Things We Never Throw Away

BRYCE ON LIFE – Not the important stuff, the inconsequential items. (Click for AUDIO VERSION) To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. It’s interesting the types of objects we collect and never seem to throw away. I’m not talking about sentimental things like photographs, just the general brik […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.


BRYCE ON LIFE– That’s it; enough is enough; leave me alone! Recently I came upon the following headline, “Drinking Too Much Coffee Is Now A Mental Disorder” and I was taken aback by the column. I don’t know which was worse; the column itself or that a publication would give it Internet ink. After reading […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

Wearing Ties

BRYCE ON MANAGEMENT–  What does a tie represent in the workplace? The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article on the decline of men wearing dress ties to work. They quoted a Gallup Poll that said the number of men who wear ties every day to work last year dropped to a record low of 6%. […]

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A Day at the Beach

BRYCE ON LIFE – You go for relaxation, but are taken aback by what you see. I took some time off during the Memorial Day weekend and escaped to the beach. I guess I’m like just about anyone in that I rarely take advantage of the scenery in your own backyard. It’s been a while since […]

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American Vacations

Do we ever truly escape our work environment? BRYCE ON LIFE I think Americans have a problem taking vacations. Although most of us feel lucky to take a week off or a few days here and there, it’s rare for Americans to take vacations like our European or Australian counterparts who may take as much […]

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Freemason Tim Bryce.

Office Gossip

Does your business promote or squelch idle gossip?BRYCE ON MANAGEMENT I have a problem with gossip in the office but I think we are all guilty of some infraction of it at some time or another. Petty gossip is one thing, viscous slander is something else altogether. Not surprising, there is a lot of misinformation […]

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BRYCE ON MANAGEMENT – Who is defending the status quo in your business? Are they right? (Click for AUDIO VERSION) To use this segment in a Radio broadcast or Podcast, send TIM a request. I have been fortunate to have visited a lot of companies in my lifetime as a consultant. I have also participated […]

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How Did our Moral Values Change?

Was there an epoch event that caused us to change? Actually, Yes, I believe so. BRYCE ON MORALITY Following the publication of my book, “Stand Up for MORALITY,” I was asked by a reader why there is a disparity between the moral values of yesteryear and today. Was there an event that caused it? I […]

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