art, illustration, bible, square, compass

What Are The Holy Scriptures ~ How Do They Relate To Freemasonry

By Ezekiel M. Bey, FPS Administrator and Founder Blue-Lite Research Discussion Group Inc. First we must understand and define what the meaning of “Holy” means, and then what the word “Scripture” means.  According to Anthony Browder, who authored, “From The Browder File” the word “Holy” comes from the Greek word, “Helios” which means “Sun”.  In Latin […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

The Masonic New World Order Has Secret Headquarters At The Denver Airport

The masons are really going to take over the world!  Oh there is no doubt for you see there are Masonic symbols everywhere, many in the strange artwork that adorns the airport walls.  And underneath the airport there is a maze of underground corridors containing secret bunkers.  Here in this remote airport shielded from nuclear […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

Freemasonry is a Threat to Mormonism

The Backyard Professor takes on the assertion that the Mormon church is threatened by Freemasonry. He points out some very good points in the discussion.  It does lend itself to an assumption that Mormonism is true branch of Christianity.  I wonder how the same argument would be approached from a traditional Christian point of view.  […]

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Fred Milliken,Freemason Information,The Beehive

Answer To Puzzler #1 and the Presentation Of Puzzler #2

Here is the answer to the previous puzzler. The Seven Liberal Arts were divided into the Trivium (“the three roads”) and the Quadrivium (“the four roads”). The Trivium (Masonically alludes to the three Principal Moral Virtues)  and consists of: Grammar–Teaches a man the ability to speak and write truly Rhetoric— Teaches a man to speak fairly […]

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