First Degree Masonic Tracing Board
First Degree Masonic Tracing Board

This work is a modern representation of the First Degree Tracing Boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Apprentice Masons.

Second Degree Masonic Tracing Board
Second Degree Masonic Tracing Board

This artwork is a modern representation of the Second Degree Masonic Tracing Boards of old. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all Fellow-Craft Masons.

Third Degree Masonic Tracing Board
Third Degree Masonic Tracing Board

This work is a modern representation of the Third Degree Tracing Boards of Masonic antiquity. It is filled with metaphor and symbolism, fluent to all master masons.

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The future of Freemasonry rests in the knowledge passed from one generation to the next. Freemason Information seeks to convey the meaning, history and symbolism of the venerable institution.