BRYCE ON NEW “HOW TO” BOOK– It doesn’t require rocket science. According to Bryce, “This is my fifteenth book, the purpose of which is to act as a guide to effectively run a nonprofit organization, be it a charitable, fraternal, religious, amateur sports, civic, social, veteran, political, professional trade, or homeowner/condominium association.” According to Bryce, […]
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The Age Old Ritual of Chasing Masonic Aprons
The article discusses the term “Chasing Masonic Aprons,” derived from Freemasonry, to describe people pursuing titles and symbols of influence in nonprofit organizations for vanity rather than substantive contribution.
Continue readingDo Just One Thing
BRYCE ON NONPROFITSWhat can be done to rebuild declining nonprofit institutions? When I travel around town these days, I often run into old friends and neighbors who know my background regarding nonprofit organizations (I served on +50 board of directors over the years), and they like to unload their frustrations on me. For example: The […]
Continue readingA Fresh Perspective of Freemasonry from a Grand Master
Pursuant to my recent article titled, “Has Freemasonry Lost its Luster?“, I received several comments regarding the piece, including one from Brother Jacques Huyghebaert, PGM from the Grand Lodge of the Czech Republic. He liked my article and shared with me his outgoing Annual Report & Valedictory Address as Grand Master, a very illuminating read. […]
Continue readingHas Freemasonry Lost its Luster?
As a Freemason who has had more than one run-in with with Grand Masters, I have become a lightning rod for others who are no longer satisfied with the institution, both in and outside of my jurisdiction.
Continue readingThe Perils of Negativity
BRYCE ON MANAGEMENTLearn to avoid the whiners. Like many of you, I belong to several civic and industrial nonprofit organizations. I always find it amusing to see the elders of such organizations criticize the current slate of officers. Inevitably, you hear, “That’s not how we did things in my day.” They then go on to […]
Continue readingThe Benefits of Networking
BRYCE ON SOCIALIZATION Instead of watching TV, attend a meeting. I’ve been bumping into a lot of younger people lately; young men in their early to mid-20’s who have been asking me for advice on a variety of issues as they begin their careers. Basically, I tell them to start a life insurance policy, write […]
Continue readingTim’s “Stand Up for MORALITY” Talk (Video)
Back in 2013, I wrote a book titled, “Stand Up for MORALITY” which discusses the virtues of morality, and how to promote it. This became the basis for a talk on the same subject which I presented on July 17, 2013 at the Dayton Masonic Center in Ohio. The speech was an abbreviated version of […]
Continue readingFailing to Act
It goes well beyond insanity. One of my favorite quotes from Albert Einstein is his definition of insanity: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I’m afraid we see this too often, be it in companies, government or the general public. In other words, there is a tendency for people to maintain […]
Continue readingWhat is Fair?
Is fairness in the eye of the beholder?BRYCE ON MORALITY Good question. This is something we all demand but I don’t think we really know what fair is; to illustrate: In this country we have established an extensive system of jurisprudence involving lawyers, judges, juries, appeals, etc. Yet, when a decision is finally reached, we claim […]
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