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Will A Collapsing World Bring Down Lodges With It?

Over the last decade here is what local Masonic Lodges should have been doing.

They should have increased their dues sufficiently to not only pay for the running of their Lodges but also have salted away some money in the bank account and investments. Instead of doing fund raisers they should have looked for additional income by renting out their Masonic Hall or any collateral property attached to the Hall owned by the Lodge.

They should have been seeking endowments from their members and instead of authorizing the Treasurer to take the extra income down to the bank and buying a CD, the Lodge should have hired a certified financial planner.

In urban and suburban situations Lodges in one area should have tried to operate all from one building. If you travel to England you can find as many as 20 Lodges meeting in one building, and Brothers paying $20 or more each meeting for a meal and the festive board. In our very mobile modern society where there was once a Lodge in every town, today it would be much more economical to have just one Hall per Masonic District.

These ideas have certainly been posted on this site before. So why repeat them now?

With Europe collapsing before our eyes; with the United States economy faltering, unemployment above 9% with no signs of abating, GDP growth in the neighborhood of an anemic 1%, the stock market tanking, one has to wonder about the financial stability of Masonic Lodges.

Those that have refused to run their Lodges like a business and have insisted on doing Masonry on the cheap may not be able to survive if the country’s economy continues to worsen. Especially vulnerable are rural Lodges and Lodges who cannot consolidate buildings. Those Lodges with a building all their own with no tenants, low dues and no money in the bank account or in investments probably will not survive.

We could be looking at the largest amount of Lodges disbanding and turning in their charters in the history of this nation.  If we are it will be because many Lodges refused to take the necessary steps to put themselves on a sound financial footing when they had the opportunity. Any good businessman will tell you that you salt away some money in good times for a rainy day fund to tide you over in bad times. Lodges that failed to look ahead, failed to do any long term planning and operated by just squeaking by will suffer the consequences and pay the ultimate price.

Confessions of a Born Again Fundamentalist, Freemason

Confessions of a Born Again Fundamentalist, Freemason

By Nelson King, FPS

Br. King passed to the celestial lodge on August 17th, 2011.

I confess that I am a Born Again, Fundamentalist, Freemason.

Now before you have a cardiac arrest, or a stroke, let me explain what a Born Again, Fundamentalist, Freemason is. I used to be a very [for want of a better word] liberal Mason. I am now a very Conservative or Traditionalist, Freemason. Therefore, I am Born Again. By Fundamentalist, I mean that I believe that no one has a right to be a Freemason.

I believe those who want to be Freemasons must be good and true men, free born and of a mature and discreet age and sound judgment, no bondsmen, no women, no immoral or scandalous men, only men of good report.

I believe that a man who wants to be a Freemason must believe in the existence of God, and take his Obligation on Volume of The Sacred Law of his choice and that he owes a duty to that God and to his fellow man no matter what their creed, color, or religion.

Read: The Mystical Meaning of So Mote It Be

I believe that a Freemason is obliged to obey the moral and civil law.

I believe that a man’s religion or mode of worship should not exclude him from the Order of Freemasonry, provided he also believes in the existence of a Supreme Being, and that Supreme Being will punish vice and reward virtue.

I believe that a Freemason is bound never to act against the dictates of his conscience.

I believe that Freemasonry is the center of union between honest men and the happy means of conciliating friendship amongst those who must otherwise have remained at a perpetual distance.

I believe a Freemason”s Lodge is the temple of peace, harmony, and brotherly love; nothing is allowed to enter this Lodge which has the remotest tendency to disturb the quietude of its pursuits.

I believe all preferment among Masons is grounded upon real worth and personal merit only, therefore no Brother should be passed chair to chair, whether it is in a Lodge or a Grand Lodge, just because he knows the right people or has held the previous office for one year, no Grand Master, Master or Warden is chosen by seniority, but only for his merit.

I believe that there is nothing wrong with Freemasonry, as laid down for our instruction in our Ancient Charges.

I am a Born Again Fundamentalist, Freemason.

Nelson King

Nelson King Has Passed To The Celestial Lodge Above

Nelson King

Br. Nelson King PGM [H], FPS, BF

The daughters of Nelson King have released a statement that Nelson King PGM [H], FPS, BF, passed this morning August 17, 2011.

I am sure many stories and articles will follow but for the moment I would just like to pay homage to the man and for you to do the same.

So if you would place in the comments section something you would like to say about Brother King. Perhaps you knew him or corresponded with him or have an interesting story of your interaction with him.

Let us honor him with what we remember was great about him and what he did for us and for Freemasonry.

emblem of industry

How Much Longer Must We Wait?

By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family – the high and low, rich and poor; who, as created by one Almighty Parent and inhabitants of the same planet  are to aid support and protect each other. On this principle Masonry unites men of every country, sect and compasssquare12opinion….

Thus Freemasonry has set itself up with a morality and code of ethics that teaches toleration, respect for the worth of each and every individual and the symbolism of the Level, that we as Freemasons are all on the same level. These are mighty fine attributes for an organization that could if it worked at it bring the peace and harmony of the Lodge room into civil society.

Unfortunately there are a number of Freemasons in the United States who believe that these lofty ideals only apply to White people, and others, including these racists,  that believe Freemasonry should only be open to Christians. This is the American corruption of Freemasonry not found in other parts of the world.

For fifteen years I have been speaking out strongly against racism and exclusiveness in American Mainstream Freemasonry. Many of my fellow Brethren have told me that they don’t see any of the problems in Freemasonry that I see. If you are a Northern Freemason and have never traveled outside your jurisdiction than perhaps you are correct.

Others who see the problem tell me to cool my jets.  That’s the older generation ways, they tell me. Just be patient, bide your time and all the bigots in Freemasonry will soon die off. They told me that fifteen years ago and I am still waiting, waiting for the day when Blacks and Whites have equal access to this great fraternal institution – not separate but equal which went out of vogue with Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 – but a oneness without distinction.

My contention all along is that this problem will not just disappear on its own, it must be forced out of Freemasonry much as the federal government had to send federal troops to Little Rock and force Governor Faubus to open public schools to all races. For that I am labeled as some sort of rebel rouser, stirring up a hornets’ nest instead of just patiently waiting for the problem to disappear of its own accord.

But that won’t happen I said. And it hasn’t. Rednecks raise redneck children, KKK people raise little KKK people and racists and bigots raise racist and bigoted children.

Take a look at this video, a long hard look. Play it twice if needed. Notice the age of the perpetrators. These are not old timers soon to die off with their prejudices. These are some of the people in certain areas of American Freemasonry. Some are among our newest candidates.


Consider the Mainstream Grand Lodges of West Virginia and Arkansas. In West Virginia a junior Past Master is expelled without notice or a trial.  One of his most prominent charges is meeting in a neutral zone with Prince Hall Masons to discuss the possibilities of recognition. If you can’t even talk to Prince Hall Masons how do you propose to negotiate with them? The point is you don’t.

In Arkansas the Grand Master declared a generic Masonic license plate produced by Prince Hall to be clandestine. That’s right the license plate was clandestine and the punishment for purchase by any Mainstream Mason was expulsion. The Grand Master had “Masonic officials” stake out the parking lots of stated meetings to find any Mason who had a clandestine plate affixed to his vehicle. Then when Masons across the state started communicating with each other, perhaps to initiate reforms, the Grand Master issued an edict that all Freemasons in the jurisdiction could no longer discuss Freemasonry electronically. The penalty for Masonic E-mail was instant expulsion.

What is retarding Masonic growth is the negative publicity all jurisdictions are experiencing because of the actions of a prejudiced minority. Yet Mainstream Masonry refuses to either police itself or even try to diplomatically whisper words of wisdom into the ears of these all but rogue Grand Lodge officials. West Virginia has pulled recognition of Ohio for allowing PGM Haas to join its ranks. But those Grand Lodges on the Mainstream side who are correctly practicing the virtues of Freemasonry refuse to pull recognition from Grand Lodges like Arkansas and West Virginia who are sullying the name of Freemasonry.

We are now eleven, years into the new millennium. How much longer do we have to wait before Institutionalized prejudice is removed from Mainstream Freemasonry?

Let’s Have An Online Discussion

Harmon Weston over at the (now defunct) Blue Lite forum posted the following:

 Modern Freemasonry was born in an environment where the laws of Church and State overlapped significantly (and still do if you scratch them with a soft cloth). A group of free-thinkers got together in a pub and closed the door, not because they were conspiring to take over the world but because they wanted to discuss things the “authorities” would prefer they didn’t and might well have prosecuted, persecuted or burned them at the stake if they were discovered. Ignorant, scared and (philosophically) illiterate people have always been the darlings of governments because they are easy to control, and over the centuries, many of our Brethren have been labelled “troublemakers” simply because they were publicly prepared to ask valid questions the “authorities” were not prepared or able to answer.”

blue light

Granted Masons are not supposed to be openly political when gathered as Brothers, but isn’t Liberty one of the defining requirements of Freemasonry?

Is not freedom of the individual a part of Masonic thought that permeates the Craft

Freemasonry was born out of the Enlightenment where church and state despotism was discarded by Masons for the New Age of freedom. Should Freemasons then not uphold the right of every individual in the world be a master of their own destiny? Are free-thinkers required to keep their mouths shut if they are Freemasons? Are Freemasons largely responsible for the rise of democratic government in the world?  If so why must they avoid talking about politics (as distinguished from partisan politics)?

Doesn’t the quote help explain the secrecy in Freemasonry?


The Transformative Power of Masonry

blue lightWhere were you first made a Mason?

In your heart

And in your heart shall Masonry always be.

Brother Harmon Weston recently posted this on the Blue Lite Forum.

In The Farmers Almanac for 1823 published at Andover, Mass., the following was printed under the heading, Definition of a Freemason:

The real Freemason is distinguished from the rest of Mankind by the uniform unrestrained rectitude of his conduct. Other men are honest in fear of punishment which the law might inflect they are religious in expectation of being rewarded, or in dread of the devil, in the next world. A Freemason would be just if there were no laws, human or divine except those written in his heart by the finger of his Creator. In every climate, under every system of religion, he is the same. He kneels before the Universal Throne of God in gratitude for the blessings he has received and humble solicitation for his future protection. He venerates the good men of all religions. He disturbs not the religion of others. He restrains his passions, because they cannot be indulged without injuring his neighbor or himself. He gives no offense, because he does not choose to be offended. He contracts no debts which he is certain he cannot discharge. because he is honest upon principal.

The sentiments expressed go a long way in explaining what makes Masonry so special. Masonry has much to offer, its camaraderie, its helping others in need expecting nothing in return, its pursuit of the truth and knowledge in a moral-ethical setting. But these are only the manifestations of what underscores the entire underpinnings of the Craft. And that is the transformative power of Masonry to influence the heart. Once you pass through that door of your own free will and accord you are born again into a new way of life, a life whereby your thoughts and actions are always on the square. Your mind is no longer in control of you. Your heart, your spirit, your essence is the source from which all instructions will govern the overall systems of your body. Once you give yourself over to the transformative power that Masonry has to offer, you live a life that plays itself out in paths and choices guided by the spirit within you that has been reprogrammed.

No other organization, society or group can offer that if you chose to accept it. That means that you cannot be a superficial Mason but must study and assimilate those teachings that have been passed down from one generation to the next from time immemorial. Once you have allowed Masonry to influence your spirit you will be a new, reborn person. Instead of rules to alter your behavior Masonry offers a state of being whereby rules, codes and creeds are not needed. As a Mason you instinctively know how to govern yourself and you govern yourself accordingly.

The only other transformative group that can match Masonry is your House of Worship. Sometimes, however, the message is so fraught with regulations and so wrought with promises to come that the earthy message gets lost in the shuffle. But not with Masonry. In reality it is the hand of the GAOTU that spreads Light. It is His interpretation not ours which shapes things to come. The GAOTU works through Masonry also which is why a belief in Deity is essential to the practice of the Craft. Furthermore, you don’t change hearts and spiritual essences without a belief in such.

In 2005 I wrote and delivered a rather lengthy paper titled “World Peace Through Brotherhood.” In it I proposed that if we made a majority of the population Masons, then there would be no more war. Peace and harmony would prevail around the globe. As a student of history I have already read about what Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism, to name a few, have done with their chance to insure world peace. But I have not yet seen what Masonry can do. It is my firm belief that if we are truly all one, than if we all really become one that which divides us will have disappeared.

Is that not how our Masonic Lodges operate? All political, religious, cultural, racial and philosophical differences are left outside the door to the Lodge room. Every Masonic Lodge is an oasis of peace. All of us meet on the level and part on the square. So let us entice the rest of mankind to do the same.

Knights Templar Turn To Be Degraded

Templarsign7Why should Freemasonry take all the hits? Let’s demean someone else, what say you? Time the Knights Templar got besmirched

Would you believe that a Mexican Drug cartel is the new champion of truth, justice and the Mexican way?  That’s right! They are the new Knights Templars dedicated to enforcing a new ethical code. Wonders never cease.

In a story tearing up the Internet and originally reported by the Associated Press are the details here.

MORELIA, Mexico –  Patterned after the most famous of the medieval Western Christian military orders, a drug cartel in Mexico, calling itself the Knights Templar, is publicly appealing to Mexicans living in Michoacán.

Claiming to be fighting a war against poverty, tyranny and injustice, the crime gang is distributing books outlining its “mission” and “code of conduct.”

Federal police said they seized copies of the cartel’s “code of conduct” booklet during an arrest of cartel members in the western state of Michoacán last week, but refused to release its contents Tuesday, saying they didn’t want fan the flames of the quasi-religious movement.

But a copy of the 22-page “The Code of the Knights Templar of Michoacán,” illustrated with knights on horseback bearing lances and crosses, was obtained by The Associated Press this week. It says the group “will begin a challenging ideological battle to defend the values of a society based on ethics.”

There is no indication that Freemasons are involved or are being used or hijacked in this situation. But one might conjecture how soon it will be before someone makes the connection. And might we ask where is the church – the Catholic Church in all this? Has it taken one too many KT hits to open its mouth?

More On Mass Murderer Breivik, A Freemason

norwayNorwegian Anders Bering Breivik has been arrested for the mass murder of 92 people in two separate incidents.

The first incident was a bomb that exploded in Oslo’s central government district. Reportedly aimed at Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoitenberg, the blast killed seven people. It is alleged that hours after the first attack Breivik, dressed as a police officer, entered a youth camp on Utoya Island firing an automatic weapon. When the smoke cleared 85 more were dead.

Breivik was not only a Freemason but also a Nazi and a very Conservative Christian.  He posted this John Stuart Mill quote on his Twitter account.

“One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests.”

Breivik was said to be a member of “The Seedish Nazi Forum” and “Nordisk” a political terrorist group.

His Christianity that moved far to the right led him to say this:

“Today’s Protestant Church is a joke. Priests in jeans who march for Palestine and churches that look like minimalist shopping centers. I am a supporter of an indirect collective conversion of he Protestant Church back to the Catholic.”

Obviously a brain washed, ideological zealot who is sick. This terrible tragedy comes on the heals of the UK Masonic scandal of Jonathan Rees, an informant for Murdoch’s News of the World.” It looks as if Freemasonry is in for a hard time in the UK.

All of us who are part of Freemason Information ~ Masonic Traveler are shocked that anyone would so distort Freemasonry’s message for such nefarious purposes and our hearts and prayers go out to all the families who have lost loved ones. This is not Freemasonry and we will not condone the hijacking of our Fraternity for evil.

First Ever Joint Conference Of The Phylaxis & Philalethes Societies

San Francisco flagThe first ever joint session of the Phylaxis and Philalethes Societies will  be held in San Francisco at the Scottish Rite Center on August 27 next month.  This brings together Mainstream and Prince Hall Masonic Research Bodies together for a historic confeence.

Among the speakers will be noted authors Alton Roundtree and Tom Worrel.  For a complete run down on this momentus occasion see:


The Beehive can’t help but wonder what will be going through the minds of Mainstream jurisdictions who have not recognized Prince Hall, especially West Virginia and Arkansas. Will these jurisdictions boycott the conference and are we going to see some more pulling of recognition?

UK Freemason Alleged To Have Weaved A Network Of Corruption For Murdoch’s Tabloid

news of the worldThose who have followed the Murdoch UK phone hacking scandal at the newspaper tabloid “News of the World” owned by Murdoch’s corporation News International, might also be interested in some further developments involving a British Freemason.

Guardian reporter Nick Davies reports that Freemason Jonathan Rees set up a network of informers and that he performed many “Watergate” like illegal actions to sell private and privileged information to “News of the World” among others.  In an article titled “Freemason Used Dark Arts To Set Up Spy Ring Of Corrupt Cops On Behalf Of Rupert Murdoch’s News International” Davies charges that Freemason Rees recruited  a detective sergeant, Sid Fillery, from the Metropolitan Police force who became his partner. Along the way were added Customs Officers, a Vat inspector and bank employees all who cooperated with Rees and Fillery to obtain information illegally and to blackmail many into handing over even more sensitive information.

“It is this network of corruption which lies at the heart of yesterday’s claim in the House of Commons by Labour MP Tom Watson that Rees was targeting politicians, members of the royal family and even terrorist informers on behalf of Rupert Murdoch’s News International. The Guardian’s own inquiries suggest that Watson knows what he is talking about.”

“Much of what the police sources were able to sell to Rees was directly related to crime. But Rees also bought and sold confidential data on anybody who was of interest to his Fleet Street clients, to which the police often had special access. The Guardian has confirmed that Rees reinforced his official contacts with two specialist ‘blaggers’ who would telephone the Inland Revenue, the DVLA, banks and phone companies and trick them into handing over private data.”

Here are some of the charges that Rees is alleged to have perpretated

  • Hacking into former British intelligence officer Ian Hurst’s computer
  • Targeting two Metropolitan Police commissioners
  • Targeting the Bank of England and obtaining private financial information on prominent politicians
  • Bugging other reporter’s telephones
  • Committing burglaries to steal confidential material

Rees is said to have obtained “dirt” on several prominent politicians and even members of the Royal family. He was charged with the axe murder of his former partner Daniel Morgan and was recently acquitted.

Such a widespread scandal by a Freemason will certainly fan the fires of anti Masonry in the UK and bolster the demands that all government employees and candidates for public office be required to publicly announce their Masonic affiliation. Stay tuned as this scandal is far from done and I am sure we will hear more developments.