THIS IS AN UPDATE – due to scheduling issues, the date of the Symposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism has changed – it will take place on April 28, 2012. The call for papers has been extended to January 2, 2012. CALL FOR PAPERS – Symposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism. National Heritage Museum, Lexington, […]
Continue readingAuthor Archive: Greg Stewart
TheCall Prayer Warriors to pray away Masonic demons on 11/11/11
I picked this up through one of the channels that buzz on the internet about Freemasonry. It seems a radicalized line of Evangelical Christianity is putting thought to action in a November 11th, 2011 call to action to liberate Michigan, the United States, and the rest of the world, from the demons of Baal. More […]
Continue readingParanormal Activity 3 and the Masonic Nexus
It’s Halloween, time for spooky movies, and the new film Paranormal Activity 3 does a terrific job in delivering the spooktacular. If you haven’t followed the series, Paranormal Activity 3 is actually the first story installment of the trilogy giving us the foundation of its Paranormal predecessors. I won’t give away the plot (big house, […]
Continue readingSymposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism – CFP
CALL FOR PAPERS – Symposium on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism, deadline December 15, 2011. National Heritage Museum, Lexington, Massachusetts Perspectives on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism Saturday, April 7, 2012 The National Heritage Museum announces a call for papers for its biannual symposium, “Perspectives on American Freemasonry and Fraternalism,” to be held on Saturday, April 7, […]
Continue readingMasonic Holidays
Collected here are notable dates to those in the history of Freemasonry and founding dates of particular aspects of the craft. If you know of a particular date that’s not on the list, drop it in the comments, and it will be added to the roll. Unlike national holidays or religious observance holidays, these may […]
Continue readingPossessed by the Devil of Commercial Avarice
I take great wisdom from Albert Pike. When taken in portion, his writings in Morals and Dogma strike me almost a prophecy along the lines of Nostradamus or the Oracles of Delphi. It was in a deep reading of his work on the third degree that I found the passages below. In navigating his writing […]
Continue readingBy Wisdom a House is Built – The Path of Tav
The following is the introduction to the Fellow of the Craft, a book on the second degree of Scottish Rite Masonry. Where and when the final work will see publication is still to be determined. In the mean time, I thought it would be good to share and discuss. In totality, the Rite degree differs […]
Continue readingServices and remembrance for Br. Nelson King
This was posted in the Canadian Mason Yahoo Group Nelson King June 13, 1945 – August 17, 2011 Born June 13, 1945 in Montreal, received his primary education in Perth Ontario, and graduated from Banting Institute, University of Toronto, 1967. Married to Ellen, and has two children, Christopher, and Victoria and two granddaughters. Nelson was […]
Continue readingA Lodge is Like a Church
The headline is just a grabber, but after seeing first hand how a church operates, it became very clear that the way a Masonic lodge is designed to operate is exactly how contemporary churches are operated – very likely the former emulating the latter. Now this may not come as a surprise to those reading […]
Continue readingCoolest set of working tools ever
Caught this off of BoingBoing yesterday. This is simply the coolest set of “Working Tools” ever. The device comes from designer Jac Zagoory, who says on his website that he’s been “churning out Desk Art and Writing instruments since 1995.” Something tells me that at some point in that career he passed through the West […]
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