Is it the Illuminati? What about Skull and Bones? I’ve heard about those Bilderbergs, and what’s up with the owl on the dollar bill? Its that Bohemian Grove isn’t it? Its those Freemasons isn’t it?
This Sunday, we are going to get to the bottom of all those conspiracy theories, as only the Freemason’s know how, buy diving in feet first and taking them on one buy one.
Join us this Sunday, May 17th, for “THE TRUTH” on conspiracy theories with past guest and “mysterious shadow master” Brother Chris Hodapp, author of Freemasons For Dummies, and Conspiracy Theories & Secret Societies For Dummies
, and the “Masonic tin foil cap wearing Grand Hierophant of Denver Airport” Tom Acousti.
With the Illuminati back in the news with the release of Angels and Demons, we wanted to get to the bottom of all of these pervasive conspiracy theories that seem to keep popping up, and what better way to do it than on a Masonic Interweb show!
Were not just going to take Geronimo’s skull out of the closet, we really want to get to the bottom of why these ideas exist, who their greatest proponents are, and if in the information age they can stand the test of common sense.
The Freemasons, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Trilateral Commission, The Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove…
Well, we all know that the Freemasons are behind it, right?
Are there really any conspiracies out there that are seriously bent on control of the world?
Missed the live show? Listen here:
I’d rather talk about why co masonry doesn’t exist and why if your not a member of a regular lodge your not a mason… but for now the conspiracy topic will have to do. Actually it’s a great topic can’t wait to listen to the show, especially because conspiracy theories really do have a huge impact on the craft both in a positive and negative light!
Tom and Chris are both operating in their own orbits, not always tethered to this planet.
Look forward to listening to the recording on Monday night as usual! (too late for me to listen live in the UK with a day job lol)
Watched the latest from Brown yesterday, Angels and Demons out of curiosity, pretty lame and not worth the time if you ask me, even from the “just a movie” standpoint.
So, we never answered the question: Is there something inherent in our culture that makes us prone to believing in these stories about “unseen masters” and “high ranking Masons” who are really pulling the strings for all that is happening?
Really bumed that I missed the show. Just started listening to it now. Next time I will make sure I catch it.
Here’s my guess Tom. Religion in general.
Humans have believed in gods personified for a long time, who were seldom, if ever, seen. If they were seen, they were typically royalty who deified themselves.
The gods were approached only by the priests and the higher the rank of the priest, the greater access they supposedly had to the god. Maybe this is just so ingrained in us somehow that we can’t just accept that we are ultimately responsible for our own lives. I say that as one who believes in a higher power too.
Nikola Tesla, in 1899, was talking to Himself with his magnifying transmitter (FTL) Faster-Than-Light. He had at this point sent and received a signal of intelligence in patterns, what he called ‘counting codes’ back to from a Nikola Tesla in the future “not to be for us” because the message itself spawned His and our future universe, with respect to the timeline we received it in and in essence He created our “world” and “us” in His image, with a phone call to His past. He stated He believed the communication this, “message from another world” was “extra terrestrial” and in fact it was, and that He was the first to receive a message from another civilization is in fact true until He did send Revelation way way back to you. -Biblical Prophet
The Red Cross proceeded to ask him what will mankind’s greatest achievement be in the 21st Century. Can you guess what he said? Read the transcript below:
To the American Red Cross, New York City.
The retrospect is glorious, the prospect inspiring: Much might be said of both. But one idea dominates my mind. This – my best, my dearest – is for your noble cause. I have observed electrical actions, which have appeared inexplicable. Faint and uncertain though they were, they have given me a deep conviction and foreknowledge that are (ere) [are] long all human beings on this globe, as one, will turn their eyes to the firmament above, with feelings of love and reverence, thrilled by the glad news: “Brethren! We have a message from another world, unknown and remote. It reads: one… two… three…”
Christmas 1900
Nikola Tesla