symbols, symbolism, freemasonry

Symbols and Symbolism

By Carlos Antonio Martinez, Jr., J.D., PH.D., M.A., 33º ANCIENT MYSTERIES AND SYMBOLISM With respect to the term “Mysteries”, no semi-educated mind can doubt that Symbols (especially Masonic symbols) were the Universal Language of Ancient Theology. For the Tutors of the Ancient World – in likeness with Nature – imparted their teachings by way of sight. […]

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Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.

Chemical Wedding

The 2008 film Chemical Wedding is a fictional story about the resurrection of the 20th century occultist Aleister Crowley. Written by Bruce Dickinson–yes, THE Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden–and Julian Doyle, it is best described as a low budget horror flick. It fulfills every expectation that that description creates: the story line is kind of […]

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Maja D’Aoust from the Philosophical Research Society

Join us on Masonic Central this Sunday, February 8th, as we speak to Maja D’Aoust who is the Librarian of the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, California. Missed the Recording? Listen to the show now! Our program will cover a range of topics including Hermetics, Freemasonry, the occult , astrology, religious and scientific disciplines […]

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Jennifer Emick on Masonic Central

Listen as Masonic Central talks to the former alternative religion guide Jennifer Emick, originally recorded on August 24th, 2008 From Jennifer’s bio on Jennifer has promoted religious understanding for twenty years, writing for a number of websites and periodicals. During her seven years with About, Jennifer has made numerous radio, newspaper, and pod cast […]

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