The Beehive recognizes that not everybody will agree with the opinions expressed here. In fact as many won’t as will. Yet in the spirit of fair and balanced journalism Freemason Information is not hesitant to publish counter opinions that take issue with what has been published. We here remain committed to publish any and all […]
Continue readingTag Archives: Freemasonry
How Freemasonry Is Missing The Boat
Brother Wayne Anderson from Canada – [email protected] – publishes a weekly newsletter, distributing it to his list via E-Mail every Sunday. He sends some articles from the “Old Masters” of Masonic scholarship along with some newer and present day material. If you would like to be on Anderson’s list and receive his weekly newsletter all […]
Continue readingLodge Renewal – Part 2
In Lodge Renewal – Part 1 we saw how Craft Lodge performance and membership deteriorated after 1960. We also took a brief look at the Grand Lodge response (when they woke up) of increased mandates, centralized control, relaxed standards, Institutional charity and One Day Classes which differed drastically from the response of individual Masons, that […]
Continue readingLawsuit Settlement Costs Prince Hall Virginia $300,000
The Richmond Free Press reports that the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Virginia has settled a lawsuit with the Virginia Prince Hall Shrine. The Shrine in the Prince Hall system has run afoul of Grand Lodges in recent years. The issues across Prince Hall nation revolve around not recognizing the Grand Master as having ultimate […]
Continue readingLodge Renewal – Part 1
The peak of 20th Century Mainstream Freemasonry membership is generally conceded by Masonic scholars to be 1946-1960. After that things went steadily downhill and we are not just talking about membership. It has been a long time hypothesis of mine that the Vietnam War was the principle culprit of the 60s and 70s decline of […]
Continue readingThe Coaches Coach – Building Builders
The Coaches Coach by Dr. John S. Nagy from WEOFM Br. John Nagy has been a friend of FmI for a while. You may remember his from his past appearances on the Masonic Central pod cast. He is the author of the Building… series of books, and his blog Building Builders. This video below comes […]
Continue readingAl-Qaeda Targeting of Freemasonry
A short time back, we published a 4 page document from the Canadian CSIS on the threat posed to Freemasonry by Islamic extremists. Shortly after posting the paper, I recieved an email from a source who has had close dealings with the CSIS and is involved in International and Terrorist Intelligence Programs. In his email, […]
Continue readingPatriot’s Day
Today is the time for my annual Patriot’s Day message, an obscure holiday celebrated only in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. But it is where I grew up – right smack dab in the middle of Revolutionary War history. Later I was to learn how important a role Freemasonry played in our fight for freedom from the […]
Continue readingNebraska Update
You might have read about the turmoil in Mainstream Nebraska Freemasonry here on Freemason Information. If not here is a brief refresher: Guilt by Moral Turpitude not until proven guilty Nebraska: A Predictable Masonic Mess Thorns and roses The Parsons/Watts struggle for power seems to have swung to the Parson’s side with the release of […]
Continue readingSomething To Die For
What Can Freemasonry Do For You? A friend stopped by to visit with me the other day. He is a non Mason and a man of deep faith. Eventually the topic got around to Freemasonry and he asked me why I needed another church as he knew I was quite active in mine. Now I […]
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