A. E. Waite
by A.E. Waite
And an analysis of the Inter-relation Between the Craft and the High Grades IN RESPECT OF THEIR TERM OF RESEARCH, EXPRESSED BY THE WAY OF SYMBOLISM BY ARTHUR EDWARD WAITE
Originally published by LONDON REBMAN LIMITED 129 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, W.C. 1911
Of Alchemy in Masonry
The Masonic aspects of Alchemy Further concerning the gifts of spiritual building The question of Hermetic interference That such interference must have been tinctured with Kabalism That it was not of practical Alchemy State of the question in the mind of Masonic writers Slightness of their acquaintance with Hermetic literature The initiation of Ashmole Meaning of the term Hermetic in the seventeenth century High Grades developed in the alchemical sense The French Rite of Philalethes Its origin and growth Nature of its interests The Grade content Masonic and philosophical aims Conventions held at Paris Dissolution of the Rite Disappointments in Hermetic Masonry The term in mystical Alchemy and in Kabalism Alchemy and the Secret Tradition.
History of Alchemy in Europe The Byzantine alchemists Some questions for future research Rise of Latin Alchemy Of Alchemy in living languages The Roman de la Rose The Flamel Legend Stages inThe Secret Tradition in Freemasonry the growth of the Literature The two schools in Alchemy The early records in both Jean de Rupecissa and Thomas Vaughan Alchemical terminology in the writings of Jacob Bohme Bohme and Saint Martin The mystic side of Alchemy almost unknown in France A few French adepts Jean d’Espagnet The Rosicrucian Fraternity Cagliostro and St. Germain Coincidence and comparison of their history Baron Tschoudy and Pernety Phases of interpretation in the mind of filiphas Levi.
Of mystic Alchemy in the High Grades of Masonry Published writings of Pernety His definition of the Great Work The terms Soul and Spirit according to his meanings The Academie des Illumines d’Avignon Confused position of the Rite on the historical side Its admixture of Swedenborgian theories The Academie des Vrais Masons Titles of some of its Degrees Les Illumines du Zodiaque Pernety as a disciple of Swedenborg Swedenborgian sources of knowledge The Staroste Grabbianka A Mago – Kabalistical Society at Avignon Its dealings in coming events by means of an oracle- Its dissolution for a period Its reintegration at the same place Its Masonic aspect Visit of two Englishmen The harmony of conflicting Masonic dates Summary concerning the Brotherhood Its Eucharistic Ceremony Its prophecies Its moral teachings Pernety’s translation of Swedenborg.
Publication of L’Etoile Flamboyants Theory concerning the origin of Masonry Its connection with chivalry^ Hermetic side of the treatise The Knights of the Morning and Palestine Their perpetuation from the past The dream of another Temple in Jerusalem The first Crusade Johannite Christians and Essenes Sons of the Valley The imputed Masonic connection Intercourse between the secret chivalry and Crusaders Rise of the Masonic institution Relation of this hypothesis to that of Ramsay Alchemical researches of the Brotherhood Value of the hypothesis The hermit Morienus The Hermetic Tract referred to him Hermetic Catechism of Baron Tschoudy The physical work therein The sense of its Hermetic terminology Nature of the work delineated The hypothesis on which it rests Analogies in Freemasonry The art of development The art of emblematic building Term of research in Alchemy Term of research in Masonry Limits of the analogy Masonry as the spiritual side of the magnum opus Intimations of the Hermetic Catechism Something reserved by the writer The closing formula Baron Tschoudy on Masonic High Grades His hand in certain Rituals The Grade of Sublime and Unknown Philosopher The Statutes of the Unknown Philosophers Their secret and the mode of its communication How Postulants are said to have been received A scheme in embryo The title of Unknown Philosopher Testimony of Ragon concerning an Order of the Unknown Judge- Philosophers The legend of Dionysian Architects – Their alleged connection with Freemasons The passing of Baron Tschoudy.
The common tolerance of the High Grades Their system of incorporation Their borrowings and tendings Of things set aside Feeling concerning Grades of the Old Alliance and Grades of Chivalry Later and encyclopedic Rites Their derivations and inventions Of occult science in the Orders of Mizraim and Memphis The Grades of Chaos The Grade of Knight of the Sun Sovereign Commander of the Stars Curious alchemical symbolism Confusions therein Experience of the Candidate Grades of Hermetic Mineralogy The True Mason Adept Reflections from alchemical literature Vanity of this Grade The Perfect Alchemical Master Conclusion on the Hermetic Masonry of Mizraim.
The order on its historical side Varied classification of its Degrees Reduction into an Antient and Primitive Rite Hermetic Element in the Order The Senate of Hermetic Philosophers. The Grade of Knight Hermetic Philosopher Heads of the instruction on mysteries of nature and science Presumable grand principles. Follies of the Rite in Summary Gleanings from the Hermetic Catechism Its views on spiritual Alchemy Conclusion on the Rite at large. VII. LES ARCHIVES MITHO-HERME’TIQUES Of certain forgotten debts to the enemies of Masonry Professor Robison on a work of Saint-Martin The Loge de Bienfaisance Statements in respect of the work here under notice Its extreme rarity A quest after it Inference concerning its Masonic connections Its thesis on the Universal Medicine Study of the divine Pymander Spiritual history of Man Man and the Quintessence Symbolism of this subject Whether the Universal Medicine should be understood mystically or materially Doubts as to the intention of the writer Further analysis of the text Generation and destiny of the Spirit The Triad above and below Purpose of this notice.
Can you please let me know how much this book is or how I would access a copy
Thanks for your time
Jack David Cowin