conspiracy theory, antifreemasonry, hate

How rampant is anti-Masonry today?

A brother forwarded this to me. What you have below is a teaser video to a longer telecast that is appearing on various broadcasting outlets including Direct TV, where it appeared on the NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) network, channel 378. The video is by Dr. Ron Carlson, posted in June of 2008; essentially make the […]

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Ron Paul Freemason

Ron Paul, it seems, is not a Freemason. At least according to the note purported to be written by Paul’s hand, as published on the Ron Paul fan site It’s been variously said that because his father and mother had Masonic ties, that he was by consequence, a fellow traveler.  But, take it as […]

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History of Scandinavian Freemasonry

The evolution of Scandinavian Masonry by Dr. Andreas Önnerfors as published on the World Wide Exemplification of Freemasonry, better known as WEoFM. He is the former director of First Academic center of Freemasonry and Fraternalism at the University of Sheffield. In this lecture, Dr. Önnerfors explores the history of Scandinavian Freemasonry and the dissemination of […]

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Norway Monster Anders Behring Breivik

It’s been reported that Norwegian gunman and bomber Anders Behring Breivik was, amongst several affiliations, a freemason, this according to the British Mail-online. In addition to the claim, it is also said he was a nazi, and right-wing anti muslim. You can read the reporting in the Mail Online article: Norwegian massacre gunman was a […]

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square and compass, freemasonry, S&C, freemason information

Made a Mason at Sight

Two new brothers were added at sight in the last week, and Chris Hodapp at the Freemasons for Dummies blog gave them both a terrific introduction to the fold. Welcome to the newly made brothers Shaquille O’Neal and Brother Richard Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss, Hodapp reported, was made by M:.W:. Grand Master Jesse Villarreal of the Grand […]

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