastoral or Practical Theology – “Pastoral or Practical theology deals with pastoral work, Christian education, church administration, Etc.”

The above meaning of the different definitions of theology is not limited to other faiths.  However, through all of this, scripture plays an important part as it is connected on the writing of what others saw and interpreted through what they understood of a higher inspiration that calls upon the higher faculties of ones being and spirituality.  In Albert Pike’s book Book of the Words, page 121, first paragraph, he states,

Our knowledge of the Deity, like our knowledge of the soul, is not the cognition of the Deity itself, but of its manifestations only.

We all see Deity in a different light as well as the name of Deity from our respective understanding taught by our religions and “scriptures”; and even those who do not subscribe to a particular religion but follow “spirituality” according to their understanding interpret scripture how they are inspired.  Scripture is not defined to be owned by one religion but each religion or spiritual schools have their own doctrine.  Freemasonry allows us to find that path without prejudice or judgment.

In Final, the Holy Scriptures are not only sacred text inspired by a Creator, but they are symbols that are veiled in allegory.  Harold Percival in his book, “Thinking in Destiny” describes a symbol as such: “A symbol is a visible object that represents an invisible subject which one is to think of, as itself or in relation to another subject or object”.

Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The Beehive

What Is Masonic Intercourse?

Ezekiel M. Bey, FPS

What is “Masonic Intercourse” many Masons ask? The definition can mean many things and different authors have given their opinion as to the actual purpose of having it in our rituals.

In The Meaning of Masonic Obligation, PGM R.V. Harris of Nova Scotia defines Masonic Intercourse as, “…to refrain from Masonic Intercourse with outsiders, and with irregular Freemasons and to discountenance all irregularities and immoralities.”  Well, this is still not clear enough to define or determine its meaning.  The web-site, “The Beacon Light of Freemasonry”, gives another definition which states, “Masonic communication, or as it is alternately called, Masonic Intercourse, involves any type of communication involving sharing the secrets of masonry. Primarily, that is sitting in a tyled lodge session, which is any type of Masonic meeting where the general public is NOT allowed, or where the qualification for attendance is being a Mason.”

The truth is that we must clearly and truly understand the difference in what we call “Masonry” vs. what some want to create out of it. There are two forms of Masonic Intercourse. There is the verbal (exoteric) which we are aware of, but many are not aware of non-verbal (esoteric) communication. The verbal is common understanding, as we would clearly understand that if you communicate with a clandestine (Bogus) Mason about the modes of recognition like passwords, grips and signs, you are in strict violation of your obligation. You can communicate verbally limited aspect of esoteric messages via words, but not many are Masonically educated enough to reach that level. Now, what we fail to realize that there is such a thing as non-verbal communication (esoteric). This is where some lose sight of the meaning of communication. Non-Verbal communication is a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, behavior, dress or gathering.  It is to be in sync with one another for a common goal.  It is like a tuxedo ball.  Everyone is in sync until someone enters with jeans and sneakers.  As the jeans and sneaker guest walks in, a communication automatically is transmitted via a non-verbal transmission.  He is automatically out of place due to his appearance.  Non-Verbal communication does not always reveal a negative existence and is hidden in its esoteric engagement.  When we do not realize we are communicating or engaged in communication, we are blind of the effects it can cause.  Masonic Intercourse is an exchange of verbal and non-verbal communication between parties whether you are communicating with legal Masons or not.  Being invited to, accepting and attending in your Masonic regalia at a function such as an official Divine Service or St. John’s Day from a so-called Masonic group that is clandestine and irregular is Masonic Intercourse.

In Prince Hall Masonry, we have functions that we consider Masonic in nature that are called, “Divine Services, Prince Hall Day, and St. John’s Day” to name a few.  In these events, we are clothed in formal Masonic regalia.  We do so in reverence to our founder “Brother Prince Hall” and to reflect the struggles this organization has gone through and how we have evolved throughout two centuries. Most importantly, when our leadership is clothed in Masonic attire, we are representing the craft.  When your Grand Master or his representative at anytime wears his jewel and apron, he is representing “Grand Lodge”. It is an official act. This is a form of “communication or communicating”.  Communicating in the above fashion is clearly Masonic in nature as we are dressed in the order of business for the purpose of an official Masonic gathering. It is Masonic intercourse.  In the above events, we must clearly recognize a few things.

  1. Although no modes of recognition are displayed, through the very act of presenting ourselves in full regalia, we are communicating to each other the respect of accepting each other as equal (i.e. a Peer).
  2. Although non-Masons are allowed, it is a form of education to advocate unity, love and admiration to one another within the fraternity.  However, if a clandestine Mason (Bogus) is dressed the same, our act of acceptance is considered “irregular”, and that is only if we accept them as peers.
  3. We are a distinct organization different from college fraternities, social organizations, political parties and most important, the average citizen.
  4. Because of the struggles, of our path finder within this organization, we agreed to follow our progenitor’s path.
  5. Lastly because of our rich history and knowing who we are and where we came from, that we will not devalue our institution by sympathizing and recognizing what our ritual and constitutions recognize as clandestine and irregular.  That is, so-called Masons that belong to groups that cannot prove that they came from a competent Grand Body that empowered them to work.

Let us investigate what is “Clandestine”?  Macoy’s Encyclopedia describes clandestine Lodges as “Lodges which have been formed by avaricious Freemasons, who take money from those people who have no idea of the difference between warranted Regularly Constituted Grand Lodge and one that is not regularly constituted.”  History demonstrates that many of the bodies that call themselves Masonic in African American communities, were organizations established by suspended or expelled Masons.  Why are we today placing our guards down against groups that have not come via the same regular or similar way as those who are known to be regular?

Their threat to legitimate Prince Hall Freemasonry is threefold:

  1. They deprive our lodges of potential good recruits, and deprive those men of the opportunity to become genuine Masons;
  2. Many of them bring Masonry into disrepute in the eyes of the general public by conducting degree mills for profit; and
  3. Their very existence, and often their conduct, cause confusion among those mainstream Masons who assume that all Blacks calling themselves Masons are of Prince Hall Affiliation, and also among some Prince Hall Affiliated Masons who are tempted to place racial solidarity ahead of legitimacy of origin and global Masonic acceptance.

This is not to say that Prince Hall Grand Lodges do not have their problems, however, here in New York, we have a record within our proceedings and recorded transactions via committees that show the complications we have had in our state, due to Bogus and Clandestine Masonry.

Let us get back to “Masonic Intercourse” as this is our main focus and in truth really define the crux of the matter.  In true Universal Freemasonry the pigment of a man’s skin has never been a signature of regularity, nor gives him the same rights as a member of a legally established Masonic Fraternity.  However, in the history of Freemasonry in the United States, the concept of race has reared its ugly head and, has been a barrier to the acceptance of men of color, in particular “Prince Hall Masons”.  Nothing is more sensitive than a subject that touches on racial lines especially when speaking of our own community.  We must not confuse our various relationships and associations with individuals, social clubs, political organizations, college fraternities, or churches, to name a few, with Universal Freemasonry.  Often times we believe that anything that looks like us are us.  This is not always true.  In my opinion, we do a severe disservice to ourselves and our organization by communicating with Bogus Masons in the act of accepting them as our peers by being fully regaled in Masonic gatherings that we hold dear to our organization.  There is nothing wrong in educating them of history and our organization, as many of them are good timber and practice Masonry in their hearts, but we must understand that there is a difference between “Masonry and Freemasonry”.  Freemasonry is the institution and it has specific rules found in our Constitution and Masonry is the original nature of the Universe.

We do not realize that the moment you enter a gathering in your esoteric garb known as gloves, apron, and jewels with a clandestine Mason, you have just committed Masonic Intercourse whether you initiated it or not.

Some of these so-called Grand Lodges are considered “Spurious” in nature, because spurious can be considered bodies of illegitimate birth, outwardly similar or corresponding to something without having its genuine qualities.  It is a so-called Masonic entity that falsifies or erroneously attributes its origin to some non-existing Masonic source.  It is deceitful in nature.  Remember, if a thing is false, it cannot be a fact in its representation. The only fact is that a spurious Lodge is a false Masonic body. The word “spurious” was used in England as far back as 1824 when they considered lodge No. 557 spurious. This spurious Lodge met at an inn called, “The White Bear” and thereafter “The Royal Hotel”.  Many who are spurious or even part of a spurious body do not know the origin of his Grand Lodge/Lodge, and are hoodwinked with false pretense that he has joined a respectful organization thinking that its main objective and cause is for the upliftment of humanity, never noticing fraud or deceit. Many good Men have been sucked into these organizations by way of ignorance.  They, along with clandestine and irregular bodies, have often used the false history of Masonry and in particular the history of Prince Hall Freemasonry.  They have used the mud throwing of calling us paupers of charters, beggars of recognition, and even calling Prince Hall Masons racist of their own kind, not knowing that although an organization with a make-up of predominately men of color, we have hundreds of white Brothers in our ranks.

On June 6, 1956, M.:W.: G.M. L Ernest DuBois in his address under Clandestine Masonry went on record as per the minutes of the 111th Annual Grand Communication:

“As like the two (2) previous subjects, this too has received a considerable amount of attention, not only in this jurisdiction, but throughout the Country by White and Negro Masons alike.

Our White Brethren have seen and read enough about Prince Hall masonry to the extent that they are fairly well convinced of our legitimacy and while they do not accept us as a group, they do, to a great extent, accept us as individual Masons, and as a whole do not consider us a threat to the Masonic Institution, just so long as we do not conduct ourselves and our activities in such a manner that it will bring reproach upon the Masonic Fraternity.  This is an indication, in my opinion, based upon conversations with a few of our outstanding White Brethren that like integration, recognition by this group is on the way, but do not get the impression from these remarks that, like prosperity many years ago, it is just around the corner.  This is far from the case, but there is a great interest in this subject on the part of our White Brethren and I hope and pray that if and when such recognition is accorded all Prince Hall Masons, we will be ready to accept it and will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Brother Masons throughout the World.  Much depends upon the manner in which we conduct our affairs and the interest we take in, not only our Lodges, but our share of the community responsibilities.

“Several months ago your Grand Master addressed a communication to Grand Master Amos T. Hall of Oklahoma, and the President of the Grand Master’s Conference, in which was suggested that a committee composed of representatives of the Grand Master’s Conference, together with representatives of the Concordant Bodies, and the Shrine, convene for the purpose of discussing the subject of clandestine Masonry and suggest ways and means by which this great evil might be over-come.  Several Jurisdictions have taken these groups into court and decisions in favor of the Prince Hall Jurisdictions have been handed down, but at a great expense financially.  It was in my mind that if a concerted effort could be made, sponsored by the Grand Lodges and National organizations, a much more effective job might be done and in a much shorter space of time.  In due time Grand Master Hall answered my communication and informed me that he appreciated the suggestions and would discuss it further at the Grand Master’s Conference.”

“While attending the conference the week of May 20th, Brother Hall informed me that about the same time he received my communication, he was the recipient of a like communication from the Sovereign Grand Commander, II. George W. Crawford, inviting him to come to the City of Philadelphia prior to the Supreme Council Session to discuss this matter with him and his officers.”

“It gives me pleasure to report to this M.W. Prince Hall Grand Lodge that definite steps have been taken in this direction.  The Officers of the Supreme Council, together with the Imperial Council of the Shrine, have pledged their support to the Grand Master’s Conference to assist in combating clandestine Masonry.  President Hall has been empowered by the Conference members to select a committee to work with the aforementioned groups for the purpose of study; the securing of data relative to clandestine masonry and in due time make recommendations as to how best to handle the situation.  This, I believe, is a step in the right direction- at least a more concrete step than ever taken before and another indication that the entire Prince Hall Family is going to pull together toward one end.  And I am just conceited enough to feel that New York State has had a small part in a great undertaking.”

I believe that our Brothers of the past had a better understanding of what was happening around them and focused on the good of the organization.  Today, we have leadership who accepts Bogus Masons as their peers and recognize them as Masons only because the majority look like Prince Hall Masons in complexion, wear Masonic paraphernalia, meet in buildings labeled “Masonic Temple” or hold Masonic titles. Is this a good and wise reason we should accept and embrace these organizations as “Masonic”?

In my article, “Education For A People Unaware”, I stated:

“Regularity is a big question for most. Many have no clue what it really means.  In the search for truth, we must investigate all the parameters that make up the substance of that which is to be considered for evaluation.  Certain standards must be used for guidelines in which to measure against the intended interest of one’s choice, whether it’s an object or viewpoint.  Freemasonry has been established centuries ago by Ancient Landmarks, Ancient Charges, Constitutions, and many unwritten laws. Taking basic attributes that make up regularity such as establishing Lodges from a “competent jurisdiction empowering it to work”, or abiding by the ancient charges in which most follow Anderson’s Constitution, you will see that many Lodges or Grand Lodges which erected them-selves illegally did not follow these basic rules. Lodges in order to be regular must have been established by a regular Grand Lodge. It must be truly independent and self-governing with undisputed authority over Craft Masonry. Freemasons under its jurisdiction must be Men having no Masonic Intercourse with Lodges, which admit Women or Clandestine Masons. You must believe in a Supreme Being, and take the obligation over a Volume of Sacred Laws. The three great lights must be displayed with the Square and Compasses, and finally to follow the tenets of Freemasonry to name a few.”

Most rituals of the day have some clause or state that you will not be at the in****, pas**** or rai**** of a clandestine Mason, so why are we going to joint events in our Masonic dress with individual that you are prohibited from witnessing their in****, pas**** and rai****?  How can I be obligated to not be present at their initiation and advancement, but recognize them by being in function with our esoteric clothing representing Masonry? I do not know one man that can dress up as a Police Officer and think he can arrest crooks just because he has a police uniform, gun and badge and impersonates a cop. You can save hundreds of lives by impersonating a Doctor and practicing medicine without a license does not make you a physician. Making a certificate or degree on your computer does not mean you have a Masters like the many so-called charters that bogus Masons produce. Some even get a charter from the state and confuse the public and regular Masons as if a state charter is equal to a Masonic one.

In Massachusetts in 1903, a decision was made about John G. Jones, an attorney in Illinois and member of the MWPHGL of Illinois after his expulsion that:

The MWPHGL of The State of Massachusetts, does not and will not affiliate with or in any way recognize Masonically, any person affiliating with, recognizing or in any way having Masonic Intercourse with John G. Jones, recently expelled from Masonry by the MWPHGL of Illinois, or with those with whom he is in affiliation.” This was signed by GM William H. Jackson, and attested by Benjamin C. Hazel, Grand Secretary”.

In New York, In accordance with the foregoing communication, Most Worshipful Edward V.C. Eato at the time Grand Master of the MWPHGL of New York issued an edict warning the Lodges and their members not to have any Masonic Intercourse with Jones or his representatives under pain of punishment for contumacy.

Here is one example of a Prince Hall Mason being expelled from Masonry and today, the Grand Lodges that he created and their splinter groups have disguised themselves as legitimate bodies.  Why are some of our leadership engage in fellowshipping instead of educating these groups of their origin?

On June 9, 1961 (116th Annual Grand Communication) Report by the Committee on Clandestine Masonry.

“As secretary of the Committee on Clandestine Masonry, I wish to make the following report:  A Bogus Mason is a Bogus Mason.  Perhaps a ‘faker’ is more appropriate term.  For generations particularly during the second half of the nineteenth century deceptions, hoaxes, and ruses have been prostituted upon Men of Color in the fair name of legitimate Freemasonry.  These would be Masons, or better styled, Masonic pirates, have worked there will of misbrands as they see fit, not recognizing the fact nor caring to that an entire race of people were being victimized, retarded and delimited, and very much so.”

“Some perpetrators may indulge in this fraudulent practice for the pure enchantment and needed treat it affords, others, for the monetary gains, power and self-esteem, it would rightly offer.  Whatever the reason, it effects perversion and confusion.  Masonry among Men of Color is made impure and the defiled stream reeks with a regurgitating stench of impurities and foreign bodies.”

“To be sure, deception and hoaxes have prevailed in the character of men from earliest times.  It would seem to be innate within the personality of some.  “Skim milk masquerades as cream,” and someone or some group is the unwitting recipient.  The Old Testament tells the story of Jacob’s calculated deception, and also his dupe, to which he in turn was subjected (Genesis: chapter 27-29).  From Homer, various Greek plays, medieval romances, and the deceived appear.  Ellery Queen’s famous mysteries not to be excluded.”

“It should be perfectly clear in the mind as a consequence why some Negroes have entered and prospered in the business of bogus Masonry and why some individuals are ready made dupes of same:  the cultural gap, lack of education and appreciative understanding, and the complexities surrounding a myriad of problems, also, imposed restraints moreover, encourage such malpractices.  Such is the position of the American Negro and his continued role in Freemasonry, in a new decade, dedicated to Human Rights and the Betterment of Humankind.”

“At our 113th Grand Communication (1958), recognizing an indisputable “urgent need,” Grand Lodge did empower a special committee, the expressed purpose of which was to reduce and totally eliminate clandestine bodies and their fragments.”

“The first concern or object of this Committee was to identify the field.  This having been done, it became necessary to determine believable procedure targeted to eliminate bogus bodies operating within our Grand Jurisdiction.  Realizing that a Masonic millennium among “Men of Color” would not occur overnight, we took the immediate as well as the long view of our mandate.  All objective evaluation of the prevailing situation leads us to believe that we had a long, tedious, and perhaps costly fight on our hands.  This and all else, in order to rid Negro Masonry of this blight, and prevent future defiling of the pure stream.”

“A comprehensive and imaginative program was subsequently developed and formulated.  In this fight, the Committee was firmly convinced that, every permissible tool in any permissible way should be used to advance our interest.”

“In the process of shoring up our court case, and future cases notwithstanding, a large amount of basic research became readily apparent.  At first, we may have been under some form of self-delusion, as relative to our so-called secure position.  However, we were abruptly confronted with bald reality as we attempted to olympicly wade through seven “examinations before trial.”  What primary evidence we lacked, what points we were completely uneducated upon, were enough to give us pause.  Nonetheless, at this time, we can report that our position has been advanced.”

“In conclusion, I wish to affirm the fact that, The Prince Hall Grand Lodge of New York must commit the full strength of its great capacity, in order to realize its object.  The full energy and vitality of the Craft is imperative.  It is hoped that at the 117th Grand Communication, we can report that everything is in progress.”

Fraternally yours,
Harold A. Wilson, Secretary
Committee on Clandestine Masonry

There will be more information when I complete my book, Bogus Masonic Outfits, The Danger to Prince Hall Masonry.

by Ezekiel M. Bey, FPS
Administrator & Founder, Blue-Lite Research Discussion Group Inc. ©2010


  • The Meaning of Masonic Obligation by PGM R.V. Harris of Nova Scotia
  • The Beacon Light of Freemasonry
  • The Fight Against Clandestine Masonry by Ezekiel M. Bey, FPS
  • Why The Word Bogus by Ezekiel M. Bey, FPS
  • Macoy Encyclopedia
  • New York’s 116th Annual Grand Communication Report by the Committee on Clandestine Masonry
  • Education For A People Unaware by Ezekiel M. Bey
  • John G. Jones, The Father of Bogus Masonry
  • New York Ritual

The Talented Freemason Hando Nahkur

It is my feeling that Freemasons are by nature creative people, that is serious students of the Craft and not MINOs (Masons In Name Only). Some serious Freemasons are painters, some are sculptors, some are publishers,  some have radio programs, some are musicians, some are actors, some own and operate large Masonic websites, others Masonic Internet Forums, some are magicians, many are teachers and clergy and a whole bunch are writers. And if an active Freemason doesn’t fit into any one of those categories he will at least tend to be a prolific reader. Now not all Freemasons fit into this mold but the percentage that do are very high. A person in the arts sees something in Freemasonry that draws them to it.

Twenty-eight year old Brother Hando Nahkur fits the mold described above. He is a concert pianist, a native Estonian who came to the United States 8 years ago. His first stop was Yale University in Connecticut where he spent 3 years studying music with Boris Berman, followed by 2 years at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston with Gabriel Chodos, and then 3 years in the music program at Texas Christian University (TCU), Fort Worth, Texas where he is still matriculating under the tutelage of Tamás Ungár.

Hando Nahkur on the piano

Nahkur is not done with his studies at TCU. Already in possession of a Masters Degree in Music he hoped to finish his DMA (Doctor of Music Arts) but an opportunity has risen, a great honor, which he cannot turn down, that will delay his further education.  He will participate in the quarter finals of the 9th F. Liszt International piano competition at the Spring Festival in Utrecht, The Netherlands in March 2011.  Auditions took place in Shanghai, Moscow, Utrecht and New York City. Over 200 pianists auditioned but only 24 were chosen, and Nahkur was one of those 24.

Nahkur also studied in Estonia before coming to the United States.  He made his debut with the Estonian symphony orchestra at the age of sixteen. He went on to perform with the Orchestra of the Estonian National Opera.

While he frequently performs solo Nahkur has performed with the Bergslagen Symfoniker, the St. Andrews Festival Orchestra and the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra. He has played at the Amersterdam Concertgebouw in the Netherlands, the theater of Markopoulous Mesogeas in Greece, Vienna Konzerthaus in Austria, H. Reimann Hall in Switzerland, the Teatro Eden in Italy, the Casa de la Cultura de Reynosa in Mexico, George Weston Hall, Toronto, Canada,  Harris Concert Hall, Aspen, USA, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and Jordan Hall, Boston, USA, Steinway Hall, New York City, USA, Ed Landreth Hall, Fort Worth, USA and the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, USA to mention a few.

He has played in 22 of the states of the United States, in Costa Rica, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Finland, Estonia, France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Israel and Russia. Nahkur has garnered top prizes in both national and international piano competitions, including top prizes in Estonia, Italy, Greece, Russia, USA and Canada. In 2005 he was awarded the Golden Medal of Merit from Toronto, Canada.

Nahkur was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Newton, Massachusetts at Waltham Triad Lodge in the Fall of 2007. The cause of his interest in Freemasonry is a story that should be paid attention to by members of the Craft who seek to add new blood. During his stay in Boston, Nahkur attended a music concert that just happened to be held at the auditorium of the Scottish Rite National Heritage Museum in Lexington, Massachusetts.  The exhibits there piqued his interest and he started asking questions. Some who were in his party that were Masons answered his questions and one ended up bringing him to his Lodge in Newton. Within the year he was a Master Mason.  And within another year he had moved to Texas and affiliated with Fort Worth Lodge #148 of the Grand Lodge of Texas AF & AM, where he is the Lodge’s musician –

Nahkur in addition to being a performer is an arranger of music and he plays and arranges some popular and romantic music as well as classical pieces. He also teaches music part time. His favorite classical composer is Liszt with Chopin and Schubert runner ups. His upcoming concerts include Boynton Beach, Florida in February and his native Estonia in April.

He is ecstatic with the rave reviews he has received on his latest CD, DeusExClavier.  On his coming trip to Utrecht, Brother Nahkur hopes to go to Lodge there and meet Freemasons from the Netherlands. He speaks Finnish, Estonian, Italian and English languages. If you were to talk to Nahkur there are two character qualities that would stand out, his passion for what he does and what he is and his discipline.

If you would like to hear a sample of his playing and learn more about this talented Freemason, visit his website

There only remains to be said – not bad for a man of twenty eight years.